Warning! Circle of Thorns Bundle is a rip off!.. By 4 whole points.




Originally Posted by LaserAddict View Post
Yes, and when I examined and counted the sales receipt, all twelve items listed as 33 each adds up to 396 on 400 point bundle that claims you are getting a discount. Which is why I made the OP in the first place. The sales receipt is still giving false information, and gave me my reason to post.

Telling someone to look at the individual item prices when the bundle prices are what are being listed wrong, is not helpful. Individual item pricing should have separate pricing anyways, even if the Bundle pricing get listed accurate. Sure, 400 and 396 are both less than what the individual sales prices would add up too. But it does not change the fact the sales receipt numbers add up to something that was less than 400.

I'd have made a similar topic if the sales receipt pricing added up to more than 400, because the sales receipt would still be wrong even though I didn't lose anything.

I wouldn't have had any reason to make this topic if the sales receipt was accurate.
Are you seriously asking for the breakdown to list each item at 33.33333333333333333333333.... ad infinitum, in the shop screen?

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...



Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
Are you seriously asking for the breakdown to list each item at 33.33333333333333333333333.... ad infinitum, in the shop screen?
Or maybe just 33

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three point pi?
mmmm pie!

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