Will we ever see some kind of continuation to the blue king comics?

Agent White



I noticed that war witch mentioned that she would soon have a successor, but did she ever actually get one?

I know apex showed up again recently but what about Horus?

Also on a related note, will we learn what became of the shining stars?



Also on a related note, will we learn what became of the shining stars?
They show up...again...in the latest SSA installment. They're getting shilled right along with the other Wesleys (Desdemona and Maelstrom).

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
I noticed that war witch mentioned that she would soon have a successor, but did she ever actually get one?

I know apex showed up again recently but what about Horus?

Also on a related note, will we learn what became of the shining stars?
At the Player Summit, I asked about Horus reappearing, and was told that he most likely will not be coming back as ownership of that particular character is somewhat murky. Intellectual property is something they kinda take seriously over there, and as he's a relatively minor character, the priority of 'getting' his IP is really low. Which is really too bad, coz I liked the guy.


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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
They show up...again...in the latest SSA installment. They're getting shilled right along with the other Wesleys (Desdemona and Maelstrom).
Shilling only applies when it's praise and admiration. So far they've only been referred to as "Additional back up". And it's hard to call them Wesleys when Villainside gets to mop the floor with them.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Oh, look. Venture dismissed something as a Trope again.
That should be a trope. If it isn't already.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I recall there being a "Tropes Are Not Bad" page on tvtropes, but now I can't find the link. The point is, a trope is not always (or even usually) a cliche, nor bad storytelling.

And as Agent White points out, this isn't even an example of that trope. It's just an example of a recurring character, which I'm not sure even qualifies as a trope so much as a basic feature of normal human life.

ANYWAY, on topic, I liked the old CoH comics, although I never got to read them when they were in print, only much later from the website. An encore would be cool.



Tropes are not clichés, they are just loose definitions that help to explore plot elements, devices and mechanics found in stories. A good trope might be something we don't see enough of, which is not something often said about clichés.

True, the tropes website--that Venture and some others often quote--aims to celebrate tropes, and is not meant to be borrowed as a resource for angst. Not to sound sarcastic, I never thought about it before, but I can actually see why good stories, laid bare on the operating table, might lead some people into a kind of existential angst against tropes. Sometimes a trope is a golden goose ripped open. I can see how, then, a trope might become something not so celebratory, a way for someone to say, "I'm utterly unsurprised (or at least unimpressed) by this."

Kind of weird to think about.

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