DP/Rad vs DP/Traps?
Kinda surprised that no one had any comments on this. One last try before I let it fade into oblivion.
Will Traps provide as much to teams in the high level game as Rad? |
Also looking over the sets DP seems to mesh fairly well with Traps. Am I correct in this assumption? |
How much difficulty am I looking at to get a soft capped defense build on something like this? |
Perhaps I should try this as a Defender instead... How much benefit does DP get from scourge compared to others sets? |
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Ok, how about this then. How much use would DP/Traps get from scourge. Perhaps it would be better to roll as a Defender?
I think traps and Rad suffer from the same issue, on fast moving teams, neither is used much. I know, the traps guys will jump up and say they run in first, lay traps, blah blah. I havent been on a higher lvl team in a while that the traps guy woulld even get his first trap out before the mobs were down. Static fights are similar, except against aoe hitting big targets, your traps can go blewey, along with your shield. Thats not saying traps isnt great on some things, or even better than Rad in some ways, but I find it cumbersome on fast teams.
I would take the corr version. I think DP is sad for single target, and scourge helps there, more than the new defender inherent or its higher shield value.
In the end, its personnel choice on these two, as I dont think there is enough difference to really push one as a clear favorite.
A last note, on small teams, running difficult missions, where your kill speed is down, I think traps shines and is really a fun set to play, I just dont run into that scenario much myself, though I have on a couple occasions with my traps/dp and it was fun to have fort fights.
Ok, how about this then. How much use would DP/Traps get from scourge. Perhaps it would be better to roll as a Defender?
What I can say which I really think is a general statement for scourge is I do see it helping sometimes against bosses where instead of 2 shots needed to kill him 1 scourge hit does the job.
Honestly I do think Defenders do get better numbers when compared to Corruptors and the solo bonus is very helpful as well. Just pulling up 2 instances of MIDs and looking at both DP Traps Corruptor and Trap DP Defender you will see higher defense numbers and higher debuff numbers for defenders. So nutshell you might be doing less dps but you will find it easier to obtain full positional defense cap with a defender.
But so you know you can obtain full positional defense cap with a corruptor as well with Traps. I have a Traps toons / builds in MM, Corruptor and Defender all positionally capped.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives
Not sure about DP but I LOVE my AR/Traps Corruptor.
I have quite a few Corruptors that are 50... each with their own pros and cons. Traps on teams that steam roll allow you to simple throw down FFG and go to town with the occasional acid mortar and caltrops. On TFs/ITrials I love taking my Traps corr
The answer to your question is simple: Whichever you like I have a /dark /traps /pain /ice and /ta corruptor incarnated
Next will be a /time
I think traps and Rad suffer from the same issue, on fast moving teams, neither is used much.
Generally if a team is moving so fast that the majority of my Fire/Rad's debuffs are not worth casting - I'll usually pop EF on a Boss or EB and then just shoot the hell out of stuff.
For longer duration fights or situations where I'm alone (like lambda split phase) I can drop both toggles, LR the entire spawn and then go to town with RoF, Fireball and my ST attacks.
That's the strength of Rad, it's gives a ton of "free time" to just go on offense, which is my preferred style of play.
Rad is lucky in that it doesn't really need to actually do much.
Generally if a team is moving so fast that the majority of my Fire/Rad's debuffs are not worth casting - I'll usually pop EF on a Boss or EB and then just shoot the hell out of stuff. For longer duration fights or situations where I'm alone (like lambda split phase) I can drop both toggles, LR the entire spawn and then go to town with RoF, Fireball and my ST attacks. That's the strength of Rad, it's gives a ton of "free time" to just go on offense, which is my preferred style of play. |
My traps can't get much off during the fast moving phases of trials/TFs - but he also has FFG up constantly providing mez protection and extra def and during the AV fights can get out a huge stack of poison traps and acid mortars - I generally have 2 up and sometimes 3. He also gets a lot of use out of seeker drones during the lambda's glowie hunt phase - taking the alpha from the group around the glowies helps a lot. Acid mortar is also a bit nicer than EF during that phase - EF pulls aggro to my controller, which is painfull unless the brutes/tanks in my group are good at taunting but acid mortar pulls aggro towards itself. The trick with traps is to lay down just enough, then get back to blasting.
Overall, both sets are going to suffer from the problem any support set does on a speedy steamrolling team - it takes time to rollout debuffs and when the mobs are dead inside 3 seconds, you don't have it. But neither set is going to suck, you just have to figure out the playstyle that benefits you.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Rad is very mobile, Traps is "turtle-up on your trap spot" style of play. I have no problem on teams with Traps, just throw them out as needed. AM makes Rad better.
"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator
I currently have a DP/Rad that while ok, feels a bit Ho-Hum. Honestly I think I just hate anchor management. I have been contemplating re-rolling into a DP/Traps. I have never played traps into a high level on any thing other than a MM, I think my highest Traps Corrs were always in their tweens when they got deleted. So I am curious as to the high level experience.
Will Traps provide as much to teams in the high level game as Rad?
Also looking over the sets DP seems to mesh fairly well with Traps. Am I correct in this assumption?
How much difficulty am I looking at to get a soft capped defense build on something like this?
Perhaps I should try this as a Defender instead... How much benefit does DP get from scourge compared to others sets?
Looking for thoughts and ideas on this.