Taking no chances against a Giant Monster!




Hah, first thread that I've actually laughed at in quite a while!

Originally Posted by houtex View Post
I forgot.. it reminds me of this:

All to open a door.

/ending isn't there, he set off a nuke... but dang if I can find it.
The full version is actually quite longer. I can't find a good quality version but here's a video of it



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
One of my SG-mates has been playing for nearly a year now, but he's only recently got into badging. He's been collecting the explos and defeats, and has mentioned a few times how he hasn't got any GM badges because he never sees any teams forming when he sees Lusca or Jack etc in the zones when he encoutners them.

He had a go against Lusca solo on his 50 PB, with predictable (to me) results. We're doing TFs with him to get those, and today I logged in and got skype running, and as we were playing he told me of an encoutner he had earlier that day with a GM.

He spotted said GM whilst hunting ghosts in Croatoa, tabbing for the next mob. He told me that he'd never seen this particular monster before, and hadn't tried soloing one since he became T4 incarnated, so he figured what the heck, he'd have a go. He thought it best not to take any chances, so he buffed up, ate a full tray of large inspirations, got all his pets out (even his Shivans and Warwolves), charged in and unleashed his Judgement for an initial strike...

Poor Sally didn't stand a chance, really.

I laughed like a drain when he told me this. He said that only then did he check out Sally on paragonwiki, and after hanging round for half an hour, he defeated her the second time with a shot from his tier 1 attack.

I did much the same thing.


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I think it would be hysterical to have about 1 out of every 100 Sally spawns instead spawn Sa11y, a GM (with an eerie resemblance to Sally from the neck up) who would react to an attack by rising out of the water to reveal a Jurassik-like stance and a gigantic tree trunk for a club before pounding the stuffing out of the poor hero who mistakenly attacked the angry big sister monster who dislikes people picking on sweet, gentle little Sally.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
It's eternally tempting to go back into Sally's powers and change one thing: Give her +100% defense to all.
Pthh. 20 shots and you'd still kill her. 99.9999999% resistance on the other hand...

Unfortunately, the game engine doesn't keep that level of precision.

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Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
It's eternally tempting to go back into Sally's powers and change one thing: Give her +100% defense to all.

In all seriousness, this is a great story - I love these kinds of tales about funny moments in game history. Thanks for sharing!
You should make her submerge (disappear) whenever someone gets into melee range.

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Mistress Delight Drk/Drk Level 50
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love it..

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