A moment of nostalgia...
I liked Outbreak as it was very low key. As my first 3D MMO, I was glad I wasn't dropped into the middle of a fight and had time to tweak my key settings, graphic options, look over the interface, as well as checking out other new characters materializing around to me.
If I was new today, the whole Galaxy City battle around me would concern me as I get bombarded by both a voice telling me to fight and popups I'm afraid to read while in battle. It's a little overwhelming.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
It's not in the arc listing in the Pillar. It's one of the missions in the story arc from Miles Standish.... I mean The Pilgrim.
Really? I don't remember seeing Outbreak as one of the choices we had to do in the 1 - 15 storylines.
(I know Standish wasn't actually a Pilgrim, but I think he's the best-known name from Plymouth Colony.)
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
The old Outbreak tutorial fit in with the CoV arcs better, so claiming story is a wash.
Story-wise, the new tutorial ties in with the rest of the game way better than the old Outbreak one.
I personally prefer the shorter tutorial. Which means that I like the old CoV tutorial (run upstairs and pick up badge; skip all the inside junk and go out to defeat 4 things, 2 at a time, with Sands of Mu; talk to pilot and either drop door mission or defeat 2 longbow and 3 ppd with Sands of Mu again; leave and level up). The new tutorial makes you defeat 18 things when solo (2 shivans, gain a level, 15 shivans to clear the area, then the big shivan that doesn't die in 1-2 power activations), and that's far more than 4 power activations.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project