Kheldians 3.0




I would agree with most of the sentiment regarding "End Game".
But if I were to try and show a visible representation of game content this is what I see slowly happening and it would look something like this:


Above the majority of content falls between lv 1 and 50, and very little at or above 50

But in the future as the Devs progress with more and more incarnate content I can imagine that the above representation would look something like the following:


So while I do agree that currently the amount of content you can play at or above lv 50 is small compared to 1-49, it seems very likely that sooner or later there will be a lot more content past the point of "end game builds".

I imagine at some point the Devs might want to do something about this situation, each day that more end game content is released slowly erodes the argument to leave Kheldians as is.

The above can also apply to any other AT that has powers that become pointless.
I imagine that the Devs might not find it a good thing that more and more powers become pointless and folks stop taking and using them.

I don't really know, it just seems weird to me that the Devs would be OK with that happening more and more. Or perhaps I'm totally off base and this is exactly the plan the Devs have in mind, to have powers that you use early on and then completely dump once you hit lv 50.

Perhaps it might be nice to hear from a Dev about this curious issue. I'm not calling one out, just saying, would settle much debate if we knew one way or the other.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
General comment: As someone who has had BOTH types of khelds since the beginning I'm gong to say NO to anything that changes their animations or the general way they look.

I LOVE the way they look.
The animation change I was referring to was how long the animations take, not a change to their appearance. I was pretty vague because most of the people who regular the Kheld forum have been supporting shortened animation times... In the future I'll be more specific. No aesthetic gripes here.
And NO I DO NOT need my PB's forms to be better at end game it's not necessary. It's not just IOs that help now in the endgame. There's this little thing called INCARNATE ABILITIES. Which apply to Dwarf and Nova. Also keep in mind next year we will be seeing new abilities/slots.
Yea I am interested to see what the new slots have to offer, but nothing currently available to us makes forms worth using on high end IO builds.
Also having perma lightform from 39-40 to 50 is not most of the game. The game is 50 levels, most of the game would be from 25.[/quote]

Well the XP rate slows pretty drastically as you level up so that's something to keep in mind... Plus the time it takes the average person to finish a nice IO build. Forms are relevant for most of your career as a Peacebringer, it's only when you get to the "Alright, I'm done with everything" point that they become unneeded.
Let the Incarnate abilities scale down to level 35 for the FORMS only.
I don't think that's necessary, helpful, or a good idea.



Originally Posted by The_mini_gunman View Post
It's an old & well-worn argument that the newer Arachnos epic AT's are better than the older, blueside AT's. I personally feel that the newer AT's leave the older ones in the dust. Others will disagree, and I respect their opinions.

You bring your VEAT, I'll bring my Warshade... Let's do a 54x8 Psi Farm.



Originally Posted by The_mini_gunman View Post
The bottom line here is that you're going to use the Nova & Dwarf forms to level up. You're not born a 50, so they're still extremely relevant to your build. What you do at end-game versus the rest of your career is a different story.

Personally...I think the Devs need to totally scrap & re-develop Khelds to bring them in line with the current state of the game. I think that the transformations should be clickable powers that are buffs, rather than complete alternate forms - and that those forms should have access to the full range of abilities of the human powers + the inherent bonus of the alternate form. If you did that, you'd only have to slot 1 set of powers, and you'd make alternate forms exactly what they are supposed to be: abilities that serve as a situation buff. In one master stroke you'd end the eternal argument of Triform vs Humanform.

It's an old & well-worn argument that the newer Arachnos epic AT's are better than the older, blueside AT's. I personally feel that the newer AT's leave the older ones in the dust. Others will disagree, and I respect their opinions.
No. I chose to play a kheld for the shapeshifting aspect.

I'd be VEHEMENTLY against a complete rework.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
The animation change I was referring to was how long the animations take, not a change to their appearance. I was pretty vague because most of the people who regular the Kheld forum have been supporting shortened animation times... In the future I'll be more specific. No aesthetic gripes here.

Yea I am interested to see what the new slots have to offer, but nothing currently available to us makes forms worth using on high end IO builds.
Also having perma lightform from 39-40 to 50 is not most of the game. The game is 50 levels, most of the game would be from 25.
Well the XP rate slows pretty drastically as you level up so that's something to keep in mind... Plus the time it takes the average person to finish a nice IO build. Forms are relevant for most of your career as a Peacebringer, it's only when you get to the "Alright, I'm done with everything" point that they become unneeded.

I don't think that's necessary, helpful, or a good idea.[/QUOTE]

i just threw that last line in there to see what folks would say.

honestly I don't think anything needs to be done for the forms. at all.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I play a Tri-Form WS and I love him He's not fully IOed so I mostly play him on SOs, but the forms can be a little frustrating. If any changes come to Khelds in general, I think I'd agree that the only things that ought to change about them are Toggle suppression in forms and slightly shorter animation times for shapeshifting. The number of times I've dropped out of a form for Hasten to refresh or to recap resistance and faceplanted having to pop the self rez seems a little silly. And the times I've tried to unMez myself before eating an alpha strike only to have the animation time kill me have also been frustrating. If those two changes were in place, my WS would rock even harder.

As for being able to see your costume while in a form, I'd love to see that as a power customization option, but that's really a QoL improvement that I'd place pretty far down the list as far as I'm concerned. I understand people's gripes with it, but it's one of the charms of the AT as far as I'm concerned



Not saying that your ideas are bad.. but a overall change will not go well with most of the community that actually love their pb as is..

I pvp with my peacebringer and i couldn't be happier.. nothing is more fulfilling than killing people in rv with a kheld.. And i was pvping with a pb long before incarnates and the recent change..

Now that we have those both its like the devs are giving us freebeez.. and like some has said.. there is still more buffs to come.. with other incarnate powers.. the extra slots that supposedly coming at 25..

I know what your thinking everyone gets those aswell.. but trust me incarnates and the recent change was a huge leap in pb performance. all i really need now is a some dmg boost and ill be set..

What the forms need now is suppress toggling.. if i can switch to dwarf .. heal and back to human in under 6 sec without retoggling i would def put dwarf back in my build.. but in a pvp environment that's not feasible.

But we play our kheldians how we want.. no kheldians are a like.. if you want the forms you should use them.. if u feel like their useless now.. don't take them.. story closed.

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin