Exalted Intros
My name is Malcolm, nickname Mac. I have been around for 7 years and counting. Guardian is my server. I have not been playing regular, only off and on for a long time now.
I am hoping to meet some new friends and rekindle my love for this great game!
Global is @machigh
I am @Nalora and my home server is Infinity. I chose to move 3 of my 50's who were not used much on that server to free up some slots on my home server, and I created 3 more on Exalted.
I love playing support characters and blasters most. And I made a namesake toon on exalted who will be pulled up through the levels just as my first one was.
I have played since the first infamous "Winter Lords" event, when the "Hollows" was introduced, but I took a 2 year hiatus from game after an update broke my SG base. I came back last April.
Look for me on Exalted as Snacks, Meeps and Made to Order as well as my namesake: Donut Girl.
Donut Girl 50 Mind Emp
Hi All,
I started in Freedom and branched out to several servers. I'm helping with the new branch of the Dark Kingdom VG on villain side. If anyone needs a VG, send me a tell and I'll try to get an invite for Dark Kingdom or one of its coalitions.
I play villains mostly, so you might see me doing no good as Ace Railgun, Pacific time. I usually run ebil tips, story arcs and strikeforces.
Warface from Protector, and Septimus Bane from Guardian. Both 50s, been around since 2004 and love me some raids. So if you dont mind a tag along brute or tank, love to team up and always open to helping random missions or arcs you need help with. @theoriginalwarface
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com
Well I started on Freedom way back in the day when I did not know what I was doing when the Hollows was new.
Moved to Liberty and hit Hami with a Vengence with Lost Elf and the Crew. Left there shorlty after the 1st PvP changes.
Spent time with TopDoc, Tribal and RO doing Super Teams. Where have they all gone?
Took a break and missed the AE banning fallout.
I have been drifting now for a few years on all the servers.
Seems like I have toons that I had started and thought were good, were bad but then ended up good again. Just going around and getting them up to speed.
I started here just to get a base on both sides up and running just in case.
Alts on all servers, lvl 50 of every AT:
lvl 50 Heroes on all servers but; Pinnacle, Victory
lvl 50 Villains on all servers but; Guardian, Pinnacle, Triumph, Victory
Current Projects: Tanks
Official MOM of Tribal Alliance
My home server is Champion, better known as the "drama server". There, Im known as Cherry. All my toon names have some form of Cherry in them and all look the same. Her back story is that she has MPD and depending on the situation (read, whatever we are doing at the time) changes into whatever hero/vil is needed.. truth be told, its just been easier keeping the same toon with the same look, im not terribly creative with costumes and such
Im more of a social player, not so much of the omgimgonnawreckurface player. I like to organize and run fun events for the server (drop ship challenge myself and @fanged knight hosted on Champion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO8tbKvto1I) {there is 1 in the works for this server too, with red name assistance!]. I managed to get "Cherry" on this server, so, i will play here time to time and run events here too, but, Champion will always remain my home server.
My signature at the bottom pretty much sums it up. I look forward to meeting new people and playing with old friends too that have moved toons here as well.
my global is @Cherry Cupcakes.
See y'all in game