Just reactivated subscription - updater won't run?

Father Xmas



I just reactivated my subscription because I saw all the new alterations on the game updates page, and wanted to see how they affect the game. I tried running cohupdater.exe to get my client up to date, but it doesn't even produce a window, just runs in the background and does nothing?



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
I just reactivated my subscription because I saw all the new alterations on the game updates page, and wanted to see how they affect the game. I tried running cohupdater.exe to get my client up to date, but it doesn't even produce a window, just runs in the background and does nothing?
That's because it no longer works.

You need the crapware NCSoft Launcher now: http://us.ncsoft.com/en/launcher/ncsoft-launcher.html



No patch exists for my version... 4 gig download. There goes an hour and a half of the time I just paid for :/

But that's nothing new, the old CoH updater used to do that to me every time I came back after a little absence too. They should really keep older patches around >.<



The current updater only needs to patch what actually needs replacing, and so that is 4GB of files.

If they kept "older" patches, then you would generally find that you could have 30-50 different patches before you can play.

One mmo that i can think of, actually *does* do the "different patch" per version route... so it could take the best part of a complete day (if not longer) to actually get up to date, as there was no method of it being able to patch from any old client up to date.

*edit*: To clarify, it would take the version number that you were on, and then supply each and *every* single patch from that point on. Installing additional expansions would help *ease* the amount you had to download, but it still took a while to get fully up to date

Personally, I prefer the "City of" method, instead of the "gorilla" method... (and when the 800lb Gorilla only had a burning expansion, patching up from "basic" to that involved a *lot* of patches, and it only got worse the longer it went on....



Well every .pigg file was modified back in January. 2GB of them have been modified over the last three weeks.

I know this sounds weird but I still try to keep up with the patches even when I'm not subscribed. A check once a week done in the background can save hours of tedious downloads when you come back.

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