If there's one thing SSA has taught me...




Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If your rage calms down enough, and you want to play the SSAs, you can unlock them for $5 each - but if you want to make a major saving, resub sometime in March - that will give you access to all 7 parts, as well as access to the new Dark Astoria content, all for the $15 sub fee

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If your rage calms down enough, and you want to play the SSAs, you can unlock them for $5 each - but if you want to make a major saving, resub sometime in March - that will give you access to all 7 parts, as well as access to the new Dark Astoria content, all for the $15 sub fee
Shoot, GG, I'm almost slightly hurt that you feel you have to explain that to me. *laugh*

I bought the first ep already. If I was going to re-sub, I'd have done it in November so that I'd qualify now for the Helm of Prometheus/Tartarus loyalty rewards. I'll decide on buying the rest of the episodes if I get back to playing more frequently in the future, and depending on how Statesman's death is depicted. As it stands, I'm only visiting the forums because this forum is open to all now, and so I'm not supporting forum censorship directly with dollars. (Yeah, buying anything is supporting it indirectly but the forum is promoted as one of the benefits of membership, so I choose to avoid membership based on my belief that censorship devalues the membership.)



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
As it stands, I'm only visiting the forums because this forum is open to all now, and so I'm not supporting forum censorship directly with dollars. (Yeah, buying anything is supporting it indirectly but the forum is promoted as one of the benefits of membership, so I choose to avoid membership based on my belief that censorship devalues the membership.)
What censorship?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What censorship?
The censorship of any discussion of any other game in the world or even the gaming industry at large.

That's the most I have to say about it. I'm not looking to start a fight with the mods about it, given that they've opened this forum to the general public and, as I said previously, I'm not supporting it directly with dollars. On a forum that is truly free of cost, I'll continue to deplore said censorship but I won't pretend that it's costing me something other than the annoyance of abiding by the rules.



Bringing this thread back on topic momentarily

Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
You forgot the ponytail. Nothing simultaneously says "I can haz supervillainy?" and "I fathered a 'Jersey Shore' cast member" quite like a slicked-back ponytail.

Interestingly enough when Trenchcoats came out one of the first costumes I made using them was for my main villain (he's a Rogue now) thei nteresting part is the only hairstyle that really worked for the look was the ponytail.
But here's the real kicker the character is a D&D styled Dark Elf who are notoriously evil.

So I have a Black Trenchcoat wearing,slick-back ponytailed Dark Elf.
He certainly has an evil look to him and i never really thoguht about how appropriate that particular costume was until this thread.



I suppose it's a safe bet that the whole "Vindicators is about second chances" thing is going to be tossed out now, given how that policy looks to have worked out for Ms. Liberty.



How about "Vindicators is all about second chances, but first you gotta lose the goatee and pony tail"?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Troy Hickman is probably shocked that he is thought of as "the good old days" in CoH story-telling.
No, but I am shocked about this stuff I'm putting on my toast; I can't believe it's not butter...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Troy Hickman is probably shocked that he is thought of as "the good old days" in CoH story-telling.
Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
No, but I am shocked about this stuff I'm putting on my toast; I can't believe it's not butter...
Troy, for goodness' sake, send a CASE of whatever it is you put on your toast to the Devs!

I would not want you to "bite the hand that fed you," but MAN do we miss your story-telling and scripting skills!

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."