So am I just supposed to hate the game?




Heck, I'm a Star Wars fan (have been since '77), and as a fairly well-known article points out, tongue only slightly in cheek, all Star Wars fans hate Star Wars.

(And yet, we love it too. Love's a funny thing. Some people love blindly, ignoring (deliberately or not) anything that might be considered a fault; others, consumed with the idea that something could be Absolutely Perfect if only/not for ____, become obsessed with the flawed parts they imagine are holding their love back from being Wonderful for Ever and Ever.

The reality, of course, is that things can't ever be entirely perfect in this world. But that doesn't stop the perfectionists and the romantics from wanting and yearning and hoping, and complaining bitterly when what they get doesn't live up to their impossible expectations... while others insist that it is perfect just like it is, so shut up.)

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Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
It amazes me how many people think that good game design (and in particular, combat simulation systems) can somehow magically happen without a thorough grasp of math. *shakes head*



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
You don't need to know that specifically, although it can help. Although specific knowledge of basic combinatorial math and discrete statistics would be a good idea for most games. Knowing what your reward tables ultimately do in this game, for example, is a combinatorial problem. Knowing how performance can affect your reward system in this game is a discrete statistics problem.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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I have little doubt I am one of those the OP is kind of talking about. I must come off at times like a big hater of the game because of my odd anti statesman rants, but all that really is is my pro CREY talk. as some may recall my main SG is crey themed and has been around for a good long time now. We view crey as truly good, if sometimes acting in the morally questionable grey area any government/ military does during war with an overwhelming enemy. They viewed statesman as being on the same path as tyrant pretty much, and did all they could to slow that down.

My cyniscm rarely has anything to do with a dislike of the game itself, and I think that is probably true of a number of others. Remember this, if they didnt care about the game they wouldnt be speakin strongly about the game on its forums one way or another.

As long as you actually enjoy the way the game plays and can find fun in game with friends or random folks then you shouldnt hate on it. If its feeling abit old to you go paly something else until u got the itch again.



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
We view crey as truly good, if sometimes acting in the morally questionable grey area any government/ military does during war with an overwhelming enemy.
All hail Xenu.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I'm not sure all the people who complain about the game but still play it actually like the game. MMOs, even CoX, have design features that are there to psychologically condition and shape players into playing the game even when it isn't fun to do so. What we see there is not people who are helping the game because they love it, but rather people who are fighting against a compulsion that they have little control over or understanding of.

I mean, sure, someone can say they actually like it, but do they really? This could be repeating a phrase commonly used to get out of a negative stigma regardless if it applies, or if they want to change the game it serves as a statement to apply a higher cause than just letting out steam or complaining.

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That is a silly question. :P You want us to tell you what to hate?

Hehe, I know what you mean though. I have complained about certain particular things. Decisions or procedures that I think are just silly. "What were they thinking?!" They are just a matter of opinion and do not necessarily mean that someone should hate the game. Sometimes people just want to whine, sometimes it is constructive criticism to help improve future content.

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In Soviet Russia, game hates YOU!