Different lvl farmers?
I used to, but now I just use Amerits
I still do some "Midlevel Crisis" work from time to time. Mostly I work in the 30-35 range but I did throw a few 25's out there last month.
If I get it I market it.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I think Im going to lvl up a Claws/Fire and lock him at 25 and and try to collect haymakers, Luck of the Gamblers and Kinetic sets. Maybe some others too. Probably a long haul, but the market is just devoid of mid lvl stuff.
I wouldn't call it farming as such but I often take Oro missions at specific levels to help provide goodies for my alts. This has the advantage that there is often a merit reward at the end as well.
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
If you guys want to start characters on Freedom, Midlevel Crisis already has a base set up for people like us.
Maybe we could try to get another regular group going [Dark Astoria Tours? Sister Psyche's Pals? I don't even know.] I don't know how mowing down zombies compares to AE for "A" recipes. But for hero merits Sis P is pretty darn efficient. I'm currently free tuesday nights around 8 PM.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
redsider here
I tend to roll for and/or buy up recipes in the 30-33 range since those are what I use. I also use a-merits for that sort of thing.
Recently I bought my fourth Glad Armor 3% def IO with a-merits, and I've decided that now I'm going to work on earning a-merits and buying LotG, Numina, and Miracle uniques to toss into my base since I use those on virtually every character it seems. All level 30 of course. I'm trying to duo my two accounts each night to run five or ten tip missions and maybe an Ouro arc for merits, so that I can earn at least two a-merits a night. ^_^
I had a friend that for his own reasons wanted IOs at levels 28, 38 and 48, and had characters named "Capped at 28" etc (something like that anyway) for this purpose.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I may be interested Fulmens. Tuesday is one of my tennis nights, but who knows.
I tend to like to build on the cheap for some reason, so most of my build ideas are well under what most forumites spend on there top lvl guys. I range capped my blaster main for under 300 mil, and he has by far the most spent on him. The planned build for my SM/EA brute, would likely be under 100mil if I could actually find the pieces, just none available.
I am going to start a claws/fire for the purpose, and I think I will cap him at lvl 25, and then either bring him to blue side, or vigilante. My problem will be storing the sets Im collecting. I just sell off what I dont use cheap at WW if there is not more than 15 of an item that generally no one wants. If its a high demand item, I still list it cheap, and just see what I get. If its an item that has over 15 units at the market and is not an in demand item, I sell it off.
Quick Question... if you want him soft capped AT level 25, why not look for level 28 enhancements? They provide slightly better value and more might be available. Unless you mean you want to soft cap him before you hit 25 (or at 22). Just thinking it might help a little
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Its a fair point Madame, but I find the difference between 25 and 28 lvl enhancements unnoticable. They are also no more available than lvl 25's, as far as I can see. Generally I like to cobble together anything from 25-32, but I decided I wanted to go with lvl 25's this time. As you say, gets the character down to lvl 22 while still having his full defense. I may become frustrated with the gathering, as my Im not a dedicated farmer type player. I actually dont know why I farm at all to be honest, I have 2 billion some inf (chicken feed to most) and yet, I rarely spend more than 100 million on any character. I made 100mil yesterday playing with my ss/fire in AE, and thought to myself what am I going to even do with it, what I want to buy is simply not available. shruggs.
One thing I did at one point was pay midlevel strangers in Freedom/Atlas Park to roll merits for me. It was 20 million a roll (or 100 million for an Alignment Merit roll) last time I did this. Now it would be harder for you because you want exactly level 25- I was taking anything under L40- and there is always the risk that someone rips you off. It's a very small risk in my experience. But it gets the inf moving and produces the stuff you want. And sometimes you get valuable stuff (L25 stealths, spare Miracles and LotGs and whatnot) and make some of your inf back.
You can think of it as buying the risk - if they get a crap roll on a Hero Merit they still make 100 million, but if they get a freak double-LoTG roll, you get a bargain.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Quick Question... if you want him soft capped AT level 25, why not look for level 28 enhancements? They provide slightly better value and more might be available. Unless you mean you want to soft cap him before you hit 25 (or at 22). Just thinking it might help a little
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@ lvl 25 dual attribute ehancements are each @ 20% (for sched A).
20% is the cutoff for which enhancements get reduced in effectiveness when malling down as far as lvl 21.
lvl 24 is a cut off for ouro arcs and oen or two otehr things I forget atm
So I use a lot of lvl 25 ehancements for my toons who will exemplar often. The single aspect enhancements and the triple and quads I get @ lvl 27 so they will be stronger than the lvl 25s, but still provide bonuses @ lvl 24.
If I don't need the set bonus, I use lvl 43 triples and lvl 50 quads to keep the full effect of the enhancement.
So, my farmer got to lvl 25. I helped a Soldier up some levels at some point. I then capped him and started buying. I did spend some tickets early as I was capped, 3 rolls, three KB enhancements. They are not worth much at this point, so sold two, gave one to a friend.
I have rolled a mix of silver and bronze. Got Zinger proc, which I am going to use, one of piece of haymaker, couple Posi's and a Scirroco which Ill use on my SM/EL which I started this for in the first place. I had considered using one Crushing impact set for the nice bonuses, but I I have decided to use only lvl 25 enhancements, so I am going to use something else in its place. Ill get my accuracy from Luck of the gambler. Seems a fun project, so Im going to stick with the idea. Besides, Im supplying some mid lvl recipes that maybe wouldnt be there normally.
making me want to dust off my lowbie farmers =) I have a 15 and a 20 somewhere. Justice I think. Keep meaning to make some on Virtue where I actually have a base for them.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I stopped a toon at 20 and 25 on my server just so i can farm my other account and gets lev 20 and 25 tix. Works great. Who knew lev 20 stuff would become so high after stamina went inherent? *wink* But it's darn near impossible to go to WW for anything under 50 as far as sets. May not be impossible but sure is hard on alot of items.
My only real regret so far, is making him on Freedom. My goodness, the server is very different, if someone isnt advertising to power lvl you, someone is begging you to take them along.
Need to go invisible there. lol.
NOOOO, not her, pl meh! I haz cookies.
*/em looks for cookies, haz no cookies but sees Ulli sneaking away.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
So considering my lvl for trading in my tickets is 25-29, what is the best approach for finding the complete sets of LoG (excluding the recharge), Reactive Armour and Smashing Haymakers?
I rolled one of my Force Feedback +recharge procs, and my Zinger Psi damage proc. Want to concentrate on the above three now.
You should be able to come up with Reactive Armors and Smashing Haymakers on bronze rolls, but I'm not sure what rolls would be best for the LotG's.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
ok, hopping onto E K Nachtmusic if you want an invite to Midlevel Crisis and some fire support.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
So considering my lvl for trading in my tickets is 25-29, what is the best approach for finding the complete sets of LoG (excluding the recharge), Reactive Armour and Smashing Haymakers?
I rolled one of my Force Feedback +recharge procs, and my Zinger Psi damage proc. Want to concentrate on the above three now. |
Luck of the gambler is the rough one. Only two (Def, Def/End) are available Bronze. One is Silver (Def/Rech), and the other three are Gold only.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Looking at the tables, Im not sure if I should take the slightly better odds of 20-24 and go for the reactives and haymakers, and try to buy the LoG for bronze, or just continue with my 25-29 rolls. Terrible luck with the haymakers, actually getting twice as many LoG pieces through silver and bronze. No real luck on the reactives either. Not like my sample so far is very big. I have bids in for the lvl 25 stuff of each, but not much moving or available so far. Could be a long process.
I was looking at sets for a new SM/EL Brute, and was wanting to get my enhancements at lvl 25, for the giggles of having him softcapped by lvl 25. Not much on the market there, so I started thinking, I maybe need another farmer, one I lvl locked at lvl 25. Do many of you do this, at different lvls to get enhancements in the lvl range you want?