A funny thing happened...




A funny thing happened in the sewers last night. I'm leveling a new Blaster, and I always do 1-22 in sewage. So, was on the 13th run of the night or so. The leader asked if anyone wanted the badge for Cadaver Counter. No replies. Then peeps said no. We get to the boss battle and I unload. Being squishy it is just easier for me if the cadavers go away, and with 2 decent AoEs I can make them go away. Ach, someone had posted they wanted the badge. I missed it. Felt bad.

So, next run I promised to get that badge for the team, and specifically that person. We load in. i take a little time at the front to explain my tactic. Oh, it was late, small team of 6.

"At the cadaver boss I will be pulling. Please stay at the top of the hill at the last mob. I will pull the boss up the hill. The AV is much faster than the cadavers." Peeps made fun that I had posted to early, scred it up. But it seemed like the team got the concept. We proceed on. Right before that last mob I again post my strategy. We start o the last mob, at about half way thru I zip on down. Now it took like a minute to kill the 11th. I just figured runner. The AV spawned. I shot it, ran. I turned at tunnel mouth and shot again, and the thing was coming fast. I zip up the hill. The team is all right at the lip, and I am thinking, "too close", and run past them. I get all the way to the tunnel mouth other end (I like my range!) and turn. The AV is coming right for me. The team hasn't moved. Not a single attack. I take a shot. The person that wants the badge starts attacking, and yelling for the team to attack. I don't know if the whole team was AFK, or just oblivious. They started attacking pretty fast then. They posted after that they didnt notice the AV run past them.

So,I cannot stop laughing. I do this whole grand tactic and an AV runs right past my team without them noticing. Priceless.



I am simply amazed that your whole team would listen and cooperate



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
So, was on the 13th run of the night or so.
I have to be up front here: I nearly stopped reading right there. 13TH?! How anyone can run any piece of content 13 times in a row is beyond my comprehension. Then again, in a manner befitting Voltaire, I may not agree with how you play the game, but I firmly believe that you have the right to play any way you wish.

As for your teammates... yikes. Quite literally "get your heads in the game."

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I have to be up front here: I nearly stopped reading right there. 13TH?! How anyone can run any piece of content 13 times in a row is beyond my comprehension.
Yeah, that's a bit much. I think running the Kahn TF 8 times in a row in the most I ever did.... 30 runs in one week working on the assisting badges.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I am simply amazed that your whole team would listen and cooperate

Maybe blue centurion is a natural born leader? o.O



Heh, I stopped leading teams about a year in to the game. Before that I led everything, everytime I could. But I had a character concept that sorta called for it. And now I will not lol.

But 13 times is too much? lol. DFB is a cakewalk. Now, you should see me grind the BAF and Lambda some weks/weekends. Even I will say that is excessive. I know the Lambda acid route so well I have specific points noted to eat insp and hit Judgement for most efficiency.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I have to be up front here: I nearly stopped reading right there. 13TH?! How anyone can run any piece of content 13 times in a row is beyond my comprehension. Then again, in a manner befitting Voltaire, I may not agree with how you play the game, but I firmly believe that you have the right to play any way you wish.
I'd guess that you're not a badger. ^_^

One badger in the global channel I'm in ran the Eden Trial 7 times in one night, and at least two times every night, while it was the WST back in January. All for the 50-WST badge.

Another badger in the same channel spent I don't know how many hours last week (possibly 24 or more) standing around in RWZ healing people with his incarnate heal. All for the heal badge.

I know when I was in my badge phase I ran tip missions and safeguard missions in PI for nearly a week, so that I could get all of the safeguard badges. I also did all of those Ouroboros badges -- ugh.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid