Original Comic art stolen at Comicon
Hello everyone,
I'd like to ask that you keep this post on-topic. Baselessly accusing people of a crime is not appropriate for the City of Heroes Forums, nor is name-calling or other forms of disrespect.
Thank you,
Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios
It was stolen at the San Diego Zoo, not Comic-Con. It would be next to impossible for anyone to steal 205 pages of original artwork at Comic-Con.
I'm curious if he just had it laying in the back seat of the car where anyone could see it. If not, it would either mean he was the victim of a random car break-in, or someone knew who he was and suspected what he had in the car.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I swear this happens every year.
Also, I don't think that a random person would break into a guy's car to steal art work.
Sometimes people breaking into cars don't really care what they steal.
I had a backpack of dirty laundry stole out of my car once.
Aye, it actually happened while they were at the zoo, but the title added a little context as well.
Per Brent:
"Yes, it wasn't "geek" crooks. I believe it was an opportunistic smash and grab by someone looking for money or jewelry, not comics art. (They stole all of our dirty clothes and toiletries! Probably for the luggage they were in.) They even left three Itoya portfolios of art in the car. If they wanted the art, they would have taken those, too. They didn't know what was in the slip case around the other four. They took the case. The more light we shed on the stolen art the more unsellable it becomes. Unfortunately, the more unsellable, the more likely it is to be disposed of. An anonymous drop-off of the art somewhere it would be discovered by a knowledgeable person is the best outcome, or in finding the work at a flea market there for a quick, cheap sale, just to get rid of it. Anyone living in the greater San Diego area who enjoys frequenting flea markets, garage and rummage sales, can visit as many of them as they can this coming weekend and on into the end of summer. The sooner the better. If you find any and/or all of the art, buy it and call the police. (619-744-9500) Tell them you have a lead on case #11-029140. In this way we may just get the art back!"
I have an idea! No wait...it's just gas.
Sometimes people breaking into cars don't really care what they steal.
I had a backpack of dirty laundry stole out of my car once. |
But they left my imported anime music CDs. It's nice to know that CDs aren't worth anything anymore.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Update from Brent Anderson: Stolen Art Update: The stolen pages of Green Lantern: Legacy are pp. 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 18, 20, 21, 24, 30-36, 38-40, 42-46, 48, 51-57, 60 & 67-70 . All other pages between pp. 1-70 sold prior to Monday July 25, 2011 are safe pages. Please forward this update to comic shops and art collectors. Thanks!
I have an idea! No wait...it's just gas.
From Brent Eric Anderson on FB: "My car was broken into at the San Diego Zoo today and the following original art was stolen."
Full list:50 pages from Astro City Vols. 1 & 2 & Local Heroes;
Astro City: Dark Age Books 1 (#s 1-4), 2 (#s 1-4) & 3 (#s 1-4) (50 pages).
Green Lantern: Legacy approx. 45 pages between pages 1-45;
Green Lantern Silver Age Special (approx. 4 pages);
GL/Plastic Man team-up special (approx. 8 pages);
Rising Stars #s 15-24 (approx. 48 pages)
Basically keep an eye out on ebay, craigslist, etc. for any sudden bonanza of art put up for sale, and if there are any contacts at local stores near San Diego, make sure they have a heads-up in case someone approaches them with a page or more.
I have an idea! No wait...it's just gas.