Weekend Superheroics -10/14/2011

Dark One



Tonight's Cartoon Network's action series has reached a level of geeky awesome.. Batman and Space Ghost crossover?! Oh hell yeah!!

Cartoon Network - Generator Rex -new
Young Justice - new - Young Justice vs Injustice Gang (was fairly awesome by the way)
Batman the Brave and the Bold - new - OPENING WITH SPACE GHOST AND BATMAN TEAMING UP!!!
Ben Ten - Ultimate Alien - new
Star Wars The Clone Wars - new

On Hub (Tommorow)
-Part three of the The Transformers Prime - season finale!!



Artemis when she realized her bow and quiver were missing... "I feel naked! And not in a fun way."

Oh, if Kid Flash had been within earshot...

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



So the master plan is, "We can continue to work in secret because the notion of the Joker being B-list is too implausible to consider."




Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
Artemis when she realized her bow and quiver were missing... "I feel naked! And not in a fun way."

Oh, if Kid Flash had been within earshot...
I did a double take at that. Had to rewind my recording.

That Joker was just plain...weird. That voice was jarring and not in a good way. Unfortunately, we got the, "Hello Megan" bit back. Had hoped that was done with.



I'm super picky about my Joker, and I didn't like this one. His hair was too pretty, he was too prone to rage, and his jokes weren't really funny either. He was too reserved. Joker is supposed to be loud, flamboyant, and impulsive, with the underlying question of whether or not the entire thing was an act masking a master plan, or simply him being bat-**** insane.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
That Joker was just plain...weird. That voice was jarring and not in a good way.
What was wrong with Evil Puck?



Originally Posted by Terwilliger View Post
What was wrong with Evil Puck?
Warkupo nailed it.

To me, that Joker looked like a bishonen pretty boy masquerading as the J-man.



Generator Rex - meh Come on, the "party when the folks are away" was old when Tom Cruise did it in Risky Business.

Young Justice - Great episode. Yes the Joker was oddly restrained compared to his usual portrayal. Loved Artemis's naked line. Plan B rocked. I also enjoyed all the cameos of the League including Guy and Plastic Man.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold - YES, Space Ghost and Batman. Fun opening story for us old folks who use to watch Space Ghost on Saturday mornings. Main story did have some good parts like the old Batmobile and Batman outfit and "classic" Aquaman.

Ben 10 - missed the 2nd half, I'll catch it tomorrow. But the Gwen-10 was funny.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - normally miss it for Nikita so I'll catch it tomorrow as well.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Young Justice was great but I am really really really getting tired of kid flash being nothing more than some guy who can run around 60mph and occasionally grab something out of a villain's hands but mostly just get knocked down.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



And what? Connor's apparent job is simply to tank for the team and keep taking blows to the head. You go with your strengths.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Don't forget Brooding and Having Dad Issues. What can we say? Connor is a multi-tasker.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I'm super picky about my Joker, and I didn't like this one. His hair was too pretty, he was too prone to rage, and his jokes weren't really funny either. He was too reserved. Joker is supposed to be loud, flamboyant, and impulsive, with the underlying question of whether or not the entire thing was an act masking a master plan, or simply him being bat-**** insane.

/This oh so this. The Joker was a joke and in the worst possible way. I thought this episode should have skipped him and got someone else better. They killed my Joker.