Help with naming lts for Chinese-themed necromancer
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Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
Guan Di

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
Gwan Di
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
You're not using these guys?
Only the greatest chinese warriors of all time.
Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
I was going to suggest the Three Storms, but you've already got the minions covered. And it's hard to imagine Lo Pan as anything less than the boss monster.
Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
If they're to be knights. How about Hēi Bái Wú Cháng or Niú Tóu Mǎ Miàn?
If they're to be knights. How about Hēi Bái Wú Cháng or Niú Tóu Mǎ Miàn?
though I split it to the Hei Wu Chang and the Bai Wu Chang....mostly because I know Hei is black and Bai is white and the description on the wiki look up is that they're two organizations of ghost-guards
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
Nanna-Sin (japanese goddess of the moon) maybe?
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
I already claimed "Six Demon Bag" on Victory. I'm full of wind and fire and all that sort of stuff.
Name: Acacia Liuzhi (beautiful spider)
Player: Thrythlind
Calling: Soother of Spirits (Grief/Suicide Counselor)
Nature: Caregiver
Pantheon: Celestial Bureacracy
God: Yuan Lo
Strength 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 3(1)
Knacks: Eternal Youth
Charisma 4(2)
Knacks: Hapless Cool, Blessing of Importance
Manipulation 3(1)
Knacks: Stench of Guilt
Appearance 4(2)
Knacks: My Eyes are Up Here, Come Hither
Perception 3
Intelligence 3
Wits 3
Abilities (Place an X in your affinity skills)
[ ] Aca 3
[ ] Ani 3
[ ] Art
[ ] Ath
[ ] Awa 3
[ ] Bra
[ ] Com
[ ] Con
[ ] Cra
[X] Emp 3
[ ] For 2
[X] Int 2
[X] Inv 2
[ ] Lar
[ ] Med 3
[ ] Mel
[X] Occ 3
[X] Pol
[X] Pre 3
[ ] Sci
[ ] Ste 3
[ ] Sur
[ ] Thr
Velvet Shawl (Death, Animal(Spider), +1 Soak) Relic 3
Blood Tears Earrings (Justice) Relic 1
Jade Pocket Phone (Guide Summoning, Creature Summoning) Relic 2
Wei Shi Zhi (Guardian Weaver) Creature 3 (Demon-Spider Guardian)
Followers: Assistants (5) 1 (basic professionals, not exceptional, not bland)
Secretary, Lawyer, Pharmacist, Physical Trainer, Investigator
Guide: Jie Bao-Xi (Type, Stats below) 3 (Ancestor Ghost)
Death Senses (Death) 1
Tai Yi (Tai Yi) 1
Judgment (Justice) 1
Animal Communication (Animal(Spider)) 1
WIllpower 7 Temp WP 7/7
Duty 1
Harmony 4
Intellect 3
Valor 1
Legend 3 Temp LP 9/9
Move: 2
Dash: 5
Jump: 1
Soak: 1A/3L/4B
Dodge DV: 2
Parry DV: Unarmed 0; Weapon1 0; Weapon2 0; etc
Join Battle: 6
Velvet Shawl +1 Soak (2A/4L/5B total)
Spent Bonus Points
Legend 2 - 8 points
Followers 1 - 2 points
Relic 1 - 1 point
Relic 2 - 2 points
Guide 3 - 3 points
Ten Minute Background
General Concept
1 - Acacia believes that beauty comes from being in harmony with the world, with the community and with one’s self. A mechanic who loves his family and does good, trustworthy work is beautiful while a model who only lives for their own interests is not. She believes that physical beauty is hollow and that true beauty will reverberate from the internal being of a person or action. Beautiful and worthwhile are synonymous in her mind, as are ugly and wasteful.
2 - This is especially apparent in her perception of death. A woman who dies after a long life as a miserly recluse has an ugly death because she never did anything worthwhile with her resources and potential, whereas a firefighter whose life is cut off early in saving a child has had a beautiful death. The quality of the life is not the only aspect she looks at, a man who has spent a lifetime as a criminal and even murderer who dies trying to help someone still had a beautiful death, even if he had not had a good/beautiful life, whereas the hero who dies in fleeing from a problem, or in doing some act that only helps his own image and pride has had an ugly death in contrast to a beautiful life. All in all, it comes down to the choices of the person. Murder is a shameful act, but that shame does not extend to the victim.
3 - Acacia sees herself as a servant of death, but that does not mean she encourages death at all times. Like any in the Celestial Bureaucracy, she believes that all things have their appointed time. One should not fear death, but one should not seek it either. It will come for you when it is time to do so.
4 - In addition to her career as a psychiatrist, she has worked as a parapsychologist at times, though rarely these days. Her mother was a parapsychologist as well, and the family has a good reputation among the field, even if Acacia herself limits her public participation in the field to dealing with patients of hers that are reporting trouble. In fact her actions as a parapsychologist tend to be secretly geared toward keeping enough belief that legend flows from the stories, but not so much that the modern world can’t help but believe. The return to the belief in the Gods had to be handled delicately, or it would aid the Titans and not the Heavens, and belief had to remain on the edges, the realm of faith rather than knowledge, or else humanity would over-define the Gods and other creatures and new limits would be applied.
5 - Her legend is equal parts tall tales and urban legend. At the same time that she is a renowned psychiatrist specializing in dealing with death-issues and a recognized occasional investigator in the field of the paranormal, there are also tales of a woman often dressed in spider-themed dresses who acts as a sort of medium or exorcist.
1 - She seeks to become the perfect expression of Harmony between life and death. She wants to be the avatar of a beautiful death.
2 - She wants to learn why her mother’s body was stolen after a death by stroke and why her spirit cannot be found.
1 - Acacia is arranged to marry a scion of another pantheon as an act of alliance. This is in keeping with actions by the Celestial Bureaucracy in the past as several Chinese gods are also included among the Japanese gods, and the Indian belief in Buddhism, including several Buddhist spirits, is also included in their pantheon at times. I’ll let the ST decide which pantheon her arranged husband comes from. Japanese seems obvious, but Norse and Egyptian might also fit. She knows about the arrangement but has not yet met her husband-to-be. My hope is that she will meet him before either of them realize they are each other’s arranged mate. Paralleling Disney Sleeping Beauty where the Prince and the Girl meet and fall in love on their own. Go ahead and tell me the name and identity of the character so I know which character to play off of, but I’ll play as if she doesn’t know.
2 - Acacia’s mother, Jenny Linn, became frustrated with Yuan Lo’s refusal to show her the other side of existence, in keeping with laws about mortals, and after several years caring for their daughter and trying to find that knowledge on her own, she made a deal with the titans for that knowledge. She is now an undead similar to a vampire or kuang-shih, and while she shares her daughter’s passion for death, she doesn’t any longer share a respect or equal passion for life. Jenny is a DG worthy adversary who probably will act through feelers or minions at first. She believes that death is the natural, proper state of things and would seek to bring all life to death. Acacia does not know about this.
3 - Anything else the ST wants to add without telling the Player about it.
1 - Jenny Linn, as described above, is an undead menace.
2 - Jie Bao-Xi was the wife of a regional magistrate during the Three Kingdoms period. Historically that province remained comparatively stable and untouched compared to the other provinces due to the actions of the magistrate in charge. However, it was really Bao-Xi’s intelligence and capability that kept the province in good condition in spite of her husband’s general incompetence. As such, upon death, she was assigned to being a functionary in Yuan Lo’s service. Some small stories of her life have spread and she is due for examination to determine if she should be promoted to lesser immortal in another hundred years or so.
3 - Wei Shi Zhi is a demonic hunting spider who was created from the soul of a human assassin who was sent to kill a past Emperor and “failed” by choosing not to as he respected that Emperor‘s strength and purpose. (Jet Li’s Hero storyline, basically). Sometime after death, he was promoted to demon status and was placed in the Hell of Barbed Netting, Locusts and Leeches as a further guard over the corrupt officials within. More recently he has been given extra duties to see to Acacia Liuzhi’s needs and protection. Wei Shi Zhi appears in his former human shape one 24 hour period out of each month, and loses his demonic abilities at that time (he’s still an experienced aka “Rambo” level soldier).
4 - Min Li is a Chinese immigrant and Acacia’s secretary. She is also Jie Bao-Xi’s prodigy as a servant to the powers of heaven. She has the most contact with Acacia’s supernatural nature.
5 - Hillary Schank is Acacia’s lawyer and has the second most experience with the supernatural truth of her client. She was initially terrified, but has since come to appreciate the legalist and ordered nature of the Celestial Bureaucracy. She’s fully converted to the worship of the Chinese pantheon though she has not yet told her Christian parents.
6 - Julie Parth is Acacia’s pharmacist and fellow medical professional. She believes in ghosts and that Acacia is a medium of some kind. She has seen Jie Bao-Xi and knows she’s a ghost, but she’s only seen Wei Shi Zhi as a man and never as a spider-demon. She has taken to following the combination of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism held sacred by the Celestial Bureaucracy, modeling Acacia.
7 - Mara Karston is a physical therapist that Acacia keeps in touch with, like Julie she is only mildly aware of Acacia’s supernatural nature and believes her to be a medium or some other type of psychic. Likewise to Julie, her religious activity is model of Acacia.
8 - Nalia Robles is a private investigator who, while lacking paranormal powers, has had a lot of repeat contact with supernatural creatures. (She’s similar to Scott Bakula’s character in Lord of Illusions) She has enough knowledge to keep herself more or less safe when investigating supernatural incidents. She does not have a legend yet.
1 - Acacia was 14 when her mother died on an investigation in an area whispered to be the location of a vortex of some sort. Acacia has vague memories of whispers and fading vision before her mother fell dead in front of her. The coroners called it a stroke, but then the body vanished the next day and Acacia is sure that someone killed her mother and is holding her spirit hostage. This belief is enhanced by what she now knows of the world.
2 - Acacia’s visitation came ten years after her mother’s death, supposedly by Stroke. Acacia was 24 years old and acting as a parapsychologist, partly to seek her mother’s spirit and hoping to find out why her body was “stolen”. One particular incident she investigated was staged. The client was himself a ghost sent to bring Acacia to a house where she could come through a gate and be officially recognized by Yuan Lo as a worldly servant. Acacia was shown the wonders and terrors of her father’s realm and told that she would be death’s hand in the World, either holding the living back, or pushing them forward as necessary.
3 - Acacia was recently honored for several breakthrough cases that other psychiatrists believed were hopeless. She is believed by her mortal peers to have advanced the occupation and knowledge of the human mind. She feels mildly ashamed as the cases in question involved real ghosts and only getting the patients to accept things, she is quiet about the truth but believes that her divine advantages make her receipt of the honor unfair.
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
Our ST quit when my Scion of Loki started wooing one of Gaia´s daughters... Epic Charisma rules
Tried to re-make him here, ended up with a DP/Fire Blaster. I want a Hellfire Whip Powerset!!
I have Kindred of the East lying around somewhere... if I find it I could look up a few Yama King names for you.

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
Our ST quit when my Scion of Loki started wooing one of Gaia´s daughters... Epic Charisma rules
![]() Tried to re-make him here, ended up with a DP/Fire Blaster. I want a Hellfire Whip Powerset!! I have Kindred of the East lying around somewhere... if I find it I could look up a few Yama King names for you. |
The daughter of Artemis won...then her player had an argument with the GMs and got rudely banned from the chat sight after her character was violently killed such that resurrection was impossible.
I quit in they lost two of their best roleplayers in that instance.
We had just been getting close to Demi-God here
Sang-Yoon...the previous character is here....she's an Ill/Storm in CoH:
Name: Sang-Yoon Koga
Calling: Magician
Pantheon: Amatsukami
God: Susano-O
Nature: Gallant
Str: 2
Epic: 1
Knacks: Crushing Grip - Lethal Grapple Damage
Dex: 3
Epic: 1
Knacks: Untouchable Opponent - Insane Defenses
Sta: 3
Epic: 1
Knacks: Inner Furnace - Eat any food without getting sick or poisoned (like alcohol)
Cha: 3
Epic: 1
Knacks: Charmer (make someone forget a faux pas), Inspirational Figure (everyone has to listen to you and allies get morale boost)
Man: 3
Epic: 1
Knacks: Gods' Honest (they have to believe you, if you tell the truth when you do this, no one can ever convince them its not)
App: 3
Epic: 1
Knacks: Center of Attention (everybody looks at her when this is active)
Per: 3
Epic: 1
Knacks: Spatial Attunement (blindsight - spatial sense - radar)
Int: 3
Epic: 2
Knacks: Fast Leaner (cheaper xp cost on some skills), Cipher (unravel any code)
Wits: 5
Epic: 1
Knacks: Instant Investigator (walking forensics lab, Sherlock scan)
x=her father's best skills
[ ] Academics 2
[ ] Animal Empathy 2
[ ] Art 4 (Stage Magic)
[ ] Athletics 3
[x] Awareness 3
[x] Brawl 3
[ ] Command 3
[ ] Control/Driving 0 ( )
[x] Craft 1 (Magic Tricks)
[ ] Empathy 2
[x] Fortitude 3
[ ] Integrity 2
[ ] Investigation 1
[ ] Larceny 3
[ ] Marksmanship 0
[ ] Medicine 2
[x] Melee 2
[ ] Occult 3
[ ] Politics 2
[x] Presence 3
[ ] Science 0 ( )
[ ] Stealth 2
[ ] Survival 0
[ ] Thrown Weapons 2
Birthright -
Relic 3: Fox Tail (Animal(fox), Health, Fire)
Relic 4: Lost Blade of the Storm (throwing knife, Unique Power, Returning, Unique Power: Replicates "Storm Control" Sky 3 - struck enemy gets thrown back)
Followers 1: Crew (10 mortals)
Followers 1: Security Guards (5 Beat Cop-Templates)
Followers 3: The Animal Girls (5 Animal-spirit possessed girls)
Guide 4: Miss Sara Vulpes - Kitsune/Reynard (norse kitsune)
Relic 1: The Blood of Mercury (Psychopomp)
Creature 3: Dirty Trickster (Creature)
Relic: Yasakani no Magatama (Fertility, Sun, War, Water) 4
Animal (Fox) (Animal Communication) 1
Fire (Fire Immunity) 1
Health (Assess Health) 1
Tsukumo-Gami (The Wakeful Spirit) 1
Water (Water Breathing) 1
Chaos (Eye of the Storm) 1
Psychopomp (Unerring Orientation) 1
War (Blessing Of Bravery) 1
Virtues: (Virtue of 1 is still more dedication than most mortals have to that virtue...Scions have to act according to their virtues or risk losing willpower or even going temporarily crazy. As I say: act unreasonable or act Sa-Yoo's case, she is unlikely to EVER give up a goal just because she's injured or tired or anything else...someone would have to make her back off and she wouldn't like it)
Duty: 2
Endurance: 4
Intellect: 2
Valor: 2
Legend: 4
Legend Points: 16
Willpower: 6
Relic 1: 1 pt
Followers 1: 1 pt
Followers 1: 1 pt
Fortitude 3: 2 pts
Command 3: 2 pts
Brawl 2: 1 pt
Art 4: 2 pts
Guide 4: 5 pts
Update History:
Spent XP: 139.0
Current XP: 17.0 (2.0 of 4.0 the week of Jan 26 to Feb 2)
Total XP: 156.0
Virtue Ticks:
Duty 0 out of 3
Endurance 2 out of 3
Intellect 4 out of 3
Valor 2 out of 3
ST Notes:
6/July/07: Benchmark decreased by 2, 1 for humoring ST in scene with Izanami, 1 for Stunt against Wurm
10/July/07: Duty tick from Self-Nomination, Endurance from ST Nomination, and a 1.5 bonus XP from forum posts, 3.5 more possible for July. (Patrick R)
11/July/07: Added 1 XP for forum post about Foxes, 2 Stunt dice lower benchmark
13/July/07: Added Blood of Mercury, Dirty Trickster. Benchmark decreases by 10, Intellect tick
13/July/07: Corrected Legend benchmark
05/Aug/07: +15 XP, -10 XP for Epic Stam 1 (Inner Furnace), + 2XP for forum posts from before the crash
05/Aug/07: 8 LP, Endurance Tick, -8 XP to buy Stam 3
21/Aug/07: -5XP for Inspirational Figure, -2XP for Occult 2, -3XP for Investigation 1. ELIGIBLE FOR LEGEND 3
2/Sep/07: -4XP for "Eye of the Storm"
6/Sep/07: -1XP for Melee 2, -3XP for Brawl 3
11/September/2007 (NEVER FORGET!): Added 3.0 XP for Good Story Posts, 1.5 from AUgust, 1.5 from Sept
15/Sept/2007: Added Athletics 3 for 4XP
23/Sept/2007: Added Crafts (Magic Tricks) 1 for 3XP, added ticks to Valor, Intellect and Duty, subtracted stunt points from threshold.
24/Sept/07: Spent 3XP for Academics 1
04/Oct/07: Spent 16 XP for Legend 3; Reset Benchmark to 100
25/Oct/07: Spend 10 XP for Epic Int (Fast Learner)
06/Nov/07: Spent 4 XP for Psychopomp 1
15/Nov/07: +5 Bonus XP for Posts
25/Nov/07: For 6 XP the followering were added: Aca 2, Pol 1, Med 2, Occult 3
01/Dec/07: Epic Strength (Crushing Grip) 1 added for 8 XP
02/Dec/07: Added Duty Tick and Valor Tick ---- Eligible to buy Duty
11/Dec/07: Added Epic Intelligence (Cipher) 2 for 5 XP
13/Dec/07: Added Pol 2 for 1 XP due to Fast Learner
15/Dec/07: Added Bonus XP, Intellect Tick, Epic Perception (Spatial Attunement) 1 for 10 XP -- Eligible to Buy Intellect
16/Dec/07: Added Duty 2 for 3 XP
(12/25/2007) 5 bonus xp given, Merry Christmas - KrystalK
11/Jan/2008 : Added Legend 4 for 24 XP
Updated XP for the week of Jan12 - 19 (Patrick_
27/Jan/08: Added War (Blessing of Bravery) 1 for 5 xp
9/2/2008 added Intellect tick carryover PipS
10/2/08: Added Animal Ken 2 for 2 xp
some of the stories and chat logs can be found here:
including having managed to God's Honest a Fenris Wolf into believing its packmates were plotting against it and it had to fight them right now in order to survive
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
Angry Po Spirit - Po Chien
Bodiless Ghost - Kuei Hsien
Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?
More suggestions:
Blast Hardcheese
Slab Bulkhead
Bold Bigflank
Splint Chesthair
Flint Ironstag
Bolt Van Der Huge
Thick McRunfast
Buff Drinklots
Fist Rockbone
Stump Beefnob
Bunk Slamchest
Smash Lampjaw
Punch Rockgroin
Buck Plankchest
Stump Junkman
Dirk Hardpec
Rip Steakface
Slate Slabrock
Crud Bonemeal
Brinck Hardmeat
Wip Slabcheek
Punch Sideiron
Gristle McThornbody
Slate Fistcrunch
Buff Hardback
Bob Johnson
Blast Thickneck
Crunch Buttsteak
Slab Squatthrust
Lump Beefbroth
Touch Rustrod
Reef Blastbody
Big McLargehuge
Smoke Manmuscle
Beat Punchbeef
Hack Blowfist
Roll Fizzlebeef
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
...porting over one of my scion characters, a daughter of Yuan Lo who would eventually be the Goddess of Beautiful Death...beautiful here meaning "useful" or "meaningful"
anyway, much as I prefer that we had access to more elegant undead, I decided I can make do
for the minions, I'm going Jiang Shih, Chiang Shih and Jiang Shi (different spellings for the same thing to get around the unique naming thing)
for the boss, I'm going Yama King
but I don't want to call the knights simply "ancestors"
any suggestions?
note, this is a good-aligned, heroic themed necromancer...granted controlling jiang shi edges on that, but could be seen as giving them a chance at redemption
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math