You left the game and came back...what was different?




I left the game after my first 50. (I started in i3). Somehow I thought just getting to 50 was the goal and felt like I was "done" with the game after that. (I still wish there was a cool celebratory graphic whenever you hit 50!)

When I returned to the game, the first thing that happened when I logged in was that I got a buttload of arena badges. I had no idea what was going on! I tried arena with my scrapper against a troller (when trollers ruled arena--do they still?) and got my insides handed to me on a platter.

I also came back to Villains. It took me a long time to like playing redside. I just had a hard time with navigating (Yes, I am probably slow!).

I also came back to ED. I had NO idea what all the complaints were. I had my 5 damage SOs and my 6 end SO in stamina. People were (are!) so mad, but it took me a week or so to even understand.

What about you? What was new when you returned from a leave of absence?

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Just to clarify, no I didn't have 5 damage SOs in stamina, just in my attacks.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I left a year or so ago.

I could not play the AT's I wanted (corr, dom, mm, brute) heroside and I did not want to play a villain

Teaming was hard to find generally, it seemed everyone was a level 50 in PI

I had to buy stamina

Low level travel was a pain

I am very happy with the new CoH.



Why does my Instant Healing toggle keep dropping? Oh its a clickie.
What is this ED I keep hearing about? Is there in game Viagra to fix it?
Who exactly is this Wentworth fellow?
Hasten isn't permanent with SO anymore? How else am I supposed to keep 3 pets out? Oh I can't do that either?
The dumpsters in Bricks are empty. Where are all the tanks?
What the **** happened to the respec trial???? Its so boring now!

Invention sets
Rikti warzone
Alignment changes
Mission architect

None of that existed

Probably a lot I left out.

I was gone a long time. It's a whole new game now. Its been fun to relearn everything.

I left in i4 as I recall. Right before CoV came out.



Originally Posted by Aipaloovik View Post
Why does my Instant Healing toggle keep dropping? Oh its a clickie.
What is this ED I keep hearing about? Is there in game Viagra to fix it?
Who exactly is this Wentworth fellow?
Hasten isn't permanent with SO anymore? How else am I supposed to keep 3 pets out? Oh I can't do that either?
The dumpsters in Bricks are empty. Where are all the tanks?
What the **** happened to the respec trial???? Its so boring now!

Invention sets
Rikti warzone
Alignment changes
Mission architect

None of that existed

Probably a lot I left out.

I was gone a long time. It's a whole new game now. Its been fun to relearn everything.

I left in i4 as I recall. Right before CoV came out.
We probably left around the same time, but I returned MUCH sooner. The learning curve must be pretty steep for someone gone so long. Most changes were improvements, though, IMO. Quality of life is amazing now.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I came back after Going Rogue and the Incarnate stuff had been introduced. I had been gone for almost two years I think. I was tempted back by the decision technology they have introduced to the game, which I still enjoy and hope they expand to all sectors of the game.

The Market has also changed since I've been gone. I am not a fan of the market but the various changes and new currencies mean I can get the things I want for my characters without having to "play the market". This is great as I consider the Market to be Anti-Fun.

The other big change is that most of my RL friends are back as well. Not sure how that happened exactly but it means I have a regular online-gaming night again

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
I came back after Going Rogue and the Incarnate stuff had been introduced. I had been gone for almost two years I think. I was tempted back by the decision technology they have introduced to the game, which I still enjoy and hope they expand to all sectors of the game.

The Market has also changed since I've been gone. I am not a fan of the market but the various changes and new currencies mean I can get the things I want for my characters without having to "play the market". This is great as I consider the Market to be Anti-Fun.

The other big change is that most of my RL friends are back as well. Not sure how that happened exactly but it means I have a regular online-gaming night again
What is the "decision technology"? I don't know what that is.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
What is the "decision technology"? I don't know what that is.
Praetoria Morality missions. At the end of an arc you can choose the outcome, making you into a loyalist for Tyrant or a member of the Resistance. For example, you can defeat someone or set them free with different dialogue ensuing.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Praetoria Morality missions. At the end of an arc you can choose the outcome, making you into a loyalist for Tyrant or a member of the Resistance. For example, you can defeat someone or set them free with different dialogue ensuing.
Well actually, in the middle of the arc.

It also includes the phase tech, that changes a zone's appearance based upon our actions.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



OK Gotcha. Thanks. I wish the decisions in Praetoria mattered even more throughout the game. Now that would be fun!

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers