


Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
That's it! You and Bronze Knight go sit in the corner.
Drat, sorry!

Would half.

(may rather oblique point bean that spill check my not bee your enemy... but its certainly knot you're best friend, either...)

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



An occasional typo isn't such a problem, but some chunks of text in the game are full of errors. The first Twinshot arc, for example, not only has spelling and grammar mistakes but repeatedly refers to Ms. Liberty as Miss Liberty. Not only is she a different character, she's also dead which would make meeting with her a bit tricky.

PS Wouldn't those bombs 'diffuse' themselves if you just left them alone for a while?




I would actually love to get a job at NCSoft going through and correcting all their grammar and spelling mistakes. The sheer number of times they use the not-a-real-word "alright" would, by itself, keep me employed for several months.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
The first Twinshot arc, for example, not only has spelling and grammar mistakes but repeatedly refers to Ms. Liberty as Miss Liberty. Not only is she a different character, she's also dead which would make meeting with her a bit tricky.
Miss Liberty is Alexis Duncan, Statesman's daughter and Ms. Liberty's mother. She's the head of Freedom Corps, and last anyone heard, was alive and well. She arranged for Jingle Jets to be given out for Christmas of 200...6? (I think that's the right year).

Maiden Justice was Monica Richter Cole, Statesman's wife and Miss Liberty's mother. She's dead, died of cancer in (1986 if you pay attention to the date in the Freedom Phalanx book, about five-ten years before the first Rikti War given in an in-person, off the cuff estimate by <specific Dev here>).

You can still meet Miss Liberty, but not on-screen.

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
Miss Liberty is Alexis Duncan, Statesman's daughter and Ms. Liberty's mother. She's the head of Freedom Corps, and last anyone heard, was alive and well. She arranged for Jingle Jets to be given out for Christmas of 200...6? (I think that's the right year).

Maiden Justice was Monica Richter Cole, Statesman's wife and Miss Liberty's mother. She's dead, died of cancer in (1986 if you pay attention to the date in the Freedom Phalanx book, about five-ten years before the first Rikti War given in an in-person, off the cuff estimate by <specific Dev here>).

You can still meet Miss Liberty, but not on-screen.
OK, I was wrong about Miss L being dead (maybe I was thinking about the Praetorian version.) But the in-game text is still wrong in confusing Miss with Ms.




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Not when you use spell check.
There are a number of examples in this thread, mainly of the homophone confusion variety, that spell check programs would gladly let slide right on by. Diffuse for defuse and per say, for example. No spell check program that I have any experience with can infer intent.

Originally Posted by Cende View Post
Miss Liberty is Alexis Duncan, Statesman's daughter and Ms. Liberty's mother. She's the head of Freedom Corps, and last anyone heard, was alive and well. She arranged for Jingle Jets to be given out for Christmas of 200...6? (I think that's the right year).

Maiden Justice was Monica Richter Cole, Statesman's wife and Miss Liberty's mother. She's dead, died of cancer in (1986 if you pay attention to the date in the Freedom Phalanx book, about five-ten years before the first Rikti War given in an in-person, off the cuff estimate by <specific Dev here>).

You can still meet Miss Liberty, but not on-screen.
You can meet (and fight) a Miss Liberty from the 1960s in Mender Tesseract's arc/SF in Villain Ouroboros. The person that you quoted is confusing her with her Praetorian counterpart, who shares the same name and was killed by Dominatrix, at least prior to the revamp of Praetoria. I don't recall even reading Dominatrix's bio since the revamp to see if matricide is still part of her backstory.

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A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."