The Incarnate Trial
Don't get me wrong, I laughed. And thank you for that.
This just isn't your best work.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
The courtroom drama added an intensity to the humor, nary been seen before within your work!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
This makes as much sense as the current rationale about the All-Noticing, All-Knowing, Power-Giving, Meglomaniac, Sentient, Insane Well of Furies and the whole Incarnate system. Now it wants its powers BACK? There's your next end-game raid right there!
You may have missed a Comedy Gold opportunity for the Well to "take over" Captain Judgment as it does with Statesman. On the other hand, maybe it would not have been as funny as it sounds. Dying is easy, Comedy is hard. I have already proven ingame how adept I am at the former.
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
dunno if it was indicative of the day i was having at work, but "club him like a harp seal" made me laugh like an idiot.
No, I still havent actually run one of the Incarnate Trials this is just a little oddment that occurred to me
Bailiff Man: This court will now come to order. The Honorable Captain Judgment presiding.
Captain Judgment: Sit down everyone, lets get this over with, I apparently have over a hundred of these fool things to get through. Lets see here oh what a surprise Case Number 1308274 Well of Furies versus Marvie-Man.
Marvie-Man: It was supposed to be Marvelous Man but that one was taken.
CJ: Ive got a long day Movie Fan
MM: Marvie-Man
CJ: So why dont we keep these little asides to a minimum, hmm? Just answer the questions and Ill pass my judgment and we can all get on with our lives. Sound good, Marzipan?
MM: It was Marvie-Man did you hear me say my name is Marvie-Man?
CJ: Bailiff club the defendant like a harp seal, would you please?
MM: I mean Sounds Good! Sounds like a great idea your Honor!
CJ: Excellent. Now, according to the docket you are accused of taking powers from the Plaintiff Well of the Furies without permission or prior agreement. The Plaintiff is demanding those powers be given back or else he will press criminal charges against you. How do you plea?
MM: Not Guilty, your Honor.
CJ: Very well. Tell your side of the story, if you please.
MM: I had just completed this long, team mission against the forces of Praetoria when all of a sudden I realized I had attracted the Notice of the Well of the Furies! It was then that I started getting the powers of an Incarnate! It was totally awesome.
CJ: Let me get this straight you realized the Well had NOTICED you
MM: Yes, sir.
CJ: And the fact that it noticed you left you feeling justified in stealing its powers from it?
MM: Ummm well thats not exactly how it I mean if you put it that way it sounds pretty er
CJ: Im noticing you right now Marlboro Man, does that justify you trying to steal something from ME?
MM: No! No, your Honor! Im a super hero a HERO I never steal from others Im one of the good guys!
CJ: Im not sure that your victim the Well of the Furies would feel the same way, son. But, thats beside the point. I find in judgment of the Well of the Furies. Now comes the real question. You going to give those powers back willingly?
MM: What?! Give give my powers back? Give back my my Precious? No no we loves the Precious we shants give it back not back to the filthy thieveses
CJ: Very well. The court, in accordance with the Well of the Furies wishes, officially presses criminal charges against Maverick Man
MM: Thats Marvie-Ma hey wait Maverick Man I like that maybe I can purchase a name change token
CJ: Stay focused, son. You have been charged with theft of super powers and the court finds you guilty of the same
MM: That was quick.
CJ: Ive got a case load the size of Texas and an ulcer Ive nicknamed Boomtown Im not in the mood to dilly-dally. Sentencing for the crime shall now commence. Marvie-Man
MM: Thats Maverick Man, your honor.
CJ: (Long pause while he wrestles with homicidal impulses.) Fine. YOU. THE GUILTY ONE WITH THE PINK SPANDEX TIGHTS. Your sentence shall be six shifts towards Vigilante status. You shall also lose any accumulated temp powers due to loyalty to heroic ideals. This case is closed.
MM: Thats it? Six shifts towards Vigilante? No prison time Not even any community service?
CJ: Son, this is Paragon City No one ever goes to jail here. Even the petty criminals just fade out to be recycled back onto the streets in a few minutes. And as far as community service heh have you ever gotten paid for one rescue, one defeat of some power hungry goon?
MM: Well no I get influence but you cant even get a cheap cheeseburger with that these days
CJ: (Smiling a very wide, very predatory, leering grin.) Then son you been doing Community Service from the moment you stepped into Outbreak.
Bailiff Man: Our next case is ready to go, your Honor Well of Furies versus The Fuschia Crusader.
CJ: Crud see em in I can see where this is going I get the feeling these cases are gonna be even worse than the Jell-O Gelatin Brand Products versus Hamidon case.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw