Purchase Limits borked




So, I have a ticket open for this. I have 2 accounts with the same credit card attached.

Both of them are set to an in-game limit of $400.

I bought $200 of points on one account. When I went to do the same on the other account, I got an error about being over a limit. I tried swapping the 2nd account to a different credit card (which I'd prefer not to, since I like getting the airline miles on the first card), and it still wouldn't let me buy them. So that 2nd account is saying: limit $400, purchased: $0, and is still telling me I've hit the limit on "serial codes" I can buy. (The text saying "serial code" or "game code" for a points purchase could probably be considered a bug itself; would confuse a new user who had never used a serial code.)



Followup for the curious: Support was able to unlock my limit so I could buy more points on my other account. (Dear ncsoft: please let me shovel money at you!)

I still think it's *bizarre* that it can show a limit of $400 in game but not actually let you spend it, fwiw.

Edit: 10 minutes later, Chase calls to verify the charges. Hahaha.



I have 1 credit card that I use for my 2 active accounts. It's not letting me adjust the spending limit from $100 to $400.

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I changed my billing credit card around march of this year. Imagine my surprise when I went to buy a few points and found my old card as the one on file.

Some very interesting coding and data retention going on.



Originally Posted by _Zep_ View Post
I changed my billing credit card around march of this year. Imagine my surprise when I went to buy a few points and found my old card as the one on file.

Some very interesting coding and data retention going on.
Not if you had kept the older card on file (to purchase boosters etc) and when you changed your billing card you didnt check the "keep this card on file" box.

((Note: I am not 100% sure if this happens just on changing the subscription card, or if the tick box only appears on the purchasing screen once you buy a booster... i havnt changed my card recently, and i dont keep my card on file either))



This is the error where they explicitly say that they can't manually fix you, right?

Heh. Going to be a lot of people calling support now...