P.E.R.C. Presents: "Action Force"




Hosted by PERC representative @SupaFreak

What's an "Æction Force" ?
Æction Forces (AFs) are thematic teams of 8 assembled to tackle Architect Entertainment missions in the same manner as we do Task Forces: with force.

You read that right. We're here to bleed it, not read it. If we come across an arc you feel you'd like to take the time and read details of, do it solo or possibly with the Æ Storyteam later.

AF Team Eligibility
  • Open to levels 1-50
  • Hero or Villain (sorry Praetorians under 20)
  • Must have Architect Entertainment access.
  • Character must fit the requirements of current AF theme.
AF Author Rewards
  • In addition to XP/Inf/Prestige and Tickets earned, authors of showcased AF arcs will donate rewards to compensate for you forgoing chance for Superior Recipes/Shards/Threads/Merits/etc.
  • Author Rewards are valued at 1 million INF or greater.
  • Author Rewards will be given out at the end of the arc to the amount of participants equal to the amount of missions within the arc completed.
  • Eligible winners must be present throughout the whole arc.
  • Prizes will be distributed by random roll to a participant who has not recently won an Author Reward.
  • Initially, I will front the rewards for authors/mission designers of my choosing until others submit prizes.
  • If no other authors/mission designers express interest during trial period*, Æction Force will transition to Action Force focusing on thematic in-game Task Forces and Author Rewards will be removed as additional perks.
  • @SupaFreak is not eligible for Author Rewards.
When & Where

  • When: Weekly Thursday nights from 9pm EST to 10pm EST.
  • Where: Rikti War Zone's Architect Entertainment building.
Submitting an Arc for Æction Force

Visit here for full details.



Next Session 12/29/11 @9pm EST
"Armed Forces!"

The All-Weapons Æction Force

AWAF Sign-Ups must have at least 1 of the following powersets:

  • Katana
  • Broadsword
  • Claws
  • Dual Blades
  • War Mace
  • Battle Axe
  • Titan Weapons
  • Archery
  • Trick Arrow
  • Assault Rifle
  • Dual Pistols
  • Beam Rifle
  • Robotics
  • Thugs
  • Mercenaries
  • Ninjas
  • (Archetype) Soldier of Arachnos
  • (Archetype) Arachnos Widow
Current Roster
  1. Kibitzer (@SupaFreak) Mercenaries/Trick Arrow Mastermind
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
Sign up here or /t @SupaFreak in-game to claim a spot!

*Trial period ends January 31st, 2012.



Author Rewards tracking:
(@Chimp) Crafted - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Recharge (50)
(@lizinohio) Crafted - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Recharge (50)
(@Savannah Nightwolf) Crafted - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Recharge (50)



"Darkest Hour!"
The All-Dark Æction Force


Zergon (@SupaFreak) Dark Miasma/Dark Blast Defender
Handsome Devil (@Chimp) Fire Blast/Dark Miasma Corruptor
Power Slam (@lizinohio) Dark Melee/Energy Aura Brute
Darkbuster (@Savannah Nightwolf) Dark Blast/Darkness Manipulation Blaster

"A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force"
(Heroic 45-54)
Missions: 5

Settings: +0/x8
Running Time: 70 minutes

Team Notes
Darkbuster: Went from level 16 to level 20
Zergon Ticket Roll (Gold 30-34): Numina's Convalescence: +Regeneration/+Recovery (50)

PW (Author) Rewards
(@Chimp) Crafted - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Recharge (50)
(@lizinohio) Crafted - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Recharge (50)
(@Savannah Nightwolf) Crafted - Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Recharge (50)



It was a nice surprise to be given a LotG +Def/+Recharge. I just came along for the fun!

You can find me playing on Guardian and my favorite toons right now are:
Alistair Ywain | Timmy Terrific | Action Agent | Doctor Spectrum | Handsome Devil | Snow Daze | Major Turmoil



Curious why so little to no response on this.


Just trying to bring variety, and would like feedback.



I usually post your events on the Guardian Facebook page. I noticed from when you first posted that this was supposed to be a bi-weekly event. Did I misread or was that changed recently.
I try to browse the forums daily to update the page with any new events and as I remember seeing that it was bi-weekly, I did not even bother to read the post that you had a new event.
The themed events are a good idea. If you decide to run another one, the sooner you post the particulars, the better. I will be happy to post your future runs and give you another avenue to promote your event.
I have run a couple of other events you have done in the past and they were fun. I recently have not been playing much since my job has been kicking me where the sun don't shine and I get home only to faceplant on a pillow.
Good luck with future runs and if I am able, I'll be happy to join.

EDIT: Also, if you edit a post, it does not show as a new posting (which would have put your post near the top and in bold where I would have noticed it better), which I just realized as you had posted the new event (via edit) on the 8th.

Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"



Personally, my schedule sucks right now. I've been in game a total of less than 15 hours since Mid-October. Maybe other people are having schedule issues as well.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Part of the problem this week is the Winter Event kicking off, maybe.

To Ameros -> Yea, switched it to weekly thing since most likely there's only going to be between 3-5 missions for the most part which translates to less than an hour and looking at my list... I have over 30 themes laid out. If I kept it bi-weekly it would take over a year to circulate them if there's interest. I appreciate you posting it on Guardian Facebook.

To Shadow Ravenwolf -> Boogedy, Boogedy! Hope to see you around.

To Kheldarn -> Very much enjoyed having you and would very much like to see you join again on these.

I've actually received more interest from Authors than I anticipated, which is good. I know how much time and effort most of them pour into their creations. I'm at like 200 hours on what I've got done and laid out to be completed myself.

A good portion of the arcs I've played are really, really fun and would like to help display their creations in a fun, rewarding and interactive manner.

I know I do my best to join others events (Hami, Mothership, TFs, Trials, SG celebrations, Arena, etc), hoping I can get just a handful to join me on these once in a while as a change of pace.

That is all...



Ok, if I can get my schedule tamed by Thursday night, I could bring one of several weapons characters. I have Dual Blades, Dual Pistols, Assault Rifle, and a couple I may be forgetting.

Hope to see you this week.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Perhaps: Post updates/reminders to the events Armeros has posted on the Guardian Facebook page. The activity on the Guardian FB compared to the activity here is like night and day.

You can find me playing on Guardian and my favorite toons right now are:
Alistair Ywain | Timmy Terrific | Action Agent | Doctor Spectrum | Handsome Devil | Snow Daze | Major Turmoil



Didn't see anyone in RWZ on the 22nd and since I had unexpected company, I didn't push the promotion. Will try again next week.



I'm usually busy on Thursday nights, but I will try to stop by for next week's event though. I'm usually up for trying something different and may be able to get some others to come along as well, depending on holiday travel schedules.

Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.



I took two weeks off from updating the Facebook page. 50 weeks on and 2 weeks off! =)

The forums have died down dramatically over the last year and while some folks prefer getting their information from here, I basically make the Facebook page an easier source to get information on events and what not. Not everyone is on Facebook as well, so those folks get their news right here on the forums or in-game.

Starting on Monday the 2nd, I'll be back to updating the Facebook page once again. I'll be more than happy to put your events as you post them. You can always contact me via Facebook or send me a PM in the forums or in-game. In the end, anything to help your (or anyone else's) events get going, I'll be more than happy to help out with.

Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"