energy ae farm?

Eva Destruction



Im not well versed on ae mishs, but I know some brutes are 90% resistant to fire and do fire farms. my elec/elec brute is 90% resistant to energy dmg. Is there an enemy that just does energy dmg? or does anyone have an ae mish number? or what enemy can i use to design one?



Just energy? Electric blast, I imagine. Electric control. /shrug. One of the main reasons people loved the Fire is because of Burn, I think.

Personally I'd just pick up some Freakshow and beat them down, they can still rez for extra XP :P



i have one built for elec armors, baddies deal 100% energy dmg and the end drain is negligible with elec armors drain resistance

i believe the arc name for the mish is "defeat the electroids" (i dont remember the id off my head but can search by the mish title or my global and it will be there)



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
The AE search feature isn't very good. It's often hard to find the latest farms due to all the outdates, ignored, and bugged storyarcs still cluttering the system.