Pocket D Valentine Pack This Week




Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Seriously. 'Being able to see what I'm buying before I buy it' is a pretty basic piece of functionality for an on-line store. The store interface is an piece of crap that should never have gone live, never mind still be in the state it's in months later.

the store interface could be improved a lot with showing what your purchase will include beyond the vague description, as well as showing things you have already purchased in a user-friendly manner.

dont get me started on the content and time frames of some of the recent bundles.



You know, usually I am a big "due diligence" guy, and I still think slaz could have just made a quick pop in on beta to check out the stuff, but the overall point that the store ui needs to provide an itemized list of what is in the sets before buying them is something i hope the devs notice.
Yeah i know whats in the packs, i live on the forums, I'm not the yardstick here it should be more user friendly. I have been giving the market a pass because it was new, but time is moving on, and improvements really should be coming for it.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Seriously. 'Being able to see what I'm buying before I buy it' is a pretty basic piece of functionality for an on-line store.
This is so true it's supertrue.

I was under the impression from the official roll-out of CoH: Freedom and the attendant market that we would be able to preview everything before we bought it. Turns out that's not true at all. I bought a couple things that I wouldn't have had I known what they were really like, and the end result of that is simple: I'm not interested in buying anything else.

I shouldn't have to go anywhere other than the game itself to see what's in the game.

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