Power set: Dimension Armor
Looks alright, I'm neither for nor against any particular aspect of it.
There are however two issues with Gravity Well:
1. There's already a power called Gravity Well in game, so the name would have to be different.
2. There's no way to make an "Attract" power using the existing game engine. It's been suggested and discussed ad nauseum. Castle (the former Powers Dev) has stated in no uncertain terms that there's no reliable way to make it work using the tech that the game is based on.
Probably the closest you could do (standard code rant applies) is a PBAoE Teleport Foe that ports affected mobs to your location.

Here is a thought for a Tank/Scrapper/Brute armor. Out of Phase could be altered slightly to become a Stalker stealth, possibly removing Dopleganger for a placate.
For one: why would you replace the mez protection for hide? That makes no sense.
For two: placate is in their primary, not their secondary.
And three: why would a Brute want a doppelganger? That's just aggro not building him fury.
Just for parity, a stalker version of this set might be:
1. Hide.
2. Time Loop
3. Massive Density
4. Heat Slump
5. Out of Phase
6. Doppelganger
7. ? Antipode? (what is this, exactly? your description doesn't make sense to me)
8. 'Gravity Well' (need another name, and there is no repel toward...I figure this power is more useful than Time Warp. Basically, exchange Time Warp for Hide on Stalkers)
9. Warp Reality
So the major swap for Stalker is taking out Time Warp, sticking in Hide and shifting up Doppelganger to a lower level. I feel that'd work way better (either set up) on a Stalker than it'd ever could on a Tanker or Brute.

Renamed Gravity Well as Warp Space, changed it for a teleport, as suggested, and changed the effects to be more in line with similar powers.
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Renamed Gravity Well as Warp Space, changed it for a teleport, as suggested, and changed the effects to be more in line with similar powers.
Make it a long recharging click (I seriously doubt a toggle TP is even possible...what would that even do? constantly teleport stuff around you...even if they're already right in your face?) with a wide range (20ft) that TPs foes around you. Switch the stun for a sleep and suddenly, that whole placating targets onto your teammates isn't so bad when you can huddle them up in one spot for them.
It just seems way too tactical a maneuver for a Brute/Tank. Besides, they have taunt which applies -range. They don't need a 'tp to me' move

The "Dimension Armor" sounds like Dark Armor plus Dark Melee, with some Phase Shift (Concealment pool) and Teleport Foe.
The base resistance numbers are too high. 35% is the highest base on any tanker resistance set (Electric), and your base for S/L is 5% higher.
I'd look at the vase values of other tanker sets and adjust yours accordingly.
Don't really see any major problems with the rest of it though.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
/Signed. I like the idea, and hope the Devs will, too.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
Here is a thought for a Tank/Scrapper/Brute armor. Out of Phase could be altered slightly to become a Stalker stealth, possibly removing Dopleganger for a placate.
So, I know the devs probably aren't up for creating a new power set right now, but this one seemed fun to me. Hope everyone else likes it as well.
1) Massive Density: (Increases your physical density protecting you well against smashing and lethal damage, and providing a minor resistance from all other damage types except psionic. It slows your run speed and reduces your jump height.) Toggle: +res (all but psionic) -spd -jump
res(S/L) 40%
res(E/NE/F/C/T) 5%
Self: Spd -10%
Self: Jump -20%
2) Time Loop: (You loop yourself back in your own time line healing some of your damage, and improving your regen for a short period. Your knowledge of coming events also makes it harder for enemies to hit you.) +Health +Regen +def(melee)
Heal: 20%
Regen: 100%
Def(Melee): 5%
Duration: 40s
Recharge: 90s
3) Heat Sump: (You have connected yourself to another dimension using it to regulate your temperature. It gives a large resistance to fire and cold based attacks. It also provides some protection from slow effects.) Toggle: +res (Fire/Cold) +res(slow)
res(F/C) 30%
res(slow) 40%
4) Antipode: (You link yourself to a dimension in winch all energy is polar opposite to this one resulting in the charges canceling each other out. Remaining energy is converted into endurance.) Toggle: +res(energy/negenergy) +Special
res(E/NE) 30%
OnDamage +1 End
5) Out of Phase: (You move yourself partially out of phase with reality protecting you from most status effects, as well as making you harder to hit with area and ranged attacks.) Click +def(AoE) +res(Hold, Sleep, Disorient, Immobilize, KB, Repel, Phase)
def(AoE) 5%
def(Range): 5%
Hold Mag 12.98
Sleep Mag 12.98
Disorient Mag 12.98
Immobilize Mag 12.98
KB Mag 6.98
Repel Mag 10
Res(Phasing) 50%
Duration: 120s
Recharge: 200s
6) Time Warp: (You greatly increase the recharge rate of your powers for a short period, but reduce your recovery for the same period of time.) Click: Self -recovery +rchg
Recharge Rate: +100%
Recovery: -20%
Duration: 30s
Recharge: 360s
7) Warp Space: (Foes within 40 yards can be teleported to your location. This teleportation leaves them disoriented and unable to fight for a short duration. Ripping them through space also reduces their resistance to damage.) Toggle: PBAoE(melee) Foe +Special +disorient -resistance
Effects apply every 5 seconds:
--Teleport foe to player
--Foe: Disorient Mag 3: Duration 2s
--Damage Resist: -20%
8) Doppleganger (Your ability to loop time has gotten to the point where you can make a copy of yourself. Your copy is short lived and draws away attacks meant to hit you. It can be targeted, but does no damage and can't be killed.) Click: +Special
Duration: 40s
Recharge: 180s
9) Warp Reality (You warp time and space making you able to dodge more easily and making your powers come back faster. The stress of warping reality tires you and costs all your endurance after the effect fades.) Click: +def(ALL) +Rchg +Special
Def(Melee/AoE/Range/et. all) 50%
recharge rate: 40%
After delay of 180s: End -100%
Duration: 180s
Recharge: 1000s
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