Monday's Costume Contest: Dark & Mysterious




Avatea asked me to write up a few words to describe the upcoming “Dark and Mysterious” costume contest on Monday, but how can one describe the mysterious?

The world and story of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles are littered with obscure and unexplored corners, locations sometimes only the imagination can create. Feel free to draw inspiration from these neglected bits to build a costume and character that defies the bounds of the explainable. Whether from the deepest reaches of other dimensions or from the darkest depths of the buried city of Oranbega, let the mysteries of City of Heroes reveal themselves at last!

We are very excited to see what comes to light on Monday night (5pm - 6:30pm PDT, 8pm – 9:30pm EDT, Midnight – 1:30am GMT) on the Exalted server in Pocket D. We will be judging on overall costume appearance and fit with the theme and look forward to seeing everyone then.



so, who won ?

English isn't my birth language, so don't blame me if I do some mistakes. thank you !



Originally Posted by slaad View Post
so, who won ?
As I recall, it was Dark Mage, Lament of Shadows, and Un... er, something to do with a Bride for a necromancer. The toon had an awesome bio and a great design, and was one of my personal picks to win (just can't remember the name, darnit), though my other personal fave Childhood Nightmares didn't fair as well.

The Devs took group screencaps of all the Quarter-Finalists as well as individual pictures of the winners, so I'm sure the pix will be posted soon.



The winner was Unquiet Bride. Lament of Shadows came in 2nd and Dark Mage 3rd. It was really neat, the devs ported all the quarterfinalists to the Paragon Dance Party for inspection and such. We took a big group screenshot afterwards, too, so expect to see all those pictures soon.

Moderator of the COH Livejournal communities.



Yes, Unquiet Bride; that was it. Thanks.

I wasn't personally competing in last night's CC, but as a finalist on Friday Night I know the procedures. :-)



Originally Posted by the dark watcher View Post
avatea asked me to write up a few words to describe the upcoming “dark and mysterious” costume contest on monday, but how can one describe the mysterious?

The world and story of paragon city and the rogue isles are littered with obscure and unexplored corners, locations sometimes only the imagination can create. Feel free to draw inspiration from these neglected bits to build a costume and character that defies the bounds of the explainable. Whether from the deepest reaches of other dimensions or from the darkest depths of the buried city of oranbega, let the mysteries of city of heroes reveal themselves at last!

We are very excited to see what comes to light on monday night (5pm - 6:30pm pdt, 8pm – 9:30pm edt, midnight – 1:30am gmt) on the exalted server in pocket d. We will be judging on overall costume appearance and fit with the theme and look forward to seeing everyone then.
Who won?!?!?



I already posted this one over on the Exalted server board... but here are most of the quarter-finalists who ended up visiting the old Paragon Dance Party map.

[removed my pic... Avatea's in the next post down is a better size. XD]

There were a lot of seriously great costumes in that crowd.

Here are a few of us from the first round in Pocket D...

The Bride is the one in the middle. (And yeah, she's a Death Mage's wife. The poor guy's name is Nemissary. XD)

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



And better late than never, here are screenshots of the selected few who made it to Paragon Dance Party!

Our mysterious quarter finalists!

The enigmatic 10 semi-finalists (with the first 2 black clad Troopers being 2 facettes of the same entity really)!

And finally, our winning trio, de creme de la obscure creme !

At 3rd place, Dark Mage:

Winning the 2nd prize was Lament of Shadows:

And our grand winner, Unquiet Bride!

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Just funny that you guys are now completely neglecting the older servers.
I saw this coming tho.

I'm avoiding the Exiled server like the plague.
I have my friends, my toons and my SG on my home server, i have no reason to start over.

*Wishing i could sell my Server Transfer Tokens, or at least pick a reward i find more useful*

To leave on a positive note...

Some great costumes in these pics.. gave a me a few ideas..
GRATZ to the winners!

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
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