freedom phalanx = meh

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I like Fusionette
It figures.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Actually, I've said this before, but I think they should be forced to use Architect to sketch out their arcs before they even start thinking about adding special mechanics and unique maps. This would force the writers to think of the story first and add mechanics to help tell it, rather than coming up with a cool new mechanic and shoehorning a story in around it.

Fusionette is an idiot. Her dialogue and story actions support this. When someone spouts lines like "quit looking down my dress or my boyfriend will beat you up" they will not be liked. Sefu Tendaji has annoying powers, and he gets captured twice in the RWZ storyline, and yet he manages to avoid being the butt of constant jokes.
That's what makes her fun is she's so silly.

As to Sam, I guess it's a perception thing. I really don't think the majority of people in the game want to read anything, and prefere to just button smash.

New players come into the game and they don't think "Let me see what the stories about" they're "XP! XP XP XP! I WANT THE XP! XP!!!"

But I do agree, I'd love to see more of the signature characters.

And Tenzhi is right, I have that "My character wouldn't do that" moment in First Ward with Katie. Though this doesn't bother me, as I just don't run the arc.

However, I don't tend to let that bother me for a lot of the simpler things, that open flavor text when entering a mission for instance.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
And Tenzhi is right, I have that "My character wouldn't do that" moment in First Ward with Katie. Though this doesn't bother me, as I just don't run the arc.
I'm sure that I *am* right, but unless my brain slipped its leash again that doesn't sound like it's related to something I said. Credit where it's due and all that.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
It figures.
She's a bit hot-headed, and she knows it, and she sometimes says or does some goofy things - but she's also friendly, brave and loyal, and is in a very loving relationship - she's one of the nicest NPCs in the game.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
She's a bit hot-headed, and she knows it, and she sometimes says or does some goofy things - but she's also friendly, brave and loyal, and is in a very loving relationship - she's one of the nicest NPCs in the game.
Like I said: it figures.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I'm sure that I *am* right, but unless my brain slipped its leash again that doesn't sound like it's related to something I said. Credit where it's due and all that.
Oppps...I meant Clawsandeffect tried to edit the post but it won't let me.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Actually, I've said this before, but I think they should be forced to use Architect to sketch out their arcs before they even start thinking about adding special mechanics and unique maps. This would force the writers to think of the story first and add mechanics to help tell it, rather than coming up with a cool new mechanic and shoehorning a story in around it.
The problem is that, in both cases, you still end up having to think of the mechanics first and the story second. As far as I'm concerned, a writer should be required to supply a story synopsis that he can retell in real time as one would retell an old memory, and only once that's done start trying to figure out how to put that into the game. Yes, many concessions will have to be made with the story when it's translated to the Architect, but at least there will BE a story that's being translated.

I've seen this repeated in a lot of Architect stories - plot elements seem to pop up for the sake of justifying why a boss exists, why an ambush spawned or why an NPC needs to be led somewhere, because the author thought these were cool mechanics and wanted to put them in. Yes, the text caps would limit the story's verboseness and the limited mechanics will make for a simpler, more intuitive experience, but it won't solve the one big problem I have with the storytelling - that it's not telling stories, it's explaining why missions exist.

When Rick Dakan and his crew - and I keep coming back to them - originally made the City of Heroes "world," they didn't just put stories in, they tied them into the overall plot of the game and accounted for how these stories related to the rest of the world and how the rest of the world conspired to set them in motion. The Circle of Thorns didn't just show up one day. Baron Zoria "founded" them in the early 1900s, after which point they still kept to their caves until the first Rikti invasion, when Circle strongholds were targeted by the aliens for their magical affinity, which the Rikti fear, causing the Circle to become more active out of reactionary paranoia and pent-up frustration. Then it turns out that's just one layer on top of a much deeper story.

We just don't get that with anything newly added. What the hell is SAM? When were they founded? What is their relationship with the FBSA? What is their jurisdiction? How long have they been in operation? No, we don't get any of that. Someone needed an official-sounding organisation and apparently didn't know the FBSA existed, so *poof* SAM! It's a concept that should have come with its own backstory and depth, but instead it's little more than a device to move the plot along, and that's a cryin' shame.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Fusionette is an idiot. Her dialogue and story actions support this. When someone spouts lines like "quit looking down my dress or my boyfriend will beat you up" they will not be liked. Sefu Tendaji has annoying powers, and he gets captured twice in the RWZ storyline, and yet he manages to avoid being the butt of constant jokes.
Oi, does Sefu have horribly annoying powers! Yeah, I've wanted to yell at the guy... But the truth is, he's written as such a lovable lump that I can't bring myself to be angry at him. To be honest, when I AM angry, I'm angry at the power designers for giving him Repulsion Field. But it's not his fault! Honest!

And, yes, Fusionette is an idiot. She has not a single redeeming quality about her. She's rash, incompetent, arrogant, insolent and - bad as that may sound - ugly as a board. When he still went by the name of Jim Temblor, Faultline was actually a very pleasant character, his rudeness and insecurity being nicely balanced by his compassion and the tragedy which essentially stole his childhood from him. He is at time humorous, but he is also deeply dramatic, and I respect the balance he strikes. Then he moves into the War Zone, calls himself Faultline and starts sending mistells to Fusionette in team chat because someone thought breaking the fourth wall was funny. In the War Zone, Faultline is dumber than a sack of hammers, he's incompetent and he has no personality. He's a Vanguard soldier with a face, but he may as well be Lt. Random Name for all his personality matters for the plot.

Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
And yet if her in-story fate ends up being the same as Sefu's, there would be an explosion of cries of "Refrigerator!", even if it happens the exact way as Sefu, and even through she's almost universally despised right now.
That really depends on how it's done. If it's a meanspirited "revenge" kill just to satiate the malice of people who hate her, then yes, there will be much complaining. If her death actually accomplishes something in the story such that not having her die would produce an inferior one, then I'd support it. Hell, having her die a heroic death might do a LOT to redeem her as a character, because right now she's loathsome.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.