Tri-Form PB Build Theory




I'm currently in class, wasting my mental faculties pondering a build for my new PB. Ever since Freedom hit, I've been struck with heavy altitis. However, the PB is one of a small subset of my characters that I'm extremely happy with conceptually. The problem is that his concept largely revolves around the shapeshifting nature of Peacebringers. It seems that the changes to PBs largely inspired human-only builds. So, I'm attempting to figure out a theory behind a build for a Tri-Form, but need some more experienced Kheld players to look it over. Basically, my idea is this:

Start out by firing Inner Light and Light Form (both of which I aim to have perma).

Shift to Nova for AoE attacks.

Shift to Human to finish off remaining targets.

If mezzed or surrounded (or just for kicks) shift to Dwarf for Sublimation and Dwarf Flare.

That's the general idea I've come up with. This is born primarily from the fact that I love the way the forms look, and I'm not a fan of the hand clap animation Solar Flare has now. So I figure Dwarf could be used for grabbing aggro, the better (and KD rather than KB) animation of Dwarf Flare, and another self heal.

The perceived disadvantage of this strategy is that it will have to sacrifice some defense to avoid the annoyance of toggles. I'm wondering presently if that problem could be solved by using T4 Barrier instead of Clarion for the Destiny power once I hit 50. Most Khelds seem to take Clarion for the mez protection, but I have no problem using Dwarf for that.

Thoughts/suggestions? I'll take everything said here into account when designing the build and post what I come up with.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Start out by firing Inner Light and Light Form (both of which I aim to have perma).

Shift to Nova for AoE attacks.

Shift to Human to finish off remaining targets.

If mezzed or surrounded (or just for kicks) shift to Dwarf for Sublimation and Dwarf Flare.
This is pretty much exactly how I play mine. I've got both powers perma and yeah, they definitely encourage the use of human form a lot of the time. But I think it's an exaggeration to call either of the forms useless in light of the changes, especially since the benefits of both LF and Inner Light carry over.

The perceived disadvantage of this strategy is that it will have to sacrifice some defense to avoid the annoyance of toggles. I'm wondering presently if that problem could be solved by using T4 Barrier instead of Clarion for the Destiny power once I hit 50. Most Khelds seem to take Clarion for the mez protection, but I have no problem using Dwarf for that.
Haven't had a problem whatsoever. I've got Barrier but never use it. The capped resists are enough for me. Only time I run into trouble is against enemies that rely heavily on Psionic damage. Other than that, I don't miss Defense in the least bit.

Of course everything here is my experience. There are valid arguments against the forms and I'm sure someone will lay 'em out before long. But if you wanna use 'em you should. You won't be at any significant disadvantage other than having to watch your buffs a lot more carefully so you can downshift at the appropriate time to reactivate LF and Inner Light.

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The disadvantage to using the forms is that they're largely unnecessary. That's not to say that if you enjoy them you shouldn't use them, just that human form only gives you better or at the very least comparable AoE damage to Nova, and is more survivable than Dwarf- Essence Boost is pretty easy to perma so you'll have the same HP as Dwarf in human form on top of being able to add a very substantial amount of defense. Light Form offers status protection, and there's also the possibility of clarion and the handiness of a break free macro.

That being said, Tri Form isn't completely bad by any stretch... Especially in the pre 50 no IO's game, it is actually probably the way to go. Nova gives you 4 attacks early when most people still have brawl in their attack chain. Dwarf gives you a "get out of jail free" card against mezzers and some nice resists and HP before you have LF and before E Boost can be made perma.

In terms of a finalized level 50 build, if you get to that point and decide you still want to use forms it is actually still possible to build up some s/l defense through set bonuses and that helps quite a bit. Your best single target damage is going to be in human form no matter what, so you should still slot those attacks well.

Since defensive powers are needed to slot LOTG +recharge bonuses (very helpful for perma LF) there's no harm in trying to allocate some extra defense/endurance values to those powers too. A lot of the end game involves team VS. AV fights, so you can leverage that extra survivability from defense while using your ST attacks.



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
You won't be at any significant disadvantage other than having to watch your buffs a lot more carefully so you can downshift at the appropriate time to reactivate LF and Inner Light.
Quite frankly I've found that - since the changes to my 2nd (human form) build that brought light form and inner light perma (and essence boost by default) I'm watching my buff bar more than I'm watching the game even with human form only, which I find mildly annoying.

I placed Light Form on Auto, and now - instead of enjoying a well-designed mission and getting into the thrill and visual spectacle of large-scale combat - I'm mashing attack buttons with barely a glance at who or what I'm attacking because I'm glued to the blinking Light Form icon in the buff bar and scanning my power bars to see which required power (Hasten, Light Form, Essence Boost or Inner Light) is recharged.

On the plus side, it really doesn't matter who I'm fighting - if they don't have psionic damage, I'm going to (eventually) win.

Meh. Maybe with enough investment to make LF Perma without hasten it might get better, but right now the whole "Perma LF" playstyle isn't suiting me.

But to your point, I've found that I'm watching buff bars and power icons just as much in human form as I would on a triform. But maybe that's just me.

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Quite frankly I've found that - since the changes to my 2nd (human form) build that brought light form and inner light perma (and essence boost by default) I'm watching my buff bar more than I'm watching the game even with human form only, which I find mildly annoying.

I placed Light Form on Auto, and now - instead of enjoying a well-designed mission and getting into the thrill and visual spectacle of large-scale combat - I'm mashing attack buttons with barely a glance at who or what I'm attacking because I'm glued to the blinking Light Form icon in the buff bar and scanning my power bars to see which required power (Hasten, Light Form, Essence Boost or Inner Light) is recharged.

On the plus side, it really doesn't matter who I'm fighting - if they don't have psionic damage, I'm going to (eventually) win.

Meh. Maybe with enough investment to make LF Perma without hasten it might get better, but right now the whole "Perma LF" playstyle isn't suiting me.
I personally solve that by putting Inner Light on auto (most frequently fired) and placing a floating tray close the the head of my character with copies of the powers that need to be refreshed. That way I instantly see with my peripheral vision when hasten etc. are ready to fire without having to check buff bars.

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That is how I play mine actually, although I'm switching to human only for the benefit of prema-light form and also soft capped smashing/lethal defense.

I'd say the new powers do inspire human only builds, but it brings a tremendous amount of power to tri-formers simply because light form carries over to forms now, and inner light lasts long enough for it to benefit forms.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Quite frankly I've found that - since the changes to my 2nd (human form) build that brought light form and inner light perma (and essence boost by default) I'm watching my buff bar more than I'm watching the game even with human form only, which I find mildly annoying.
Yeah it can be a hassle. Fortunately I've got a perma Mind Link Widow so I'm used to it. After a while you get a more intuitive idea of when things are recharged so you can keep your eyes focused on the rest of the game.

But to your point, I've found that I'm watching buff bars and power icons just as much in human form as I would on a triform. But maybe that's just me.
Maybe. I find that TriForm is more challenging simply because it requires the extra step of downshifting and then activating Light Form, Inner Light or whatever else.

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I'm watching my buff bar more than I'm watching the game even with human form only, which I find mildly annoying.

My Warshade is way more important to me than my Peacebringer, and I can play him in my sleep; After extensive time playing the hell out of him, watching buff icons comes as second nature. Watching not only perma mire/perma eclipse, but also ensuring that I am surrounded by the proper amount of enemies when they are fired off, makes playing my Peacebringer feel like super-downgraded easy mode.



Well, I'm up to level 10. Greatly enjoying the ability to drop from Nova to hit Radiant Strike and switch back to keep blasting away. It's a very fast paced playstyle. I hope it stays that way all 50 levels.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Well, I'm up to level 10. Greatly enjoying the ability to drop from Nova to hit Radiant Strike and switch back to keep blasting away. It's a very fast paced playstyle. I hope it stays that way all 50 levels.

It actually probably gets even more fast-paced the more goodies you get. A very active AT for sure.