Challenging vs. Frustrating




Where does "challenge" end and "frustration" begin?

Today I published my first AE story arc since 2009. Sadly, I had to delete the 2009 missions because changes in the underlying structure caused the missions to load random enemies rather than the original custom enemies I'd created for them.

Going through the process of putting the story arc together meant testing it with a number of different characters. The weakest character in my stable is a level 7 Storm/Ice Defender. The strongest is a level 50 Robotics/Traps Mastermind. In between are stalkers, corruptors, dominators, brutes, and scrappers. No tanks and no blasters. They're just not my thing.

During the creation process I had to reduce the difficulty of several enemies. I started with some "extreme" Lieutenants, for example, only to discover they were more difficult to take down than a "standard" Boss. Other than one "hard" Elite Boss, everyone is "standard". For some reason the "standard" Elite Boss was a complete pushover and I didn't want to make him into an Arch-Villian, so I bumped him up a notch.

I also originally had every mission set to "Defeat all enemies", but the maps I chose quickly made that untenable for any character without some hyped up travel powers and solid defense to fight off unexpected multiple pulls. Strangely, by deleting the "Defeat all enemies" from each mission the number of enemies on each map dramatically increased. Multiple pulls are now more common, but paradoxically, easier to manage.

The maps are all outdoor maps. I wanted to emphasize as much as possible a naturalistic, almost fairytale ambience and that's kind of hard to do in a sewer or an office building.

The downside, of course, is that many players absolutely hate outdoor maps. Also, the darn spawn engine doesn't seem to consistently follow the "Front", "Back", and "Middle" settings when placing an event on an outdoor map. Every time you run the mission, the key objectives are in different places. For me, that's fine. On an outdoor map finding the objective is half the challenge. The maps I consider frustrating are all indoor maps with multiple layers per floor, winding caverns that look and feel like intestines, or sewers that go on and on forever but never seem to spawn very many enemies so you wind up spending half your time trudging through green water staring at rusty walls.

But that got me to wondering. How exactly do other AE authors and players define "challenging" and "frustrating"? I've read several reviews, but there doesn't seem to be any consistency. What one person finds frustrating, another welcomes as a challenge. I haven't seen it lately, but back when AE first went online a big problem was reviewers blaming the author for spawn placements that they had absolutely no control over. Fortunately I haven't seen much of that lately, but I still worry about it sometimes, both as a player and as an author.

If anyone is interested, here is the story arc I published today:

Arc Name: Torn Asunder
Arc ID: 536752
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global: @BKM61
Difficulty Level: One Elite Boss and One Arch-Villain. If your character does not like to melee, you might want to bring a friend or lower your difficulty rating.

Estimated Time to Play: It should take about half an hour for most characters to play through all four missions. A bit less if you're an experienced player, a bit more if you're a newer player. Twice that long if you actually take the time to read the story. Defenders and Blasters are probably going to want to bring along a friend.

Synopsis: One day while out for a quiet walk in the woods you discover that an army from an alternate dimension has fled an invasion in their homeworld and landed on Earth. They'd really like to stay, there's only one caveat, their leader wants to be Queen of the Earth and she has a super-powered army to help her achieve it!

But the important point is the question I opened with:

Where does "challenge" end and "frustration" begin?

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AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

================================================== ===



Originally Posted by DustyFarrell View Post
The downside, of course, is that many players absolutely hate outdoor maps. Also, the darn spawn engine doesn't seem to consistently follow the "Front", "Back", and "Middle" settings when placing an event on an outdoor map. Every time you run the mission, the key objectives are in different places. For me, that's fine. On an outdoor map finding the objective is half the challenge.
The engine doesn't follow the "front," "middle," and "Back" settings on outdoor maps because outdoor maps don't actually have those. It's all one area. I don't find it particularly difficult to find stuff on most outdoor maps, as long as any blinkies used are fairly large. A body bag on one of the ruined city maps would be annoying. A Rikti computer on one of the forest maps, not so much. In those cases it can be more annoying to find them on indoor maps, especially those stupid office maps that always seem to spawn the blinky in some side office that I have no reason to go into otherwise.

With outdoor maps, it's also easier to Superjump or fly around and get the objectives when you get bored of killing things.

But the important point is the question I opened with:

Where does "challenge" end and "frustration" begin?
Personally, I never use the "standard" or "hard" settings on critters, and I won't even play anything with an Extreme critter warning unless it's by an author whose work I have enjoyed in the past, or is clearly stated that I don't have to fight said Extreme critter. I use custom settings. With those, you can use any powerset you want, tweak it to an appropriate difficulty, and leave out any annoying/frustrating powers. Some powers that would fall under those categories:

Stacking debuffs, especially to-hit debuffs. This doesn't come up as much as it used to, back when AE was new and everybody wanted to show off their Evil and Kewll Dark Minions of Darkity Darkness custom group, who of course all had darkity darkness powers so you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if you had to fight more than two of them at once.

Excessive mezzing. If you give a critter the single-target hold from most Controller powersets, it will spam it. If all the minions have a ranged mez, squishies will hate your arc. Confuse and Fear are also problematic if overused.

I reserve a special place of hatred for overuse of Mastermind powersets. Death by lag.

Resistance and +HP powers on everyone just makes them take too long to die and doesn't really make them any more challenging. As do Tier 9's.

End drain.

That's just off the top of my head. Now of course, I have fought custom critters who did all of these things....and weren't frustrating at all. Of course, this is because they did all of these things so they couldn't do any one thing to excess.

Tl;dr, you really have to test it with multiple characters. And not a level 7 and a level 50. Pick a level range. Arcs with 1-54 custom groups are very frustrating because they show up every time I use the "my level" function on the search. I don't know how challenging they are because I won't play them.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



In general I often feel "frustrated" when I stumble across mechanisms that annoy everybody, but an author seemed to forget it when he put them in his missions, to "spice things up" a bit. E.g. I don't know anybody who likes to wait for a enemy's god mode to wear off. It doesn't make the fight more difficult or challenging, it just makes it last longer (the end being particularly boring).

If I want a fight to be more difficult, I prefer to speak to a field analyst or a fateweaver and/or choose a faction that can exploit the weaknesses of my character.

Otherwise it's hard for me to pinpoint what is challenging and what isn't. To give some specific examples: once, I played an arc where the custom enemies minions were all (or almost all) recolored Rikti Drones, who like to stay at range. Having set the diff to x8, I had to herd almost every mob behind a corner not to spend an eternity to finish every Drone (I think it's also in this arc that lieuts would summon Singularities and put Thermal shields on their allies x_x).

In another arc, one of the missions took place in what seemed to be the biggest office map available, with several glowies to find in a short amount of time. My widow would have sneaked through all the floors with no problem, but for my defender it looked like a tedious "defeat all" mission. And nothing in the plot would really justify this timed mission, you just knew the author wanted add a little bit of difficulty, but it turned to be awkward.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Stacking debuffs, especially to-hit debuffs. This doesn't come up as much as it used to, back when AE was new and everybody wanted to show off their Evil and Kewll Dark Minions of Darkity Darkness custom group, who of course all had darkity darkness powers so you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if you had to fight more than two of them at once.
Yeah, I really hate missing. Like, with the burning passion of a million suns. Friends don't let friends use -ToHit powers in AE missions.

I'm not a huge fan of easily stacked Slow effects either; if someone tags you with one occasionally, sure. Also, those AoE glue effects are Right Out.




The thing that really irritates me is multiple chained spawns. That is, when you click glowie A, which spawns boss B, which spawns glowie C, which spawns boss D. This can wind up making you sweep the entire map at least four times (or more, if the objective spawns in a place that's hard to spot).

This is especially annoying on huge outdoor maps with tons of places to hide, such as the KR maps. In theory it shouldn't be quite as bad on indoor maps where front, middle and back are supposed to work. But quite frequently objects spawn in out of the way locations, and you wind up having to run around the map multiple times.

There are some dev-created missions that do this, including one very annoying tip mission that chain-spawns Croatoa witches in a Crey lab. It's hard enough to get pickup teams to do tips in the first place (so many people only want to run Council radio missions), but when you get a mission that wastes your time running around the entire map looking for the NPC you thought you'd free but didn't click on to talk to, it's very annoying.

Similarly, defeat alls really bug me as well (and the devs, ironically -- one of the NPC instructors for AE advises against such missions). There are some small maps where it's okay (certain bank maps) because it makes sense, there's nowhere for them to hide, and there's only one way to traverse the map from the entrance to the vault, so you can't really miss mobs unless they flee. But defeat alls on outdoor and big indoor maps are a big no-no.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Excessive mezzing. If you give a critter the single-target hold from most Controller powersets, it will spam it. If all the minions have a ranged mez, squishies will hate your arc.
Speaking from experience, if the spawn is large enough they can overcome mez protection.



Originally Posted by Ispahan View Post
E.g. I don't know anybody who likes to wait for a enemy's god mode to wear off. It doesn't make the fight more difficult or challenging, it just makes it last longer (the end being particularly boring).
Having just fought 200 Paragon Protectors this morning, I can second this.

I think Eva covered it pretty well for me, but here's a bit of rambling: When I'm working out an AE arc, I tend to go for easier custom foes, no need to annoy players, right? I pretty much avoid anything other than melee weapons sets (unless really called for), make sure they don't have build ups and work from there. I tend to set their percentages as high as I can ("97% normal XP for a level 50 character" or something) while keeping their powers as few as I can.

The arc is my envelope to send the players a story, I don't see 'the medium as the message' here, generally.



In order for something to be challenging it must be possible to fail at it. There aren't a lot of things that qualify for that in City; in the vast majority of cases if you can't succeed it's because you never had a chance in the first place. That's not challenging either, just a gear check.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Also, putting a defensive set on a custom and selecting powers to give them more than 70% resistance to any one particular type of damage is going to earn you hate whenever somebody whose primary attacks use that damage type tries out your arc.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
Also, putting a defensive set on a custom and selecting powers to give them more than 70% resistance to any one particular type of damage is going to earn you hate whenever somebody whose primary attacks use that damage type tries out your arc.
*cough* Fire Armor *cough*

(Electric Armor could be problematic too, but I've run into far more "I'm going to give this guy fire armor, it's gonna look SO COOL to have the EB all on fire!" mobs than ones that overuse Electric armor.)

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
*cough* Fire Armor *cough*

(Electric Armor could be problematic too, but I've run into far more "I'm going to give this guy fire armor, it's gonna look SO COOL to have the EB all on fire!" mobs than ones that overuse Electric armor.)
Not surprisingly, that is *exactly* the set I was thinking of while I was writing it.

Brings back memories of Pro Payne facing down bosses with 90% fire resistance. And healing flames.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)