So why aren't Doms locked?




Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
Well, we know the dev reasoning specifically was because of how server resource intensive Masterminds were.

... except they gave all non epic ATs to both sides at the same time.

Which is why that doesn't really follow, for me, as an excuse.

I am inclined to think Kioshi's at least close, though. I don't know how "server intensive" buff/debuff sets are.
Originally Posted by Computer View Post
Perhaps it is just this cold I am getting over, but arn't I saying the same thing Koshi is?

Locking the Mastermind set was a good idea because of the resources they took up. That was a given.

Controllers were just the next most resource heavy on the Hero side.
I'm not gonna pretend I know what can stress the 'resources' or not, but say, an earth/rad troller can make a whole team glow while modifying each individual teammate's 'statuses', have a pet out, toss a mass immob, a quicksand patch, an Earthquake and Volcanic Gasses, all persisting for quite a long time, heal the whole team, nuke a dead teammate, have a permanent aura (Choking cloud), etc. A Fire/rad can have two auras that affects enemies and more pets. Even my ice/time corr can 'pollute' the whole battlefield with his Timey stuffs, it'd be worse in that regard if she was a troller, so I'm with Computer in thinking trollers are more 'resource heavy' than any other blueside AT. Although, since it's a wild guess anyway (the part that trollers would actually stress the game too much or not), it could be just 'we need to lock an AT heroside' - imagine the rage, especially from returning players, if they found out doms and MMs are locked and no blueside AT is.

Also, it makes sense from the marketing standpoint (at least this I can say I know a bit) - trollers are very popular, the f2p players will see us playing them and if they check the forums they'll see the horde of trollers posting they soloed Lusca or whatnot, doms you don't find as many ingame although they aren't the 'least popular AT' anymore like they were before the Domi changes (according to arcanaville's analysis, they were less popular than Stalkers).

MMs also screams 'premium class' in a f2p model - even though I was never able to enjoy one, they impressed me for a long time with their horde of pets, took me awhile to stop looking at the summoning animations from the Bots guys, Thugs using Gang War, the bruiser in action, the robots unleashing the AoEs, it's the only AT I have none (deleted all I tried) but it's the one that kept me looking at them for the longest time.



Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
Are you sure? I let me account lapse for a bit just to see what happened. I still had VEAT/Epic access. I assumed they just unlocked at the same time controllers/mms did on the tier reward scale.

I had also unlocked up to the point where I got the invention system as well, so maybe they unlocked higher.

You definitely do get access to them though.
As I said, you're not *supposed* to, at least as far as the information released on VIP/Premium and Tiered rewards is concerned. EAT access is not listed as a Tier reward, although MM/Controller access is.

But as you've noted, some players are still retaining access despite dropping subscription. There are also reports of free players being able to use /reply, even though we've been told they're not supposed to. On both fronts, we'll just have to wait and see if the devs decide officially to include these as "features," or whether they'll "fix" the unintended access by removing it.



Doms get pets, but they don't get whole powersets that can support the pets.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
But see, my ss/fire was self-pled in one of those lowbie farms, it was far from optimal until 33 because I had no AoE besides the damage aura and sands of mu. After I hit 33 (Burn+FS+slotting) I went to the normal farms and went very fast to 50 using SOs and insps. I wasn't fighting +4s like now but it was good enough, I also only moved from the lowbie farms after FS because on the lowbie ones mobs are so weak you can farm with a fury boosted damage aura.

Plus, brutes are free for f2p players, controllers are not. No need to softcap defenses or good end management because insps will rain anyway, my brute has 25%ish fire def in his farming build just because I want to softcap with 2 purple insps instead of 4 (Actually since the 54 bosses drop a lot of big insps I usually need only one purp and can convert the rest to reds), it's not like I needed it. No need to be an ambush farm either since they'll be nerfed, it will just be slower in the normal ones because you have to move. Maybe on SOs a claws/fire will be faster than SS/fire since Spin is godly on Brutes.

But I agree that, regardless if they're faster or not on SOs (I never farmed with my fire/kin while on SOs and farmed very little after due to getting bored and friends calling for TFs), fire/kins are good farmers with little investment, while all the other farming toons I can think of except brutes require heavy IO builds to be effective (Elec/SD scrappers rely on the long recharging telenukes, Arch/MM blasters rely on the nuke, drain psyche and PSW, Warshades need perma eclipse which can get expensive). I've seen Fire/Fire tankers farm, a lot actually, and I think they can do it on SOs too, but I always found them quite slow, even IOed out ones.
The only issue here is, IIRC, f2p accounts who buy access to AE can't get any xp from it unless they are VIP. So the AE lowbie farms and fire farms aren't going to PL anyone. The best they can do is demon and some cot scientist fire mishes post lvl 40. Again though, I'm not 100% sure if they can or can't get access to AE with xp gained without being VIP.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
*looks around*

Controllers and Masterminds were more popular, so they put a price gate on them to make the monies.

There, I said it. Now you don't have to all awkwardly think it.
Yup yup. If you want to lock some ATs to lure some new players to pay to unlock, you are going to lock ATs that are more popular.

It makes no sense to lock..for example Stalker or even Dominator who still rank much lower than other ATs in terms of popularity.

There were some maths done by Arcanville and I believe Controller population is one of the fastest growing and MMs have always been popular since it's the most unique. MM choice is a no brainer. And of the 5 Hero ATs, I would say Controller provides the most unique gaming experience.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.