Pummit Panels that weren't on Ustream

Agent White



I'll work on posting the slides from those presentations in the next few weeks (no promises that it will be before Thanksgiving as I've got a full slate next week...and my Thursday is going to be spent cooking all morning and then sleeping all evening between quarters of the 49'ers/Ravens game).

As to why some were broadcasted and some weren't...

The addition of Ustream was a last minute thing. We weren't sure that we'd be able to accomodate it using the internet on site (we almost couldn't...we weren't able to get a physical line connection until 9:45 AM), nor that I would be able to make sure it would go off smoothly with managing the event itself and the Ustream cast. Luckily Think-Tank stepped up and helped us out by running the cast all day. Even with Think-Tank helping out, we could still only broadcast from one panel room, which had been set and programs printed weeks in advance.

I hope you guys enjoyed the panels, and apologies for the audio constraints. Ustream/Live Streaming large events can be problematic unless you have tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment (which we don't). Fingers crossed in the future we'll be able to buy the USB soundboards and all that jazz to accomodate bigger things that just streaming from my desk or a conference room.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



no teasing with thread title

give something nao



Next few weeks? >>

Not to be a naysayer, and I really do appreciate the effort, but how long does it take to take about 6 power point presentations, 'print' them as pdfs and upload them? >>

Still, thank you.



Dang, got to wait a while for the info, well i guess i can wait.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Next few weeks? >>

Not to be a naysayer, and I really do appreciate the effort, but how long does it take to take about 6 power point presentations, 'print' them as pdfs and upload them? >>

Still, thank you.
As long as it takes me to find the time to do it .

I'll forward you my Outlook calender.

No, not really

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
As long as it takes me to find the time to do it .

I'll forward you my Outlook calender.

No, not really
You could just forward me the .ppt files



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
You could just forward me the .ppt files
Might need to scrub the notes and what not to prevent accidental over share.