Please Buff Trick Arrows
I guess no one plays Trick Arrow or people believe it to be balanced. I really do think that the lack of buffs should really require Trick Arrow to be one of the better de-buffing sets in order for Defenders and Corrupters to pull their weight on teams.
Another issue that Trick Arrow has is that it not only requires multiple powers to do what other powers do in a single application, many of it's powers require multiple applications to keep the de-buffs at an adequate level and duration. Meaning that you have to stop attacking in order to reapply your de-buff which can be further aggrovated by redraw.
The control powers seem too weak to really keep you alive especially versus more difficult content, especially for non-controllers.
I have seen a lot of good options for improvements to Trick Arrow. I really like the idea of disruption arrow creating a taunting pet that can be destroyed, but can last long enough to apply a de-buff and distract spawns alpha strike. The power looks like it could actually work this way already. It's not my original idea, but I think it's a good one, that I would like to champion.
But that one change alone isn't enough. I would like to know what others think.
I play Trick Arrows, and I think it could stand to be better. But it's been brought up ad nauseum to little effect.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Trick shooter says that the Devs may give it some attention in the next 6 months to year. They had pm'd him that love was on the way, just not super quick.
Giving Flash Arrow a much higher -to hit effect would make a world of difference in making it a major debuff effect.
Giving Flash Arrow a much higher -to hit effect would make a world of difference in making it a major debuff effect.
Right now TA is the best -tohit debuff set against AVs.
Thats a trade off I'm not sure I would like.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I want to say that Glue Arrow was originally the way you suggest, and that it was made the way it is (target an enemy) because there were too many powers requiring placement reticules and it was (a) annoying people, (b) really slowing the set down, or (c) both, so they changed it either in beta or just after release.
I *might* be remembering it wrong though.
Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.
I want to say that Glue Arrow was originally the way you suggest, and that it was made the way it is (target an enemy) because there were too many powers requiring placement reticules and it was (a) annoying people, (b) really slowing the set down, or (c) both, so they changed it either in beta or just after release.
I *might* be remembering it wrong though. |
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
See we are learning. I always thought it would be nice to pre-debuff before the fight with Flash Arrow then a Glue Arrow patch that would bunch them up better as they come toward me. But I can see if you are reapplying that a non mob targeted arrow would slow down chains.
I personally think the Devs just harbor a secret hatred for Ollie Star.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
Trickshooter has done a great job of showing that Trick Arrow could use some improvements in his thread here:
I feel like it deserves some discussion here.
Trick Arrow does not have any buffs. I'm more than ok with this fact, but I don't feel like Trick Arrow was correctly balanced with the comparable powersets in the Defender Primaries etc. Trick Arrow is not even the best Defender Primary at Debuffing. Trick Arrow often has to use two powers to get as much debuff as other powersets get from just one power. And even here some of the powers have very small areas of effect (I'm looking at you Acid Arrow). Also as we have started to look at end game content and mechanics, Debuffs are just less effective than Buffs at helping to get through content quickly and safely. Thus, a set without Buffs really needs to very good at Debuffing in order to carry its weight.
Trick Arrow does have a lot of control. The problem is they don't work very well, especially if you aren't a controller. There are good ones, EMP Arrow and Oil Slick Arrow, but they have very long recharges that are very hard to get up every spawn. The single targets are weak, especially if you aren't a controller. Controllers get slightly stronger control powers and can also stack their effects with their primary control powers. All that makes Trick Arrow an excellent controller secondary, but the controls really just don't cut it for the other Archetypes.
Worst of all, Trick Arrow has a very hard time mitigating the Alpha Strike when the spawns use their best powers initially in combat. Most sets have some ability to make these less effective, but Flash Arrow alone just doesn't do enough to help surviablilty.
I'm not married to any of these changes. I like the idea of most of Trickshooter's changes as well. I would just put this out there as a thread to collect different ideas and suggestions and to possibly refine suggestions to make them as good as possible.