First Ward, Midnight

Agent White



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
It pays to have a thick skin on internet forums.
That's why so many elephants are successful bloggers.




Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who thought Master Midnight was a riot. I loved him. He is (was) such a derpy doo.

I actually loved the cringeworthy nerdyness. I see him as a good parody of bad gamers (and, for the record, I was playing D&D back at the beginning, so I know bad gamers when I see them.)

It's actually kinda fun to watch him get whats coming to him. If nothing for the relief that I don't have to listen to him anymore.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



First Ward encapsulates what's wrong with the state of the game - visually it's stunning and at first look you just want to go "wow!" - but the stories take a couple of days to run through at best and leave me feeling "meh, was that it?"

I guess it's the MMO equivalent of nouvelle cuisine that's a few dishes light

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
How very rude of you. There's a reason personal opinions exist - because we all have our own. This isn't the first time you've heedlessly dismissed mine, and I'm frankly tired of putting up with that sort of arrogant disregard. If that's what your argument is going to be, then I'm no longer interested in participating.
I didn't disregard your opinion, I just expressed my opinion on your opinion.

I could say I find 'slapstick' unfunny as a general thing just because I didn't care for the Three Stooges. I'd be close minded to dismiss slapstick as a form of comedy worth my time, however. Because there is generally funny slapstick that exist that I'd most likely fall on the floor laughing at.

That you didn't find MM's parody funny is your own didn't like him and I did...who cares? But you go ahead and dismiss other parodies too? What about the character I described? How'd you know he wouldn't be funny or at least engaging if you never even seen an exchange from him?

I'd have called you 'stuck up' but *that* would have been rude. Telling someone is close minded is about as insulting as expressing to them they're ignorant. If you tell someone they're ignorant, that ignorant person may clue in and enlighten themselves on whatever it is they were talking about. If someone tells you you're being close minded, you open your eyes a bit and take a some perspective of the world around you because it can be a big place.

I'm not insulting you, Sam, because if you know how I post, I'd have kept going. But I speak from 2nd hand experience because one of my best friends is a comedian and he actually *studies* the stuff. It's a lot more complex than you'd think.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
That's why so many elephants are successful bloggers.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
THe thing about humor is that it's extremely subjective.

No. It really isn't. The Lemon of Contradiction refutes your claim

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Master Midnight is a parody of D&D players in particular and gamers in general. That's his only reason to exist - as a joke character. "He's a nerd! Nerds are so weird! Let's mock the nerd! Laugh at the nerd!" I thought we were past that?
what is this? This is a feminist argument! You can't use this for non-feminist stuff! take it back!

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
By the way, what does he do if you're male? I know he hits on females, but what's the text like when he talks to a guy?
No idea. someone else test it out. I won't sully my account with males.


you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3