Imperious TF - 1PM EDT Sat Aug 13
I will bring Inheritance, (Demon/Therm MM). And Thanks for running this one IB.
Father will help out:
Johnny B. Quantum (Grav/FF controller)
I'll bring Magius Aegis, Ill/Storm Troller
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
Okay, in the first three sign-ups we have thermal, bubbles and storm. I guess I don't need to bring a debuffer.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I will bring Eye P Frealee
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
<slaps with wet noodle>
Kindly follow the lead of the previous posters by indicating AT and powersets!
Or don't bother.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Please sign up Angelica Venger and Flux Overlord. I may bring someone besides Angelica, not sure yet.
Thank you.
Flux is a Claws/Invuln scrapper
Angie is fire/ice blaster
I'll take a quick look and see who might better benefit than Angie and post another note.
Every day I wake up is a good day.

I'll gladly bring along my Spines/Dark scrapper "Atlantian Guardian". He's 37, if I remember correctly, and has already run one ITF, so he's good to go. Is there still room?
Always up for teaming with good players, so hit me up: @Deceivius and @Deceivius2
On account of the Double XP Weekend, we will be departing for one week from our 'schedule'. The ITF seems to be one of the most preferred activities for Double XP, so we're going there too.
This is a co-op task force so all alignments can join. Since the task force is in Cimerora, you must be a member of the Midnighter Club to get there. The contact for the arc to join the Club is Montague Castanella in Steel Canyon for heroes and Ashley McKnight in Cap au Diable for villains.
Saturday, August 13 at 1 PM EDT
Imperious TF
Level 35+
Requires 6 players.
1. Ironblade - likely a tank or debuffer. Possibly Al Pine, level 45 plant/cold controller.
2. E1111s - Inheritance (demon/thermal MM)
3. Johnny Taxibot - Johnny B. Quantum (grav/FF controller)
4. GATE-keeper - Magius Aegis (ill/storm controller)
5. Doctor A Science - character with distasteful name
6. Angelica Venger - blaster but might bring a different toon
7. Flux Overlord - scrapper
8. Deceivius - Atlantian Guardian (scrapper)
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project