Sonic Resonance needs love too!




Here's where I post shamelessly a link to some earlier suggestions for Sonic resonance and forcefields:
I was able to get feedback from a developer that though the suggestions were reasonable, neither sets were considered to be under-performing.

Maybe we just need to find a verifiable way to compare in-game performance of all buff/debuff sets, and see where numbers lie.

Idea: form a small team, avoiding secondary mitigations. If done through Ouroboros, disable temps/pool powers/ancillary powers/patron powers/set bonuses, etc. The team running only primary/secondary. Avoid powers with extraneous mitigation effects, or at least even them out, so there's as little to skew how the team performs. Play with the exact same team, only difference being the buff/debuff set performance. Run Vs. Arachnos, as they exhibit almost all damage types available, in random amounts.

Team: willpower/fire tank, or reverse scrapper/brute. A fire/fire blaster or such. a fire/regen scrapper or such. The reason I'm using fire a lot is that it has little to skew- it's just damage. willpower/regen are two different side, will having a bit of defense/resistance/+Hp to play against, chemistry-wise, regen having high heals but low damage prevention. Set the team for an exact number (x5 or something) go first without the buff/debuff, then add them, but they can only use their buff/debuff powers. No control/debuffs/buffs from anywhere other than the buff/debuffer that changes. Record killspeed/damage taken/defeats and see how things come out.

*Shrugs* Just an idea. It might be easiest to do on beta, with a level-bumped team.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
One idea that I liked in the past and one that I think that the Devs are well aware of is adding Psionic Resistance which was first suggested I believe into Clarity.

Sonic Repulsion is like the dead bird your cat brought in from the garden. You cast it on a friend who normally useless with it, or when all they had to do was stand still and blast, they don't, they run back. You just get a lot of wasted endurance with lack of real bang for buck and theirs a lack of control over where mobs are sprayed to anyway. I know there is always that one power thats skippable but thats a shame, we should be spoilt for choice. Knockback powers can be the answer to many a complaint (if we were all on SO builds) and knockback can be the active mitigation versus Psi mobs.

What I propose is something to try and make that Sonic Repulsion that bird with a happy song. With each pulse of repel there could be a short duration, decent level of -Dam. In PvE against mobs, by the time they got up the -Dam is over but on a AV/GM, because they don't fall over they could be attacking under -Dam conditions. Why shouldn't repel act as a repellent of any force and in doing so limit the level of damage?
Oh I like your ideas!

Clarity means your mind is less susceptible to "mind attacks" = higher Psonice resistance!

The -damage in Repulsion is a good idea too. I really hate that power. It just costs way too much endurance for its effect. If it has -damage, sure, I may take it.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
Not any worst then sonic. Sonic has what one debuff and one buff before thirty, and the debuff is just a single target -res. Both sets are going to have to rely on their other set (primary or secondary) to get things done solo. Team-wise, they would both be the same, both are heavy team support sets so they would level about the same.
Yes worse than Sonic.

20-30 is when enemy NPC's start to mez and Sonic Dispersion makes it a walk in the park while with Thermal it is like playing a blaster without a melee secondary, but less damage. Non root heal is nice in a pinch but that can't save you honestly when mez is flying around.



Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
These are ideas I had for Sonic in my Big Ol' Spreadsheet of Buff/Debuff Set Numbers & Improvements™:

Sonic Siphon
Add a stackable 3% (for Defenders, 2.25% for all other ATs) +Resistance(All but Psi) buff for the Caster (or maybe in an AoE with an increase in the recharge timer).

This would actually make it a "siphon".

Sonic Barrier
Add 43.3% +Resistance(Regen) (for Defenders, 34.6% for Corrs/Controllers, 26% for MMs)
Add 21.65% +Resistance(DefDebuff) (for Defenders, 17.3% for Corrs/Controllers, 13% for MMs)
Add scale 2 +Protection(Knockback)

The reason for this is because these debuffs/effects are usually associated with these damage types, and can't be avoided (unlike +Def shields). Besides, this adds a bit more "realism" in that if you're not taking the full hit from an attack because of the sonic shields, some of it's effects should be absorbed, as well.

Sonic Haven
Add 43.3% +Resistance(ToHit) (for Defenders, 34.6% on Corrs/Controllers, 26% on MMs)
Add 43.3% +Resistance(Recovery) (for Defenders, 34.6% on Corrs/Controllers, 26% on MMs)
Add 43.3% +Resistance(EndDrain) (for Defenders, 34.6% on Corrs/Controllers, 26% on MMs)
Add 50% +Resistance(Movement Speed) (for all ATs)
Add 50% +Resistance(Recharge Speed) (for all ATs)

Same reasons as above.

Disruption Field
Add -12.5% ToHit Debuff (for Defenders, 10% for Corrs/Controllers, 7.5% for MMs)
Add -12.5% Defense Debuff (for Defenders, 10% for Corrs/Controllers, 7.5% for MMs)

To make this power similar in effectiveness as other buff/debuff toggles and making it worth the end cost.

Reduce recharge timer to 240s
Increase Knockdown chance to 5% every 0.2 seconds
Reduce ToHit debuff to -25% (for Defenders, -20% for Corrs/Controllers, -15% for MMs)
Reduce Defense debuff to -25 (for Defenders, -20% for Corrs/Controllers, -15% for MMs)
Reduce Recharge debuff to -25% (for Defenders/Controllers, -20% for Corrs/MMs)

The problem with Liquefy is that is has incredibly strong effects that keep it on a very long recharge timer. When Liquefy is up, it can turn around the worst situations because it has such high values (even when unslotted). But if Liquefy is down... well, if the rest of Sonic Resonance isn't keeping you alive, then there's nothing you can do.

Keep in mind that with this suggestion, before anyone freaks out about a "nerf"... the ATs will be losing 5-10.7% -ToHit/-Defense once every 2.5-5 minutes from Liquefy in order to gain 7.5-12.5% -ToHit/-Defense much more often in Disruption Field.

So with some of the debuff moved to Disruption Field, you should have to rely on Liquefy less often, but when you do it need, it's up more often, just with less debuff than before (but it's still a decent amount).
Great ideas especially on Sonic Siphon.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I've tried to enjoy Sonic Resonance so many times. Ive yet to get it to 50.

However, I do have some thoughts in how to tweak the set, without changing it to much.

Disruption Field let it target an enemy! My only real complaint with this power is that it requires an ally. this is fine for a MM, but for my Corr, it's suckie. :/ Maybe make the change for Corrs/Defenders and leave it the way it is for Trollers/MMs who can get pets. Or just MMs, since not all Trollers can get pets to use it on.

Clarity! Change it up! Make it different from all the other sets with a similar power. Yes, Sonic offers Mez Protection with Sonic Dispersion. Let them add so much more! AOE team buff (except for self if wanted, either way is fine imo) with a full 2-4 minute buff.

Liquefy! Lower that recharge! 90 - 120 seconds! Personally I'd prefere if it could become permable with enough (reasonable) recharge.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Great ideas especially on Sonic Siphon.
I agree I'd love to see the sonic siphon change implemented, that'd be awesome (though the numbers or stackability may have to be scaled down to stop it being OP)

What about adding a small to moderate regen buff to sonic dispersion, to make up for the lack of any kind of heals? Might help out sonic when solo (or at least the sole buffer). I have a Pain MM and the +regen aura, though not dramatic by any means, makes a noticable difference when combined with the heals and meagre resist boost, which I think could apply very well to Sonic Resonance. This could perhaps up the survivability the set can give without turning +res numbers up too high or turning the set into thermal


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Yes worse than Sonic.

20-30 is when enemy NPC's start to mez and Sonic Dispersion makes it a walk in the park while with Thermal it is like playing a blaster without a melee secondary, but less damage. Non root heal is nice in a pinch but that can't save you honestly when mez is flying around.
Mez isn't that bad between 20-30. I have solo'd with plenty of toons with no mez protection in that range. It is a matter of picking targets and taking mezers first. You make it sound like this game is actually hard.




Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
Mez isn't that bad between 20-30. I have solo'd with plenty of toons with no mez protection in that range. It is a matter of picking targets and taking mezers first. You make it sound like this game is actually hard.
Yes you can solo without mez protection, but it is a lot more slower than the AT that do have mez protection in that level range.



sonic cage: useless
sonic repulsion:....more then useless
clarity: not totally useless...but not far away from it
for a lvl 35 power on a corruptor or controller clarity is a joke...

sonic siphon: needs a second effect, like -dam / or -tohit
sonic barrier: add psi res
disruption field: lower end cost or give it a second effect like -def
sonic dispersion: adding -tohit would be not overpowered

liquefy: just need lower recharge

edit: another possibility for sonic siphon...when you call it like that...then why cant you boost yourself with it like "siphon power" from kinetics....

stacking is not necessary but it would really improve the solo ability for the "sad sonics"




Clarity, which shields people's minds, only protects from mez.
Clarity: One change I would make is change it from a Clear mind clone.

Keep the mez protection, Buff it by adding Psi def and acc buff or to-hit buff with To-hit debuff resistance.

Up the recharge( I say similar to Fortitude) and make it not stack-able.

sonic siphon: I would make it have a secondary affect like -regen and -hp but siphons it to your character had an aoe that buffs you team.

liquefy: Lower the recharge(please)

sonic cage:make it a toggle(30second duration)

sonic repulsion:While i do find it useful as a mastermind, This power it way to limited and cost way to much end.

I suggest make it a click Friendly targeted AOE, (it is is supposed to save a a ally with it) It KB any enemy around the ally with a placate effect.

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations