One power left what to take?




The final power is between Vengenance for the final global Recharge...which only brings my Hasten down to 124.9 and w/out it'd be around 127. It'd be nice to have Vengeance for the global and when on teams; however, the toon I built is for soloing AV's and doing things solo, so I thought Revive would be a better choice as final power. Anyone care to weigh in on my issue, any help would be appreciated, thanks.



Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
The final power is between Vengenance for the final global Recharge...which only brings my Hasten down to 124.9 and w/out it'd be around 127. It'd be nice to have Vengeance for the global and when on teams; however, the toon I built is for soloing AV's and doing things solo, so I thought Revive would be a better choice as final power. Anyone care to weigh in on my issue, any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Are you going to slot the power? Sometimes I will pick the last power just as a mule for an enhancement or bonuses. I've never really been big on leadership on scrappers and only really choose rez powers if there is absolutely nothing else for me to take. What are your primary and secondary powers?

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



I like revive, as bad as it is compared to other self rezzes and as irrelevant as it is when you aren't dying in the first place. It's just so thematically satisfying. However, I like vengeance for the same reason, as you point out it is a place for a lotg global, and the kicker for me is that it's actually a really effective power in a lot of highbie applications. I try to get vengeance on every character if there's any way to fit it in and there's always a chance to use it sooner or later. Dr. Aeon and the fab four are examples from the STF where it is commonly helpful, Reichsman too of course, weakened Hami, basically any part of the ITF if you have a moderately inattentive squishy on the team, the list goes on and on. To say nothing of the trials! Oh, and in addition to buffing you it also buffs those weirdos who follow you around sometimes. What were they called again? The time? The tomb? I'll think of it later. Vengeance is great, you should take it.



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
Are you going to slot the power? Sometimes I will pick the last power just as a mule for an enhancement or bonuses. I've never really been big on leadership on scrappers and only really choose rez powers if there is absolutely nothing else for me to take. What are your primary and secondary powers?
I'm DB/Regen...I had to take leadership pool to get close to softcap sm/lethal def. I wonder which would benefit me more the Vengenace with another Global recharege, or Revive...I know Veng. would be aweseome on teams, and that extra global = very nice. With saying all that, if I am soloing an AV mish, and get to AV and then die, I'd like to be able to Revive and jump back into the fight. Not even sure if that is plausabile with REvive as I have never used it vs an AV. Unless, I take a friend into mish with me then have them die/cast veng. and them leave..that could be somewhat useful as well. Just not sure which is the better choice for now.



Just in case...
And it is basically a full health bar heal... a do-over... a second chance!

Sometimes you get nabbed before you can get your defenses back up... sometimes not.

I've found it is helpful to make sure MoG is recharged and pop that as soon as I revive, then put up my toggles and unleash my own vengeance on whatever got lucky enough to drop me.

I love me some second chances...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
I'm DB/Regen...I had to take leadership pool to get close to softcap sm/lethal def. I wonder which would benefit me more the Vengenace with another Global recharege, or Revive...I know Veng. would be aweseome on teams, and that extra global = very nice. With saying all that, if I am soloing an AV mish, and get to AV and then die, I'd like to be able to Revive and jump back into the fight. Not even sure if that is plausabile with REvive as I have never used it vs an AV. Unless, I take a friend into mish with me then have them die/cast veng. and them leave..that could be somewhat useful as well. Just not sure which is the better choice for now.
Hmm I would choose Vengeance then and at the very least throw a LoTG 7.5 in there, maybe even another one for the set bonus if you have a slot to spare.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
The final power is between Vengenance for the final global Recharge...which only brings my Hasten down to 124.9 and w/out it'd be around 127. It'd be nice to have Vengeance for the global and when on teams; however, the toon I built is for soloing AV's and doing things solo, so I thought Revive would be a better choice as final power. Anyone care to weigh in on my issue, any help would be appreciated, thanks.
What're you planning to use for your Alpha slot?

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
What're you planning to use for your Alpha slot?
Already took spiritual, although that poses a question of it's own. Do Regen's go for 45% Recharge and 33% healing or the other with all 33% and the 20% to Hit?



Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
Already took spiritual, although that poses a question of it's own. Do Regen's go for 45% Recharge and 33% healing or the other with all 33% and the 20% to Hit?
Since Alphas only affect the powers that you use, I found ToHit pretty pointless for one of my alts considering I couldn't get BU perma. It's not like Kismet Accuracy which just applies a ToHit buff over all. But then again you're regen, I'd figure more healing is just laughable at that point but I'm rather new to reg.



My experience with Revive was that most times I would get pwnt immediately after using it before I could do much of anything. As someone else said, MoGing immediately after might work, but I'd hate to have to either wait for it to recharge or waste it just to rez. I had Revive for a while but was happy to drop it when I recpecced.

One way I guess you could use it more reliably would be to pull a hard mob you're fighting away from their spawn point before fighting them. Then you could rez in safety when they return. Then again, e-mailing yourself a few awakens gives you most of the same benefit while saving a power pick.



Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
Already took spiritual, although that poses a question of it's own. Do Regen's go for 45% Recharge and 33% healing or the other with all 33% and the 20% to Hit?
45% Recharge/33% Healing.

The To-Hit is pointless. Since Alpha slots act like SOs, the only powers it would have any effect on are: Blinding Feint, Tactics, Focused Accuracy. And of those three the only one you will have for sure is Blinding Feint.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
45% Recharge/33% Healing.

The To-Hit is pointless. Since Alpha slots act like SOs, the only powers it would have any effect on are: Blinding Feint, Tactics, Focused Accuracy. And of those three the only one you will have for sure is Blinding Feint.
Thanks, was leaning heavily to the 45% anyways, so that is just extra confirmation.