Likely changes in RP landscape with Free to Play




Originally Posted by Lye View Post
Additionally, the move to Freedom will allow people like myself to introduce new roleplayers to the game who might otherwise be put off by the trial limits and current level cap on trials. I can tempt them in with "Come give it a try; it's free."
Given the restrictions on free players (and to some extent, Premium), I am wondering if there was some kind of initiative we could do to involve trial/free RPers into our RP worlds? Not that I've thought of anything so far, it's just something rolling around in my head at the moment.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Sorry, lost me. What potential for more RP?
I was meaning the RP potential in the wholesale destruction of Galaxy City and an actual move forward/sideways in story for people to play against.

But there will be more people too. And for every tool there are usually several players who are fun and can add more to the experience.

My only complaint is that Psyche has been turned into some hideous, chest-slider-at-11 fanboi wet dream, instead of a strong female character (in the comic book depiction, at least). In my eyes of course. YMMV.



We've never actually complained about the opportunity the destruction of Galaxy City represents.

What we complained about was destroying our venue for our social RP, with no replacement offered beyond the "Oh, but you can go to the Ghost of Galaxy zone, if you're level 14." Which kind of completely slaps us in the face and misses the point in one swoop.

But, I've given up complaining about it, they won't do squat about it to help the RPers they're displacing (by actually listening to them), so we'll move and adjust.

Woe betide them they do it a second time however.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
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Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Woe betide them they do it a second time however.
Yeah, we might have to pout or something.

Seriously though, Forse. Most of have known for many years now that if they have 2 equal options to do something in the game, one advantages RPers and one doesn't, they ALWAYS choose the one that doesn't.


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To play Devil's Advocate, in this case the changes to Galaxy affect one set of RPers on one server. With everything else they are doing, it can't be efficient for the Devs to actively look at making some sort of replacement. Especially as GG is basically (to an outside view) just a random spot on a zone map. Of course it sucks to lose a place with such a weight of history. But I don't think it can really be seen as an affront to RPers in general.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
To play Devil's Advocate, in this case the changes to Galaxy affect one set of RPers on one server. With everything else they are doing, it can't be efficient for the Devs to actively look at making some sort of replacement. Especially as GG is basically (to an outside view) just a random spot on a zone map. Of course it sucks to lose a place with such a weight of history. But I don't think it can really be seen as an affront to RPers in general.
Its not just GG though. Look at Pocket D. A zone seemingly designed just for roleplayers, and then the devs go and stick loads of PvE and PvP content in there.


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FFM's viewpoint is historically accurate, and I feel is becoming worse again, but there was a time where they seemed to think Roleplayers were worth having. Frankly, I think applying this to the demise of GG is over-the-top. As Kiken says, GG is a microscopic component the game environment and despite being possibly the most vocal element of RP on the forums, really not worth considering in the grand scheme of things.

Equally, to support FFMs view: bases and the arenas. When both of these were proposed, roleplayers looked upon them with a degree of glee, but it rapidly became aparent that if there was any decision to be made which would make it useful for roleplayers, Cryptic were going to make darn sure they went the other way.

One good example: even the PvPers wanted selectable maps for arenas, but for RPers the ability to spawn an instanced map wih PvP turned on became next to useless when you had no control over what you ended up in. Cryptic could have made it switchable, because that was exactly what eventually happened (it wasn't technology-based, it was a design choice), but instead they chose the option which gave less advantage to RPers, less choice to everyone, and no actual benefit to PvPers because Stateman wanted to enforce his view of fairness on everyone.

Then they gave us AE, which is awesome. However, recently they seem to have been backsliding.

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^ Regarding the arena, they also took the extremely puzzling decision to make it impossible to use emote text...


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Yeah, I cannot for the life of my understand why emote text was disabled. It just...why? *mindboggle*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I have no current plans to stop paying my subscription or to move off Virtue. It's the only server I play on and it's where my friends are. Things change, but that's where I stand at the moment.



Seriously though, Forse. Most of have known for many years now that if they have 2 equal options to do something in the game, one advantages RPers and one doesn't, they ALWAYS choose the one that doesn't.
Oh, I've known it too. All too well from various positions/sides. This example just has a personal element to myself.

Frankly, I think applying this to the demise of GG is over-the-top.
I'm only applying it so dramatically to GG because it's the latest example, and compared to the other examples where they could have chose to add one of two beneficial things and went with the least beneficial - this time they're consciously taking away.

To play Devil's Advocate, in this case the changes to Galaxy affect one set of RPers on one server.
Any community manager worth their salt is aware of the main social groups on the servers under their care. Especially the vocal ones, and the positive contribution ones. Roleplayers tend to fall under both categories - and there are two main Roleplayer servers (Virtue and Union) and there are two main Roleplaying locations on Union (PD and GG). They should be aware of us. The development team should have at least been aware of us when making their decision.

What would have been nice is an acknowledgement of us when they had to make the decision to remove GG. And the alternative offer (this lvl 14 Ouroboros map) shouldn't have been made without presenting it as a dialogue - because as we're well aware, a level restricted zone for RP is pretty much pointless and worthless.

Instead, what they've done without actually saying anything, is confirm that once again Roleplayers are a second-thought.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Seriously though, Forse. Most of have known for many years now that if they have 2 equal options to do something in the game, one advantages RPers and one doesn't, they ALWAYS choose the one that doesn't.
Which explains why we have [Walk], right?

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Actually, I don't count providing a single animation that's been in the NPC selection for ages as a toggle power for PCs as counterbalancing every time they've done something that is either detrimental or simply not helpful to RP.

Whilst I deeply appreciate [Walk], it is not the remedy to every issue, and shouldn't be waved in our faces as "Why are you complaining, you have this".

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Which explains why we have [Walk], right?
And why the new "lie down" type emotes are gated behind expensive Incarnate content? Yeeaaahhh...


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Originally Posted by Forse View Post is not the remedy to every issue, and shouldn't be waved in our faces as "Why are you complaining, you have this".
Never claimed it to be such, but I did mean it as a counterpoint to FloatingFatMan's waving about of an incorrect absolute.

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
And why the new "lie down" type emotes are gated behind expensive Incarnate content? Yeeaaahhh...
Hey, I don't like the gating of these emotes either, but I'm not going to stand by to such a ludicrous statement that started this discourse.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Never claimed it to be such, but I did mean it as a counterpoint to FloatingFatMan's waving about of an incorrect absolute.

Hey, I don't like the gating of these emotes either, but I'm not going to stand by to such a ludicrous statement that started this discourse.
You're entitled to your opinion. It's wrong, but you're entitled to it.


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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Which explains why we have [Walk], right?
Playing Devils advocate here a moment, that was BaBs. Just BaBs. In his spare time. Nothing to do with anyone or anything else

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Never claimed it to be such, but I did mean it as a counterpoint to FloatingFatMan's waving about of an incorrect absolute.

Hey, I don't like the gating of these emotes either, but I'm not going to stand by to such a ludicrous statement that started this discourse.
So pleased to be ignored, I thought I'd answer.

In days of old, it was happily apparent that Roleplayers were not ignored but actively disliked. Then we became ignored. Then some people started to realise we might actually be a valuable asset. (And along came Walk, even if produced by a single individual who happened to feel like being nice.)

Recently we seem to be heading back toward ignored and hated, but then the game seems to be progressing toward hardcore gamers so roleplayers are hardly going to be catered for.

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I'm sorry, but please show me how we're being ignored. The way I see it, all evidence points to the contrary.

The costume creation itself is a huge boon to roleplayers. The variety of possible emotes is likewise. The inclusion of any additional costume pieces and emotes, which are developed and released to us pretty regularly, are things that are mostly valuable to roleplayers.

Not only that, there is the fact that all of our gear has absolutely no cosmetic effect. All the high end IOs you want will not impact your character's appearance. You do not have to sacrifice concept for functionality as you do in so many other games. There really is no customization in a game where there is a clear top end gear and everybody wears it.

Issue 16 was power customization, or have we forgot entirely about that? This was an enormous undertaking by the development staff which gave the largest payoff to roleplayers.

Again I ask, how are we being ignored?

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Emotes, which mostly don't scale properly unless you accept default sizes. Costume parts which clip horribly. Booster packs with, again, costume parts which clip horribly (and we pay EXTRA for these), as well as usually either being gating to specific genders, or just being plain incomplete. Power customization was nice, but again, it's incomplete.

Seeing a trend here? Devs DO give us stuff from time to time; but it's rarely finished, and it's usually broken and hardly every gets fixed, even if its stuff we've paid extra for.

But we're getting wildly off topic now. Will RP change with Freedom? Not a lot. We'll get a few more a-holes bothering us, and those of us that are losing our long established RP location will have to move elsewhere; but otherwise, not a lot will change.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I think I'll butt in here to point out something that Dechs appears to be missing.

That all your examples wern't done for RPs, but have the handy side effect of helping them.

The new aura's costume parts and emotes gated behind trials for example, trials some of us will not do. Were they breadcrumbs to RPers they wouldn't be gated so.

Booster packs sell well beyond RPers too, because pretty much everyone who plays enjoys tweaking costumes and I'd hazard that there were more bosoter packs sold then there are RPers in the servers.

While on the same token, steps are apparently taken that have no logical sense other then to annoy RPers (Like no emtoes and choosable maps for Arena fights, destroying one nice low level gathering spot and leaving the other as raid central [Raiders being a well known group of people who antagonise RPers just for giggles]).

These are the points being brought up here, who'd have thunk that an MMORPG would take design choices to make RP more difficult.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
. . . . . and I'd hazard that there were more bosoter packs sold then there are RPers in the servers.
Me thinks Omy has hit the nail on the head here, what %tage of the game population are in fact RPer. If all the Rpers voted with their feet and left the game would the bean counters really worry ?

The loss of GG as a RP spot is a huge bummer and a sad day, but objectively how many people are affected, its such a tiny tiny %tage of the game population that the Devs are never going to look at other options.

FFM is correct even though the RPer population is the most active, creative, and passionate group, when it comes to choice of who to consider we are very much the last on the list.

/emote " says rude words about how much the real world stinks at times "



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
The loss of GG as a RP spot is a huge bummer and a sad day, but objectively how many people are affected, its such a tiny tiny %tage of the game population that the Devs are never going to look at other options.
Yeah, we know, understand and even accept this. But like it? Not gonna happen!

Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
FFM is correct even though the RPer population is the most active, creative, and passionate group, when it comes to choice of who to consider we are very much the last on the list.

/emote " says rude words about how much the real world stinks at times "
I agree with you, but it's a damned shame that it is so. RPers are the people that will still playing the game even after the servers are turned off! We're THE most loyal bunch of customers a game like this will ever see and it really is a pity that, because we're a miniscule percentage of the overall population, that we get very little consideration. Especially now that they've moving over to hardcore gaming mode.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



RPers get ignored/not-ignored just about as much as any other subset of players.

Saying anything and everything that can be done that would be counter to RPers is... Haha, c'mon, it's not even necessary to address such a hyperbolic statement.

Don't get me wrong... There are a lot of things I'd like to see different.
And I've voiced my strong displeasure about the new emotes, chest emblems and auras being locked behind Empyrean and Astral merits.

And, honestly, what bugs me about the Galaxy City thing is that they're removing the zone altogether. I thought there'd be a wrecked Galaxy City to visit, whenever we wanted, whatever level we want.
I knew it'd be a tutorial zone... but... after the tutorial... and for all of us who've been in the existing game world this long... There should be a way for us to go and see the damage.
Somewhere we can have our characters go and fit this new reality into their heads. Into their actions.

I don't have a problem with them blowing up a zone. In fact, I think it is fantastic.
I'm just disappointed that it is being done in a way that we don't even have a chance to include it in our in-game sessions.

Wouldn't you want to go there? Visit? See it? Help clean up? Fight? SOMETHING?!

I hope there's, at least, some sort of mission map (for use without exemplar-ing) of the wrecked Galaxy City.

/end ramble

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Wouldn't you want to go there? Visit? See it? Help clean up? Fight? SOMETHING?!
This. I'm hoping the zone re-emerges because I think I recall it being referred to as "too dangerous" to re-enter in some of the i21 hoopla. The words "too dangerous" shouldn't be in a hero or villain's vocabulary.

Maybe it the end end game zone where Incarnates go to die?

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