New general tanking guide.




Hey everyone, I wrote a general guide to tanking. It is intended to cover all aspects of the tanking role, which isn't exactly limited to tanks. It is a pretty heavy read, I'll warn you now.

The guide is here.

The official thread for comments is here.

If you do have any comments, suggestions or questions, please leave them in the official thread and not here.

Thank you for reading.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I like the format and you've good information there. It's a good basic guide on what any good tanker needs to do without getting bogged down in the details of various techniques on how do do it.

I'd maybe suggest a companion guide, or possibly series of guides on various techniques. For example, how to bunch up a group of melee enemies, how to bunch a group of primarily ranged enemies and positioning yourself and the enemies (you touched briefly on that) and all the other techniques any good, experienced tanker will use to handle a specific situation.

As we all know there are groups that are dead easy to bunch up and handle like Warwolves and others that can be a pain in the butt to bunch up like Malta. Different techniques should be used in different situations.

I also strongly agree with your statement "the tanker who's the last man standing has failed"; it's almost impossible to overstate that.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I also strongly agree with your statement "the tanker who's the last man standing has failed"; it's almost impossible to overstate that.
I have to disagree with this statement if it is an all tanker team



You are correct, but that only happens on Tuesdays.

Dechs, I like the guide, it's laid out clearly and touches on some of the harder lessons to learn - if you're not Already an experienced tank. For the experienced tank, this guide provides a nice clear focus on what should be done and why, just in case they've gotten confused.

I actually bumped into a New-newbie Tanker the other night, no experience in MMOs, no idea what a Tanker does. After hours of discussion, I did suggest they try a Controller instead.

However! During that discussion, I found myself Aching for an easier way to show and describe such critical Tanker skills as 'Pulling' and all of the different ways to do so, and reasons for doing that. Diagrams, or something would have helped immensely.

And, since I was Not playing a Tanker at the time, I could not reasonably demonstrate the other skills, like knowing when to just jump in and take the hits. The new kid had no idea what the defenses Did and short of trying to divine exactly how things were slotted (or IF they were slotted) I just didn't think I could 'make a Tanker' of them. So, I wimped out (I know!) and suggested they try a different AT.

Anyway, the guide is Great - for what it does, and what it doesn't try to do.

Next, we just need some companion volumes discussing Tanker Skills - the How and the Why we do the things we do. This guide hints at some of those skills, Situational Awareness, Mobility, Aggro Management, when to Not be Greedy about Aggro, turning the mob's focus away from your team, etc. All to the good.

Be Well!



I do intend to fill out the guide with specific tactics. The next revision should be done this week to include all of that. Instead of diagrams, I plan to eventually have demonstrative videos of these tactics. It's one of the reasons I've put this on my blog, rather than the forums. I will be able to embed videos into the guide itself.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Sometimes it cant be helped and circumstances conspire in such a way you are the last man (or woman) standing. Many times I've gone up against Nemesis and as we all know they have some nasty AOE's. Sure I can position myself, but if some of the team needs to engage in melee (scrappers and brutes), also Blasters and Dominators who fancy themselves as part time scrappers are the worst for that and will get hit hard by said AOE's.

I have a bind on my tray that says literally "smaller guys get back, you're taking splash damage."

In cases like that I was the last one standing. Then there is also when some of your team mates accidentally pull. There are a lot of occasions where sometimes despite the best of intentions there is only so much aggro even the best of tankers can hold. Sometimes as well you have to account for teammate actions... For example maybe you have a Defender who doesn't buff and heal, just blasts away mindlessly.

So many variables can come into play, but I think mostly tanking comes down to just common sense and making sure you understand the archetype you are playing. But that is an excellent guide for sure.



Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
Sometimes it cant be helped and circumstances conspire in such a way you are the last man (or woman) standing. Many times I've gone up against Nemesis and as we all know they have some nasty AOE's. Sure I can position myself, but if some of the team needs to engage in melee (scrappers and brutes), also Blasters and Dominators who fancy themselves as part time scrappers are the worst for that and will get hit hard by said AOE's.

I have a bind on my tray that says literally "smaller guys get back, you're taking splash damage."

In cases like that I was the last one standing. Then there is also when some of your team mates accidentally pull. There are a lot of occasions where sometimes despite the best of intentions there is only so much aggro even the best of tankers can hold. Sometimes as well you have to account for teammate actions... For example maybe you have a Defender who doesn't buff and heal, just blasts away mindlessly.

So many variables can come into play, but I think mostly tanking comes down to just common sense and making sure you understand the archetype you are playing. But that is an excellent guide for sure.
I see your point and don't disagree with it, but that doesn't change the bottom line that in most normal team circumstances*, the tanks job is to keep his teammates alive. If he lives and they all died, he then failed at that job. Perhaps he was doomed to failure, due to circumstances such as you describe, but regardless, it's still a failure.

*I say, 'most normal team circumstances' because while I agree with most of Dechs advice in general, I disagree that the tankers job is to keep his teammates alive "first, foremost, and in all circumstances" and that thus failure to do so is a failure on the part of the tanker. I believe that all ATs have a degree of flexibility in how to play them. You can use the Tanker AT to build some very durable melee DPS alts if you want, then your job is to kill stuff. But fairly or unfairly, most of the time people will expect the Tanker to take on the role Dechs has described, and in those cases, failure as he's defined it is exactly correct.

Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
For example maybe you have a Defender who doesn't buff and heal, just blasts away mindlessly.
Other than the mindlessly part, that sounds a lot like playing a 'debuffer'. You got something against debuffers?



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I do intend to fill out the guide with specific tactics. The next revision should be done this week to include all of that. Instead of diagrams, I plan to eventually have demonstrative videos of these tactics. It's one of the reasons I've put this on my blog, rather than the forums. I will be able to embed videos into the guide itself.
Glad to hear your adding the videos. That was something I got a lot of requests on over the years from coalition mates, and in feedback to my tanking guide a couple issues ago.
Some things you just cannot describe in words all that well.
Never had the time to do it myself sadly.

Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
*I say, 'most normal team circumstances' because while I agree with most of Dechs advice in general, I disagree that the tankers job is to keep his teammates alive "first, foremost, and in all circumstances" and that thus failure to do so is a failure on the part of the tanker. I believe that all ATs have a degree of flexibility in how to play them. You can use the Tanker AT to build some very durable melee DPS alts if you want, then your job is to kill stuff. But fairly or unfairly, most of the time people will expect the Tanker to take on the role Dechs has described, and in those cases, failure as he's defined it is exactly correct.
Just to touch on this, particularly the highlighted. I thought the guide was clear enough that tank is a role and Tank is an AT, and one does not imply the other. I agree with what you're saying, a Tank's (the AT) job is not to protect his team first and foremost. A tank's (the role) job, though, is.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



And some of us were "loony" enough, back in Issue 2 to take aim at going for NO GET HITSU! using a MA/SR Scrapper who could "pocket tank" for a team.

Well they laughed at Fulton!

Which is why holding the aggro of FIVE Rikti Magus on Redlynne, for minutes (plural!) before the "cavalry" could arrive, during Mothership Raids was such a notable event ... especially when I did it more than once in a single raid ... AND LIVED ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just to touch on this, particularly the highlighted. I thought the guide was clear enough that tank is a role and Tank is an AT, and one does not imply the other. I agree with what you're saying, a Tank's (the AT) job is not to protect his team first and foremost. A tank's (the role) job, though, is.
Sorry, the personal safety of your teammates is ultimately their responsibility, not the tank's.

It's the tank's job to gain and hold enemy aggro and that has the effect of giving the team a larger buffer of breathing room, but keeping someone upright is their own job.

I say this for two reasons:

1: The first, is that there are circumstances beyond your control as a tank, but not beyond the control of your teammate, that will kill them.

As a tank, you cannot keep someone from standing under a sword bomb. You can not tank the damage pulses on the Keyes Island Trial. If teammates refuse to step back from the AoE damage of an AV, GM or tough spawn, that is their fault. They made the choice to stand there.

Sure, a good tank can and should point cone attacks away from the team, but that's a two way street; it's each good team member's responsibility to stay the hell behind the AV.

This leads my second point:

2: Without failure, nobody learns anything.

All players should learn the approximate aggro distance from most spawns. All players should learn why you need to not stand in an AV's cone of attack. All players should learn not to randomly chase runners and to turn off their debuff toggles if the anchor makes a break for it.

A tank can prevent players from learning these skills. That will hurt them when they're faced with a situation when they don't have a dedicated tank, or they have a tank that's not so on the ball.

Players can be mollycoddled, never learn how to play properly and learn how to take their survival into their own hands and succeed. AE has demonstrated this.

Be 'too good' of a tank, and you're not much better than a power leveler. It's your job to divert as much damage away as you can while fighting. Most, not even all of it, because you never know when you'll need to grab unexpected adds.

You are not the team mom. You are not a crutch for lazy players.

As a tank, you are a 'make-margin-for-error-larger' button. You are not the 'I-win' button or the 'rest-of-team-gets-to-turn-off-their-brains' button.




Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just to touch on this, particularly the highlighted. I thought the guide was clear enough that tank is a role and Tank is an AT, and one does not imply the other. I agree with what you're saying, a Tank's (the AT) job is not to protect his team first and foremost. A tank's (the role) job, though, is.

Ah, sorry. I'll admit that I'd not read the guide yet, and was basing my comments on

a) Comment I'd seen of yours elsewhere, where as far as I could recall (and I'll admit that my memory is far from eidetic) that distinction wasn't specifically made.

and even more so

b) What others were posting in this thread.

If you made that distinction in the guide, then I totally retract my statement. In that case I agree with you totally. A tank's (the role) job is, completely, to keep his teammates alive via (mostly) holding aggro on himself and (less so) using any other tool or trick he can when simply holding aggro seems insufficient. In that case, the last man standing, if a tank (role) is a tank that failed. Maybe it was unavoidable, and maybe he did everything within hos power to prevent that failure, but it is still a failure.

Guess that will teach me to comment without fully reading everything in the future.
[Or more likely, it won't, but shame will probably prevent it for at least 20 minutes or so.]



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Sorry, the personal safety of your teammates is ultimately their responsibility, not the tank's.

It's the tank's job to gain and hold enemy aggro and that has the effect of giving the team a larger buffer of breathing room, but keeping someone upright is their own job.

I say this for two reasons:

1: The first, is that there are circumstances beyond your control as a tank, but not beyond the control of your teammate, that will kill them.

As a tank, you cannot keep someone from standing under a sword bomb. You can not tank the damage pulses on the Keyes Island Trial. If teammates refuse to step back from the AoE damage of an AV, GM or tough spawn, that is their fault. They made the choice to stand there.

Sure, a good tank can and should point cone attacks away from the team, but that's a two way street; it's each good team member's responsibility to stay the hell behind the AV.

This leads my second point:

2: Without failure, nobody learns anything.

All players should learn the approximate aggro distance from most spawns. All players should learn why you need to not stand in an AV's cone of attack. All players should learn not to randomly chase runners and to turn off their debuff toggles if the anchor makes a break for it.

A tank can prevent players from learning these skills. That will hurt them when they're faced with a situation when they don't have a dedicated tank, or they have a tank that's not so on the ball.

Players can be mollycoddled, never learn how to play properly and learn how to take their survival into their own hands and succeed. AE has demonstrated this.

Be 'too good' of a tank, and you're not much better than a power leveler. It's your job to divert as much damage away as you can while fighting. Most, not even all of it, because you never know when you'll need to grab unexpected adds.

You are not the team mom. You are not a crutch for lazy players.

As a tank, you are a 'make-margin-for-error-larger' button. You are not the 'I-win' button or the 'rest-of-team-gets-to-turn-off-their-brains' button.

You make some good arguments. Part of me is inclined to agree with you. But at the same time, I still agree with Dechs, too. How can I resolve this? Is it even possible?

I think so.

Overlapping responsibility.

It's the tank's (role) job to keep his team alive, via aggro control, and then other tricks.
It's the heal and buff oriented types (role) job to keep his team alive via defensive buffs and/or heals, then other tricks.
It's the defensive debuffer's (role) job to keep his team alive via debuffs, then other tricks.
It's the trollers job to keep his team alive via control, then other tricks.

It's the DPSers job to keep themselves alive, and kill stuff.
It's the offensive debuffers job to make stuff easier to kill, and keep themselves alive.

Many ATs and builds are built to have multiple roles in this game at least, but, if you build to do just one role, and it's a defensive one, then you've failed if you're the last one alive. This isn't just true for tanks (role), but for all the defensive in nature roles.

But, all the roles are either defensive, or offensive. If defensive, your job is to keep the team alive, which includes yourself, and thus stupid things like not getting out of AOE areas which will kill you, are you contributing to your failure in your role.

The offensive roles could consider the encounter a success, if all of the team is dead, except them, but all the baddies are dead.
Except, it could be said that their job is to kill things fast enough that the team isn't nearly wiped. In which case, if they are the last thing standing, it could be that they failed too, for not killing faster.

So, it could reasonably be argued that everyone failed if the team is wiped out to a single person. But, that may be true, but doesn't mean any one role in it didn't fail, just because they were a part of a larger failure.

I think part of the reason people never learn, isn't because of mollycoddling in the form of teaming with someone skilled, but mollycoddling in the form of always being able to say, "Yeah, sure we failed as a team, but it wasn't in any way my fault. It was HIM, or HER that did something stupid." You fail to get better when it's always other peoples fault. The really good players are the ones that can, when needed, save others from their own stupidity or mistakes on occasion.

I enjoy playing on a skilled team because we are all good enough to do just that. It allows us all a large margin of error if all the other 5, 6, or 7 players can save each other from their own mistakes. Therefore we can all hunker down, focus,and really steamroll the toughest content, or we can all cut up, waste time and focus on banter and side conversations, and not worry about being stupid and still have success (likely at a slower pace, though), because we can cover each other, and still have time to joke, have fun, and/or be stupid when the mood strikes.

Some people may not enjoy a less focused approach, but even if it's not your thing, the ability of a good player to share responsibility and thus cover others mistakes still is worthwhile, because I've not met a player yet that was so good they never made a mistake or never had a moment of mechanical/lag/software failure that caused them to not be able to do their job. If everyone only focuses is on themselves, and the "I'll do my role perfectly, and expect and rely on everyone else to do the same," no overlap of responsibility model of gameplay, one mapserve in a tough fight spells instant doom.

So, long story short (too late, I know), I agree with Butane's concept of personal responsibility totally, but don't think that in any way makes Dechs' stance on the tank role's responsibility in any way invalid.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
So, long story short (too late, I know), I agree with Butane's concept of personal responsibility totally, but don't think that in any way makes Dechs' stance on the tank role's responsibility in any way invalid.
Indeed. When I say the tank's responsibility is to keep everyone alive, it doesn't take that responsibility away from anyone else.

If I were to write a similar guide for every *role* (which I do intend to get around to), each one would have the rule "You must survive." When it comes down to it, no one can do their job while they're eating dirt or traveling back from the hospital. Alive teammates make for more effective ones.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Indeed. When I say the tank's responsibility is to keep everyone alive, it doesn't take that responsibility away from anyone else.

If I were to write a similar guide for every AT (which I do intend to get around to), each one would have the rule "You must survive." When it comes down to it, no one can do their job while they're eating dirt or traveling back from the hospital. Alive teammates make for more effective ones.
Amen brother, preach it!

But, I thought you said you weren't writing an AT guide, but a role guide?
So will you be writing a role guide for every possible role?
Or writing a role guide for each AT with subsections for different roles easily played by that AT? Tanks, Brute, and Scraps will be only perhaps 3 different roles max, but Defs, Corrs, Doms, MMs, Trollers, and boy, oh, boy HEATs and VEATS will be a great big pain in the butt to do that way.

But, the responsibility to not faceplant at least will always stay the same.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
But, I thought you said you weren't writing an AT guide, but a role guide?
We'll call that a slip of the tongue. Or fingers. Whatever. Good catch, though.

Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
So will you be writing a role guide for every possible role?
Or writing a role guide for each AT with subsections for different roles easily played by that AT? Tanks, Brute, and Scraps will be only perhaps 3 different roles max, but Defs, Corrs, Doms, MMs, Trollers,
I think I'm going to keep it to roles. Melee DPS will be pretty simple, I'm not even sure it's worth writing a guide for that. Control and support will take some work but I do foresee a payoff.

Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
and boy, oh, boy HEATs and VEATS will be a great big pain in the butt to do that way.
I already have The MFing Warshade guide, which is its own role. I have some ideas what I'll do for the other EATs:

Soldiers: Take toggles, turn them on, herp derp faceroll keyboard, win.*
Peacebringers: Reroll as rad/nrg blaster, color effects blue/white, call it a day.*

*These comments should be read heavy with sarcasm.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Indeed. When I say the tank's responsibility is to keep everyone alive, it doesn't take that responsibility away from anyone else.
But you say as much in your guide; that it's the tank's fault when a teammate dies.
When you say this:

The tank who is the last man standing, has failed.
That is exactly what you are saying.

As I pointed out, this is a fallacy. There are a lot of situations in the game that will kill the team that a tank has little or no control over. Also often a tank can not, and should not, save teammates who aren't on-message.

"The team is dead. You didn't use Team Teleport to move them out of the way of sword bombs. You have failed as tank."




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
As I pointed out, this is a fallacy. There are a lot of situations in the game that will kill the team that a tank has little or no control over. Also often a tank can not, and should not, save teammates who aren't on-message.
I see you haven't read the entire guide, as I have clearly addressed this.

Originally Posted by The Last Rule of Tanking
How to "Control" Teammates

There is an unseen foe that runs rampant in this game that cannot be damaged, cannot be debuffed, cannot be taunted and truly cannot even be targeted. The foe is known to many as the incurable "stupid." If there is one thing I have learned from all my time tanking, it is that you cannot save people from themselves.

You can, however, make it harder for them to hang themselves. The most common problem is an overactive squishy teammate racing to fresh groups of enemies because he enjoys watching things burn (himself included, sometimes). Most of this will come down to the second rule and beating the fool to each group of enemies. You may also use the same tactics as dealing with large over-aggro, because the fool is likely causing those conditions anyway.

No matter how stupid, though, you cannot sacrifice the safety of the others on the team to save one. At some point, you have to wash your hands of the situation and pray he learns the hard way.

Be careful that you do not assume anyone who runs off on his own is a fool. There are many characters which are more than capable of soloing entire groups of high level foes. These capabilities are not limited to a subset of archetypes either. Use your judgement. If the loner is not endangering himself or the team, maybe it is best to let him be.
Also please note that the saying is indeed "The tank who is the last man standing, has failed." That is not the same as saying "the tank who has let a teammate die has failed."

As a tank, you may not be able to save everyone, but you sure as hell ought to be able to stop a teamwipe.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Peacebringers: Reroll as rad/nrg blaster, color effects blue/white, call it a day.*
Laughed til I hurt myself and almost passed out.


LTIHMAAPO just doesn't have the same ring as LOL or ROFL



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
As a tank, you may not be able to save everyone, but you sure as hell ought to be able to stop a teamwipe.
Teamwipes can't always be prevented. It doesn't matter how good some tanker thinks they are if I could play 7 other toons and be stupid all at the same time I will get all 7 of them killed and maybe even the tank for good measure.

Edit: I think it fair to say that anyone that comes around here gloating how they are always the last man standing is doing something wrong.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
There are a lot of situations in the game that will kill the team that a tank has little or no control over. Also often a tank can not, and should not, save teammates who aren't on-message.
This is mentioned pretty explicitly, I think somewhere in the aggro, survival, or controlling (stupid) teammates section.



Its sometimes a tough act to follow, being the tank, you can't always be the saviour for your less durable teammates continuously, as the guide says in fairness. Sometimes, you have to think, I'm here to enjoy myself and play the game, I'm not in some... military war exercise here.

But sometimes a team wipe is inevitable and it happens irrespective of what the tank is, or what they are doing. Does it make you bad in your role, or a "failure"? Not in my opinion it doesn't. Unless you are doing something glaringly wrong, like, not taunting, or not running in first something like that. Bad things happen sometimes.

I personally go on 5 rules when playing a tank in a team:
1) I go in first, if anybody else goes in with me and steals my agro I hope they are super enough to take it.
2) Hit an AOE on the group if possible immediately.
3) Make sure your taunt charges quick enough in case you need to grab a stray enemy(ies).
4) Keep a watch on the teams health and if they need a moment for resting, rebuffing, take it.
5) The golden rule, try not to bite off more than your tank can chew.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Teamwipes can't always be prevented. It doesn't matter how good some tanker thinks they are if I could play 7 other toons and be stupid all at the same time I will get all 7 of them killed and maybe even the tank for good measure.

Edit: I think it fair to say that anyone that comes around here gloating how they are always the last man standing is doing something wrong.
My guess there are very few team wipes which happen that aren't a result of lack of communication, or over estimation by the team leader in regards to the make up of the team, and/or difficulty setting. Some of the best teams I have been on team wiped at least once, figured out we had to actually do more than mail in our playing effort, and started to talk to each other. I would vastly blame the team leader for a team wipe versus the player in the tank role.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
My guess there are very few team wipes which happen that aren't a result of lack of communication, or over estimation by the team leader in regards to the make up of the team, and/or difficulty setting. Some of the best teams I have been on team wiped at least once, figured out we had to actually do more than mail in our playing effort, and started to talk to each other. I would vastly blame the team leader for a team wipe versus the player in the tank role.
Team leaders, sometimes I give them rope so they can learn or I can learn. I have done CoP so many, many times, every which way and still sometimes let people work it all out without my input so that the team has what I had in the beginning, one person who susses it and the rest of the team going with the worst wait, the chance to suss it for themselves *cough*.

Usually someone isn't doing their job properly, powers wise we have everything we could possibly need and yet still people fail to apply whats needed and then there is the inevitable positioning of players, the person keeping say the whole team standing is putting themselves where they have maximum chance of getting killed. On an Mo I've told controllers not to be within 20ft of an AV, a min later they run in and use flurry. My emp couldn't fort the entire team. Sometimes its when the tank is aggro capped and some twit scrapper goes and tries to show off by bringing lots more back who then leave him and take out the team, then take him out anyway and then finally too much fight duration on the tank and its over. As if ambushes weren't sometimes bad enough, some squish aggro caps what they can't handle attracts more and then comes an actual ambush.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.