Paired Valentines? IE, one from X to Y, one from Y to X?




Just wondering if anyone else bumped into this yet. It was .. unexpected.

One from Mynx to Arbiter Sands, and one from Sands to Mynx rofl.

First, get one from -Mynx-. You know. The vindicator?

I don't know why I'm even writing you. Maybe something about the holiday convinced me to give this thing between us another shot. Either way, I can't help but feel like we are doing something incredibly dumb here. What if someone in Arachnos or the Vindicators finds out?

I'll be at Pocket D tonight and would like it if you at least stopped by for a drink so we can talk.

If you want to get together, I'm willing to keep us a secret for a little while longer, at least until I've figured out how to tell Megan. If not, well, we both know which side we're on.

Can deliver it to Sands, and be all YAY THE POWER OF LOVE (it actually implies Im gonna use it to blackmail Sands, which ... doesn't sound very heroic, but hey.)

But that's not all!

Dearest Katherine,
I hope this letter does not reach you too late, and that there is still time for me to explain myself, or rather, to explain the void of my being in your life as of late.

What we had, at least for me, was wonderful, and there is nothing more in this world that I would like than to be with you again. However, as we discussed, things are complicated between us, and the world seems out of my control. My loyalties cannot come into question or it will surely spell my doom, yet here I am, throwing caution to the wind by sending a message to you at all. Please understand that my silence does not mean that I do not wish to speak with you, but rather, it is necessary to ensure I have a chance in the future to see you once more.

Were the spiders on the walls to see or hear of what I feel for you, death would follow swiftly. For both of our sakes, I ask that you wait for me to contact you when it is safe. Do not seek me out for it will endanger us both.
This one you can deliver to Mynx, or you can deliver to Ms Liberty to rat out Mynx.

Ya know. That's no big deal and should have no consequences at all.

Also, this is how I did it. First, I got the Mynx tip, even though it's pretty clearly should be rogue/villain only cause I cant go to grandville if Im a hero. And as a hero, Sands dialogue makes little sense. BUT ANYWAY


I assume you intend to try and blackmail me with this? Good luck with that. Firstly, to do so would be an 'attack' on an Arbiter, which, as you well know, would be an attack upon Lord Recluse himself. But that is besides the point. The point is, what for Katherine was perhaps one of the most memorable nights of her life, filled with danger, mystery, and romance, was just a Tuesday night for Arbiter Sands. My relations with Ms. Stevens and subsequent rejection is more damaging to her than any physical combat she has ever been in and is all part of my plan to weaken the Vindicators.

Now then, repeat after me: Hail Arachnos, Hail Lord Recluse, blah, blah, etc, etc. I'm glad we had this talk.
So, on the opposite one, I decided to rat out Mynx, because, well, national security threat and all.

(Also, sent me to Fort Trident. luckily, I am a hero!)

Ok... Megan, you can handle this... this isn't that bad. Katherine is just, experimenting, going for the bad boy. We've all been there before... right?

Sovereign-Fist, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll have to talk to Mynx about this. I hope it's just a hoax, but if it isn't... well, I just hope I still have a friend after this...

Seriously though? Arbiter Sands? When could that have even happened?!



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Just wondering if anyone else bumped into this yet. It was .. unexpected.

One from Mynx to Arbiter Sands, and one from Sands to Mynx rofl.
I got the Mynx to Sands one, but misdirected it to Television. Television did a network news style report on the affair, including the fact that Arbiter Sands has mysteriously vanished.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



The way this pairing is played straight makes me think that it could be part of some future content, rather than just there for humor or for reconfirming already established relationships like Numitron or Faultette.

@Golden Girl

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