Mercury Men




Hey all, the other day I was re-watching the SciFi channel's (yes, I'm still spelling it that way ) homage to movie serials; The Mercury Men.

I've always loved old movie serials and am building up a little collection of them.

"Batman and Robin", featuring millionaire Bruce Wayne's suburban home.
"The Mysterious Dr. Satan", where the old scientist's secretary totally upstages the hero.
"Captain Marvel", where the noble Captain casually tosses mobsters off buildings.
"King of the Rocket Men", who Commander Cody totally ripped off.
And so many more...

There's really not much point to this thread other than seeing if anyone else enjoys these things and, if so, whether you've seen "Mercury Men". The series really surprised me with how pitch perfect it was.

I figured they'd completely miss the mark, but the tone and feel of everything was top notch. Overly dramatic, gorgeously cheesy and with some actually pretty spectacular effects. They had the cliffhanger endings, they had the episode recaps, they had the fantastical action. They even had an episode padded out entirely with stock footage; something I always watched for in a serial.

I highly recommend this show if you can appreciate it for what it is. I'd love it if SciFi would continue the story.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
The Captain Marvel series rocks.

Have you seen the Phantom one?
Haven't come across the Phantom yet.

I've seen both Batman ones, both Green Hornets, Capt. America, Capt. Marvel, and the Shadow.

I still haven't gotten around to any of the Superman ones yet.



I'm fond of Radar Men from the Moon. Commando Cody didn't win a single fistfight until the last installment.

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Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
"King of the Rocket Men", who Commander Cody totally ripped off.
<does the voice>KING! ... of the Rocket Men!</does the voice>

Loved that show but was always disappointed there weren't lots of Rocketmen

*runs off to slide a skinny dummy down a wire*

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



I enjoy all sorts of old, bad, cheesy sci-fi and whatnot, but I've never found a serial that I enjoyed; they just go on too long, repeat themselves too much, etc.

Feels bad,man.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I enjoy all sorts of old, bad, cheesy sci-fi and whatnot, but I've never found a serial that I enjoyed; they just go on too long, repeat themselves too much, etc.

Feels bad,man.
Thats because you are not being forced to wait a week between viewing!

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Thats because you are not being forced to wait a week between viewing!
I've tried spacing out my viewing before, I just lost interest in pulling the tape (lol) out before watching something else.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
I'm fond of Radar Men from the Moon. Commando Cody didn't win a single fistfight until the last installment.
Ah, those classy moon cars.

Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I enjoy all sorts of old, bad, cheesy sci-fi and whatnot, but I've never found a serial that I enjoyed; they just go on too long, repeat themselves too much, etc.
Definitely one of the drawbacks of the movie serial. They're best watched with other people there to help you riff. I also like to have them on in the "background" while I'm doing something like working on the computer or something.



I remember in the late 70s (I think), that somebody started to syndicate old serials to local stations. I remember watching a number of them back then.

One I remember fondly but can't remember it's name had a hero who acquired a device (a belt I think) that made him invisible but his shadow remained.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I remember in the late 70s (I think), that somebody started to syndicate old serials to local stations. I remember watching a number of them back then.

One I remember fondly but can't remember it's name had a hero who acquired a device (a belt I think) that made him invisible but his shadow remained.
Sounds like a Bela Lugosi serial called "The Phantom Creeps".

But he wasn't a hero.

They might have reused the gag though.

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
They might have reused the gag though.
Wouldn't be the first time. "Radar Men From the Moon" and "King of the Rocketmen" both used the same rocket suit. The same robot was used in at least two of the ones I have. Re-using props and padding the story with stock footage and repeated scenes were some of the favorite tricks to keep the cost down.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Sounds like a Bela Lugosi serial called "The Phantom Creeps".

But he wasn't a hero.

They might have reused the gag though.
No this was definitely the hero using the device. He was fighting spies stealing secrets.

I think there was a rebirth of sorts for old serials then because I also remember them being shown in my college's student union's rathskeller (this was also a time when you could legally drink at 18) on Sunday nights along with Japanese monster movies.

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