The Wow! Factor




Here's another vote for a Claws brute. I rarely play brutes and my Claws/(can't remember) one if only at something like level 8 right now, but he's impressing me already. At level 8.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Here's another vote for a Claws brute. I rarely play brutes and my Claws/(can't remember) one if only at something like level 8 right now, but he's impressing me already. At level 8.
To be fair, Spin is stupid good.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
To be fair, Spin is stupid good.
It really is. If they ever nerf it, it will be totally deserved, but I'll still cry.

And back on topic, since most people were giving wow's about mechanics, I'll go a different direction for a moment:

The first time I entered the Shadow Shard. Holy Crap. Best visuals for any zone in the game.

The first time I saw the giant throne in the Shadow Shard and realized what it was.

Fighting the Jade Spider and thinking, duuuude a spider that big would freak the hell out of me. Plus, it's way bigger than any other Giant Monster and you get to solo it.

Going into Dark Astoria for the first time. With the runes on the zombies glowing in the mist all around.

I'm a bit of a lore fanboy. I love the stories. I did the cape mission, I read all the plaques, I read the website and wiki, and I did all the Rikti stories in the Warzone. And then I did the Lady Grey Taskforce for the first time. And I saw Honoree and who he was. Literally, I got sick to my stomach. I had to walk away from the game a bit. Almost missed the end of the fight. Granted, I am a big king arthur fan (I have a Welsh version of the Red Book hehe), so there is that.

As a follow up, having read his letter from the time capsule, screwing over Ajax in Dean MacArthur's arc is one of the cruelest acts you get access to redside. Very memorable.

Seeing the Eye of the Leviathan blink and move.

I know you're all bored of it and hate it by now, but that very first time doing the Statesman Taskforce, when Aeon doesn't know he's broadcasting live.

The resolution of Johnny Sonata's story arc. "I win... I guess". Absolutely wonderful.

My first Winter Event and playing on the ice.

And I said it before, but Frostfire's mission. Major wow factor from start to finish. Visuals, the fight, the map, all of it. And so early in the game too. That is probably what hooked me on CoH to be honest. My friends took me on Frostfire after I'd been playing for only 3 hours solo including the time to create my first character and get out of the tutorial.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

Can I call you Carni?

How 'bout just Fax then?

Ok. So Faxy, here's the deal: The way I see it, a Warshade is just so much fun, that it'd be a crime not to recommend it. I'd have to turn myself in and everything. They'd lock me up and throw away the key.

And there'd be torture.

You wouldn't want to put me through that, would you?
after 7 years and less than 20 posts, this is the first one I want to put in a sig. And post more so it can be seen ;-)

NOTE: The opinions expressed here represent the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of those who hold other opinions.



First time my Stone Brute with piles of Fury got in the Stone Fist/Stone Mallet/Heavy Mallet trio. I love the sound and animation FX of that set and when all three hit, in that order, it feels more like a seismic event than an attack chain.

First time I ever saw an AOE fired off with Power Boost. I think it was a Sonic Blaster doing Wail. Stunned like everything...even the bosses.

First time my Electric/Shield Brute skipped across two spawns with Lightning Bolt and then Shield Charge. The rest of the team followed up and finished them off but there was this pause when everyone was thinking " THAT's why so many people like that combo!"

The one and only time I ever saw Trapdoor defeated in under a minute. Was on a team of folks running the arc and most of us had Traps. So on a lark we trapped the doorway with everything we had and then sniped Trapdoor. The blast almost froze my screen, knocked him into the magma and cooked him. Epic...

First time my Fire Blaster was in an ITF talking to the Oracle and we got jumped by the ambush. I was running pretty high on Defiance, hit a big red, popped Aim/BU and then Inferno. Spawn go happy.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"