Titan Weapon Impact
Yep, this was the subject of a lot of feedback in beta, but apparently the devs are satisfied with Titan Wiffle Bats :/ Possibly the only thing about the set I dislike.
Yep, this was the subject of a lot of feedback in beta, but apparently the devs are satisfied with Titan Wiffle Bats :/ Possibly the only thing about the set I dislike.

it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Yeah, starting playing Titan Weapons and noticed that last night. Big wind up and finally get it swinging to put the big smack on the bad guy and ... I hear it but don't see it.
I can live with it because the set is fun but it would be nice to see and hear it when you smack the bad guys around.
Yep, this was CONSTANTLY brought up in beta. Supposedly someone mentioned at the most recent dev gathering that a stealth patch was put in to increase the audio hits, but then I immediately showed video recordings before and after the patch with zero differences.
...and I assume you mean audio fx.
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No I mean visual fx. Like the shockwave from SS or the smash from Crushing uppercut
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Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
Anyone find it annoying that there's no impact FX when you hit with Titan Weapons? Your weapon just slip through and numbers pop up. I'd think at least you'd get the impact FX you got on STJ or even Super Strength