The 20 hour timers




I'm sure this has been brought up before.

Is there a reason everything is on a 20 hour timer as opposed to resetting at a specific time during the day?

Resetting at a given time is a much better solution to capping someone to once per day. If you reset everything at say, midnight, then clearly people cannot do something more than once per day.

What you gain from this is people are not arbitrarily punished if they cannot play the game at similar times 2 days in a row. As it stands now, if one night you had to do something late, and the next day you could not play late, there go your tips/a-merit conversion/TF merit reset/whatever else.

I think it would allow a lot more freedom to play the game without bypassing the current once per day restriction. I realize the 20 hour as opposed to 24 hour was an attempt to deal with it, but let's face it, there are far more than 20 hours in a day.



Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
I'm sure this has been brought up before.

Is there a reason everything is on a 20 hour timer as opposed to resetting at a specific time during the day?

Resetting at a given time is a much better solution to capping someone to once per day. If you reset everything at say, midnight, then clearly people cannot do something more than once per day.

What you gain from this is people are not arbitrarily punished if they cannot play the game at similar times 2 days in a row. As it stands now, if one night you had to do something late, and the next day you could not play late, there go your tips/a-merit conversion/TF merit reset/whatever else.

I think it would allow a lot more freedom to play the game without bypassing the current once per day restriction. I realize the 20 hour as opposed to 24 hour was an attempt to deal with it, but let's face it, there are far more than 20 hours in a day.
I'd guess this is the reason:

Do 5 tip missions before Midnight.
Limit Resets
Do 5 tip missions after midnight and Morality.

Congratulations, you've changed alignment in 2-4 hours.



Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
Is there a reason everything is on a 20 hour timer as opposed to resetting at a specific time during the day?

Resetting at a given time is a much better solution to capping someone to once per day. If you reset everything at say, midnight, then clearly people cannot do something more than once per day.
Technically true, but you could do the same thing twice inside of a smaller time frame. Even though technically it wouldn't be twice in the same day, it could be twice in the same hour.

Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
What you gain from this is people are not arbitrarily punished if they cannot play the game at similar times 2 days in a row.
Generally, if you play at the same time. the 20 hours timer doesn't impact your play.

Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
As it stands now, if one night you had to do something late, and the next day you could not play late, there go your tips/a-merit conversion/TF merit reset/whatever else.
It does take a modicum of effort on the part of the player to coordinate his play schedule with the limits imposed by the game. This is true.
I don't find it onerous atm. ymmv.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I'd guess this is the reason:

Do 5 tip missions before Midnight.
Limit Resets
Do 5 tip missions after midnight and Morality.

Congratulations, you've changed alignment in 2-4 hours.
Which is exactly why the devs chose the 20 hour timer so players couldn't exploit the system contrary to how the devs want the timers to work.



Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
What you gain from this is people are not arbitrarily punished if they cannot play the game at similar times 2 days in a row. As it stands now, if one night you had to do something late, and the next day you could not play late, there go your tips/a-merit conversion/TF merit reset/whatever else.
You're not punished, there are other things you can be doing than running Tips, none of which are level gated... Well, I suppose rerunning the same TF is still level-gated to 20 hours.

The problem with a specific reset time is you have players all over the world. Your midnight is my 7-10 AM, depending on where you actually are and Australia's mid day. The timer exists to provide a buffer so that you CANNOT run tips faster than once per 20 hours. What you're asking for is to run tips once per 20 hours. Whether or not this is repeatable isn't the issue here, the time buffer is, and right now, it works.

Personally, I'm not a fan of time-gated content at all and wish the developers hadn't slapped such a large reward on these things as to mandate such stringent requirements. 20 missions to swap alignment is already a commitment. That's the better part of Crimson's World Wide Red, minus the Kronos.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Which is exactly why the devs chose the 20 hour timer so players couldn't exploit the system contrary to how the devs want the timers to work.
If I remember correctly, they were originally on a 24 hour timer, which meant that if you wanted to get full rewards and played every day you had to keep pushing the time back a little more every day. The timer was reduced to 20 hours to remedy that problem. From my perspective it was successful.

Setting it to an arbitrary time of day (or night) is a worse solution. It's fine for you if you don't play at that time of day, but we have people from all time zones playing this game. If your play time was from 8:00 to 12:00 and you finished a TF at 11:45 yesterday, that means you basically can't do that one today. Not if you want full rewards anyway. With the 20 hour timer it's no problem at all.



I see that the ability to rapidly change morality annoys some people, although over time it would take the same amount. IE if you wanted to rapidly change villain, get the power pools and change back, you would still have to wait a similar amount of time.

Total time to go hero to villain back to hero is going to be roughly the same. It allows you one "burst" change. After the burst, you would have to wait 48 hours to do a "burst" change again. I can see from an immersion standpoint that this is not entirely desirable, but like I said, you aren't doing this every 24 hour period.

Anyway, none of that applies to the various conversions or the TF merit penalty, which is what I am most concerned with. Tips are already a chore.



Originally Posted by Prime313 View Post
I see that the ability to rapidly change morality annoys some people, although over time it would take the same amount.
They didn't ask us if we liked it or not. The devs flat out told us they don't want us switching alignments at the drop of a hat. They want it to take several days to accomplish. This is how they want the 20 hour timers to work.

Edit: Oh and just in case the OP wasn't aware of it the 20 hour timers were added to the game a couple of years before the devs added side switching. The timers were added to help limit the rewards players were getting from running Speed Katies and other short TF's back to back.