Alternative to Crab Spider Soldier Nuke Power
*Gets all pissy*
Interesting, but I like it. /signed.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
It also gives the power a chance of doing absolutely nothing. About 28% using your numbers, if my math is right which it might not be. I would suggest having at least one of the effects (Probably the damage) be guaranteed with the others at varying chances, rather than a straight 33% chance of everything. Especially if you're going to give it a full tier 9 crash, which neither of the VEAT nukes have at present.
Each of these will have a 33% chance of being inflicted on any one enemy. This would reflect, say, if an enemy is hit with just one grenade blast, or two, or rarely, all three, and be a bit less "overpowered". |
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
The thing here is that the damage is full regardless. The SECONDARY EFFECTS (Knockdown, -Resistance, Immob, etc) have a 33% chance each of going off. However, I increased the KD chance to 100% and -res/-immob to 50% each.
It also gives the power a chance of doing absolutely nothing. About 28% using your numbers, if my math is right which it might not be. I would suggest having at least one of the effects (Probably the damage) be guaranteed with the others at varying chances, rather than a straight 33% chance of everything. Especially if you're going to give it a full tier 9 crash, which neither of the VEAT nukes have at present.
Oh, sorry. I must've misread.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Simply put, Why?
What reason is there for Crabs to get alternate T9s? No other set has one and giving Crabs one would set precedence for everyone to clamor about getting alternate powers for their pet powerset or Archetype.
(And no, alternate Grenades for Soldiers and Follow Up/Build Up in Widows don't count as an established precedent, Those are to prevent power redundancy and/or potential overpowering.)
@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too

Because I think it's a good idea and fits my tastes better than the current one. That's reason enough for me to suggest it.
Simply put, Why?
What reason is there for Crabs to get alternate T9s? |
You seem to forget that Soldiers of Arachnos aren't "other archetypes." They are epic archetypes tied to a specific backstory with their own unique power selections.
Your right every set should have second option for many of its defunct powers. I am more then positive the Devs track every AT and every power. They exactly know what is hot and what is not or was never hot to begin with. So this would be a great way to spice up a set without effecting this "Cottage rule" they hold so near and dear close fist against their chests.
Simply put, Why?
What reason is there for Crabs to get alternate T9s? No other set has one and giving Crabs one would set precedence for everyone to clamor about getting alternate powers for their pet powerset or Archetype. (And no, alternate Grenades for Soldiers and Follow Up/Build Up in Widows don't count as an established precedent, Those are to prevent power redundancy and/or potential overpowering.) |
Do a T9 for each power set or just redo your lowest used set and work your way up. I'm more then positive the community would give input if asked about each set options. Heck make a contest out of it. The first person to post a good idea for a secondary wins something at the end. If a person post repeatedly good ideas he gets a larger prize, EG some Alienware laptop or something.
I know when they asked for animations ideas they ended up with tons more then they knew what to do with. Probably spawned new ideas and powers set if anything.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I didn't forget, it's just irrelevant.
You seem to forget that Soldiers of Arachnos aren't "other archetypes." They are epic archetypes tied to a specific backstory with their own unique power selections.
They're established Archetypes with established power selections that would be, for no reason other than "just because," getting this niftly little added feature. (At this point if ANY archetype really needs improvement it's Kheldians.)
@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too

Before everyone gets all pissy, I'm not advocating the removal of Omega Maneuver. I'd just like an alternate level 32 power choice (that will, say, "lock out" Omega Maneuver if taken, to give people an either-or choice.) Here's my idea.
32 - Grenade Barrage: Ranged (Location Targeted AoE (30ft radius, 16 max targets)), Superior Damage (Smashing/Lethal), Superior DoT(Toxic), -Res(All), Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge, Foe KD, Self -End, -Recovery
You launch several fragmentation, venom and web grenades from all four arms of your Crab Spider backpack at a targeted area. They explode and deal severe damage to all enemies caught in the radius, inflicting a variety of effects from the different grenade detonations. Due to the amount of energy and ammunition needed to perform this feat, you will lose a substantial amount of Endurance and be unable to recover it for a short while. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Long (6 minutes)
To prevent this from being -too- powerful in terms of secondary effects, here's what I propose. You have the three types of grenade effects: Fragmentation KD, Venom -res and Web immob and -recharge. Fragmentation secondary effect is guaranteed at 100%, while venom and web grenades are both 50% possible. This would reflect, say, if an enemy is hit with just one grenade blast, or two, or rarely, all three, and be a bit less "overpowered". As for the -end and -recovery? Same as any other tier 9 nuke.