Incarnate badges and Liberty




A few questions:

Is there a demand for TPN trials on Liberty(for badges)?

Would liberty prefer I keep doing MoUGT runs, or forgo the bomb badge efforts? Or, split the difference? Mo run on Sundays when folks might have more time?

What y'all think?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I'm always up for badge runs, but you already knew that. I would think a speed run on Friday and a Mo run on Sunday for UGT would be perfect.



I think alot of people already have the MoUGT badge, just cuz of how much we all run them. That being said, i still have some toons that could use it, but i don't think every run has to be a Mo run.

I think it would work to have a mo run on fri or sun and the other just a normal run.

I have yet to this day to be on a tpn. so im up for doing those, at least a few times.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



I would like to get the last badge I need for TPN on Patriot America to earn the MoTPN so if you decide to start running this trial in the future I am so there, even if it means being assigned to the outside teams (rather dull for that trial).

As for UGT, I already have MoUGT on my badger, but am willing to help out for those who still need it. Plus I have plenty of 50s that could use the incarnate XP and components.

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I prefer speeding through the bomb phase, but 1 mougt a week sounds nice. Most plp have the badges alrdy. I'd be down for TPN

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



I'm still missing one badge or another on many of the "regulars" I bring to Underground, but as I've said before... It's not a big deal. My only real badge collector is Palrah, the tank that I refuse to bring anywhere near the thing. He doesn't have his Master Of- and never will. It doesn't matter very much if any of the others do. It's only useful for the bit-drop opportunity.

Re: TPN... again, it's not one I'm likely to take my tank on, so the badges don't really matter to me one way or the other. What I *would* like to have is the gun recipe for my DP blaster, Rose. So, I'd be up for joining them with her just to try for that. Even if I end up buying her the recipe from the Oro vendor, she'll still have to have finished a successful trial to use it.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
What I *would* like to have is the gun recipe for my DP blaster, Rose. So, I'd be up for joining them with her just to try for that. Even if I end up buying her the recipe from the Oro vendor, she'll still have to have finished a successful trial to use it.
I wouldn't mind the gun -- but what I really want is a gun holster. I cannot fathom why we don't have the option in the tailor. I would have thought that would be the first thing any dual pistols toon would want.
(aside from less spastic animations)

But, I'd only heard a rumor/whisper about some gun being accessed via tpn success. I'll have to take my main to the tailor and see what's what.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I haven't done TPN yet so I'd like to do it. I like badges. That said, my evenings free are sporadic so I'm not picky about which trial. I do whatever is offered and am happy.

PS: My sig below was chosen from reading the TPN threads and thinking it quite funny (the sig, not the rock thing).

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Of course I can help out if I'm ever online when things are going and I'm not busy.

As far as the TPN/Maelstrom's guns's what I remember.

When you defeat Maelstrom in phase 3 (inside the building) he has a chance to drop (as a purple recipe) his right hand gun (or is it the left handed gun?).

Then when you defeat him in phase 5 he has a chance to drop (as a purple recipe) his left hand gun (or the right hand gun).

I think each drop chance is like 4%; so a total chance of 8% you'd get one of the pistols as a purple recipe drop.

That's what I recall from memory at least.

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Only ever mastered Apex, and to be honest I don't know how we did. That said, I would like to do the new things and score badges if possible. I am changing up my playstyle so as to be more available for tf's and trials as an extra anchor (Tank) still only a +1 after all this time


by Star Ranger 4
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When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



If I was ever on at the same time as any of these MoUGT, MoTPN, MoLambda, MoAnything runs I'd love to get in on them. As it is, I'm feeling a bit left behind in regards to my beloved Liberty server, but I have no one to blame for that but myself. If anyone decides to stay up late enough on a Friday or Saturday night, to compensate for the 7 hours I'm ahead of EST, I'd love to run any, or all, of these. If not, I'll wait until I get back to the US in 18 months and hopefully still be able to find enough interested people to run them.

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
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The good news is that there are some pacific coast folks that play well into the wee hours. The bad news is that UGT calls for a good mix of AT/powersets.

I think on a Saturday, if you can name a time, I'm pretty sure I could start a UGT at midnight (Eastern time)- provided we give enough notice. However - that hour is pushing it.

The future is unknown and unknowable. If you can, try and give me a time of when the earliest (for you) on a Saturday night and maybe Liberty can help one of our soldiers. (you!)

I say Saturday, because we do a run on Friday and Sunday - so I'm not sure folks would want to run two back to back.
Any later than that time I mention - and it could impact the 20 hour cool down on emp merits.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Sounds good

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Originally Posted by Geronimo_69 View Post
If I was ever on at the same time as any of these MoUGT, MoTPN, MoLambda, MoAnything runs I'd love to get in on them. As it is, I'm feeling a bit left behind in regards to my beloved Liberty server, but I have no one to blame for that but myself. If anyone decides to stay up late enough on a Friday or Saturday night, to compensate for the 7 hours I'm ahead of EST, I'd love to run any, or all, of these. If not, I'll wait until I get back to the US in 18 months and hopefully still be able to find enough interested people to run them.
Yo G69,

As you know we aren't the fastest crew but I spoke to the sg and those of us who can are willing to assist you as always Hero. I will look for you to see when the next time your on.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG