And just think...I complained




Im sorry...

Im sorry for being grumpy, and I am sorry for my sometimes vile words about changes regarding the store. Not all the changes but some of em.

See...I like looking at my points. They are sort of like soft $100 bills that I just hoard and throw on my bed and roll around naked in....well...ok...maybe 5 dollar bills, Im not rich or anything. But I like to collect them and look at them and love them...and when they get low, I get sad.

The horror pack of goodness came out, and while I liked some of the looks, I also noticed there was very little I would want from there. The Bat Broach (Which is broken) the bats aura in case I make something batty, and the serpentine hair which I have been putting on the suggestion forum since 2009 when I was on another account.

So I am liking the fact that I can buy just specific costume parts or travel powers like ninja run without investing in aan entire pack of things Ill never use.

"I do not want a brain in a jar...I do not want it in a car, I do not want it on my head, I do not want it at all...I said." and yay! I don't have too!

That being said since I only play my gaggle of gals, most of the male parts I just do not want at all, and I like this freedom to pick and choose.

Sure I don't like unlocking all content, some powers, and AT's (Which I dont have to do, currently cuz I avoided going prem by three month subbing)

The only complaint I sort of have though is that I do hope some things are given as gifts or freebies to VIP's

For example...we had a thread talking about dominators not having any new things for a while, and I really hope that something new for a Dom (Which has been a long time coming) is given for free to the VIPS's who have played the AT loyaly and been requesting things since AE entertainment came out.

Thats all...

Love you!



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post

For example...we had a thread talking about dominators not having any new things for a while, and I really hope that something new for a Dom (Which has been a long time coming) is given for free to the VIPS's who have played the AT loyaly and been requesting things since AE entertainment came out.
I've been thinking the same thing actually. I don't mind paying for costume sets and such, but are VIPs really going to have to pay for every new powerset that comes out? Is Time going to be the last freebie?

Unfortunately, my altitis is such that I will gobble them up gladdly...ooooo, new shiney power, must have...



Originally Posted by Tawny View Post
I've been thinking the same thing actually. I don't mind paying for costume sets and such, but are VIPs really going to have to pay for every new powerset that comes out? Is Time going to be the last freebie?

Unfortunately, my altitis is such that I will gobble them up gladdly...ooooo, new shiney power, must have...
The Devs have stated several times that not all new powersets will have to be purchased. Make of that what you will.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I expect to see "free for VIP" power sets about as often as we saw them prior to Issue 21. Unfortunately, that is a grey area. The last completely new power sets that we received were Dual Pistols, Electric Control, Demon Summoning, and Kinetic Melee, all released (not counting Going Rogue pre-orders) in August of 2010, over a year prior to Issue 21. Upon release, those had to be purchased in the bundle that was "Going Rogue," but now have been assimilated under the umbrella of "VIP" and are accessible to any subscribing players, regardless of whether they previously purchased Going Rogue or not. (We all knew that would happen eventually, since they did the same thing with City of Villains.)

Given that we just got Time Manipulation, I am going to say/hope that we will get a new "free for VIP" power set every six months or so, roughly 2 a year, considering the rate at which they are (and hope to continue) releasing power sets and costumes. Perhaps that's a bit lofty, but hey, that's my estimate.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.




I just wanted to clarify my point. Beam Rifle was something you had to purchase. VIP's got Time manipulation but it could be purchased as well via points for non VIP's. Street Justice is a purchase.

My main concern (And while the devs have stated that not all powers will be purchased or have to be) my issue is with the Dom AT.

Dom players in general have not seen any changes to the AT's power options, and it would almost be upsetting to see much wanted powers or proliferation after years of waiting, to be only purchasable by points.

Yes it would be a cash cow...I mean, Dom players in general would go into a frenzy if something new and exciting was offered. Im just hoping that for the one AT that has had no bones thrown at them, that they might be given one, as opposed to having to buy said bone.

I said in my original post, I like the freedom of buying what I like, and ignoreing what I don't want, and that being said I also think that the lack of new shiny things for Dom, that it might be a gesture to offer something new like they did with Time Manipuation. VIP free, and all others have the option to purchase the new power set, although even then I feel that even then, the dom situation and wait time for something new even trumps that.