I know it'll never happen, but... Origins!
Already in game... in the existing origins.
Divine: Falling under magic, in most instances. Unless you *are* a deity of some sort, in which case, possibly natural.
Magitech: Can pick magic or technology, as needed. Which is more heavily influenced? Is it technology that helps you really focus some sort of wild innate magic, or is it magic that powers the technology? (You could even throw that in as Science, potentially.)
Psionic: Is a source but not an origin. Do these powers come naturally? Were they developed somehow? Is it a mutation, or do you have some sort of tech letting you do so?
Spirit: Again, most would put this as "Magic." You could, of course, say you have some sort of tech - or are even a ghost of some sort, which would be rather natural for you.
Quite often when someone comes up with new "origins," they're more new "themes" - but they fit in the origins that already exist. I do know, though, some people would like a dual-origin - though I think it'd raise heck with the SOs (and potentially some powers.) Not really for or against that - a bit of text explaining your choice in your bio typically covers it.
Actually, Divine and Spirit are named as separate origins by War Witch in the Origin of Power arc, as are Psychics by Sister Psyche in the same arc (although I suppose Psychics were absorb into Mutation after it came along). Magitech is describing the idea of "The whole is more than the sum of its parts", the idea that combining technology and magic can create something different from either one.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
There's a fair bit of opinion in the OoP arc. It's more obvious redside talking with ... whatever his name is, for magic (I should really be able to remember his name.)
This is, by the way, an argument I generally enjoy having ("Argument" in terms of "discussion of two opposite views," not as in "ur stoopid!" "No u!")
Take Psychic. Sister Psyche says one thing - but that's her POV. I've got characters that, in her place, would say the potential is in everyone - but at this point requires technology like theirs to bring out and utilize (tech,) or a proceedure to unlock (science,) or training to awaken (natural.)
"Divine" may have been a reference to the original idea of Incarnates (mentioned long ago as an EAT, or as the "missing origin,") but that seems more tacked on now- it's not really a "source of your core powers." But, again - I can fit that into existing origins fairly easily (as I did in the first reply.)
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I think being psychic is different from being a mutant, though there can be mutants with psionic powers, which is why some are classified as Natural and other Mutant.
As Sister Psyche suggests, psychic sensitives are people who share a common ancestry, and perhaps a shared gene passed through the generations. Skepticism of the supernatural aside, they're actually believed to exist in our Earth. It's that old lady who can always tell when it's going to rain, the guy who bends spoons with his mind, or the girl who knows who's calling her before picking up the phone. Normal people who, if left alone, are likely to to live normal, albeit unusually intuitive, lives. Of course, in the CoH multiverse where conspiracy is fact and paranoia abounds, there are natural ways to train those psychic sensitives into becoming real meta-humans, be it by making them go through the Widow training or entering the Seer Network. Natural origin, i.e., an exceptional individual that achieved their inherent meta-human potential through special training.
Then there's the red-head teenager, let's call her Green Jay, who telekinetically picks cars out of the street and can't avoid hearing the thoughts of anyone within a mile radius of her, which is driving her insane. That's definitely not natural, and she would have become a meta-human regardless of training. In fact, all training seems to be doing is helping her achieve control her abilities, actually limiting them. Mutant origin, i.e., someone who's bound to become a meta-human regardless of training or circumstance.
As a side note, contrary to Mar-vel I'd place most superhero children, the second generation if you prefer, in the mutant bracket as it is defined in CoH, i.e. people born with inherent meta-human powers. That means, for example, that Ms. Liberty would be a mutant if she were not boosting her powers with a magic belt, and Miss Liberty, her mother, would currently be classified as a mutant.
What Bill said.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
If this is what Sister Psyche says, then it definitely falls under Natural or Mutation. Either their genetics naturally result in Psychic ability (like genetics allows you to be born with 2 eyes), or a mutation in their genes gave them this ability. So quoting her is quoting a flawed reasoning. There's not a thing itself called "Psychic" that granted these abilities to them.
Think of the tough martial artist who can jump 12 feet in the air or drive his fist through a brick wall. Meta-human abilities, achieved through intense training. Then there's the twelve year old little girl carrying a stuffed bunny who can do the same. She's a mutie, he's not.
Actually, Divine and Spirit are named as separate origins by War Witch in the Origin of Power arc, as are Psychics by Sister Psyche in the same arc (although I suppose Psychics were absorb into Mutation after it came along). Magitech is describing the idea of "The whole is more than the sum of its parts", the idea that combining technology and magic can create something different from either one.
I have an alien toon who I chose a Magic origin for, as it describes his abilities better than anything else, but these abilities are passed down through a spiritual journey (rather like a native American or original Australian Spirit Walk).
Just out of interest, would you guys class him as a Natural (via training) magic or create a new 'Spirit' or even 'Alien' origin?
I have an alien toon who I chose a Magic origin for, as it describes his abilities better than anything else, but these abilities are passed down through a spiritual journey (rather like a native American or original Australian Spirit Walk).
Just out of interest, would you guys class him as a Natural (via training) magic or create a new 'Spirit' or even 'Alien' origin? |
For yours, I'd either keep Magic (requires a sort of training and preparation with a focus on abilities not "native" to them) or, if it's something someone could just stumble on because of innate ability in the race, "Natural." But magic is generally more fitting for the description you give, I think.
I have an alien toon who I chose a Magic origin for, as it describes his abilities better than anything else, but these abilities are passed down through a spiritual journey (rather like a native American or original Australian Spirit Walk).
Just out of interest, would you guys class him as a Natural (via training) magic or create a new 'Spirit' or even 'Alien' origin? |
For my characters, magic origin means:
a) a magic item that empowers my character for as long as he holds it, which can be taken away at any time - without it he would be significantly less powerful. Like an enchanted sword, a magic potion or a spell grimoire;
b) a non-scientific metaphysical change that transformed my otherwise normal character into a superhuman for good (or at least for awhile) without requiring training. Like being possessed by a demon, asking a genie in a bottle to be stronger than superman, being turned into a werewolf;
c) being a member of a race that has an unusual affinity for non-scientific supernatural phenomena without requiring any training at all. Like a fire angel, an ice demon, a lightning sorcerer or a healing god.
Things that are not magic origin for me are:
a) a normal guy who learns the words and gestures to cast certain spells. He's used training to achieve it, and if he somehow lost his memory he'd lose his powers. Natural origin;
b) a supernatural creature born with different anatomy, like a winged demon who can fly. Flying is Natural origin for him;
c) any sufficiently advanced technology that is indistinguishable from magic. Technomages are not mages, just engineers that manage to hide the secrets to their gadgets a little better than most. Tech origin.
So essencially I ask myself whether science, mutation or technology could better explain a superpower, and whether my toon would lose his powers if he lost his memory. If yes to any of those, he's not Magic Origin

Personally, I'd rather see the Origins of Power arc just removed from the game. To me, it's a fine but unfortunate example of something you see in the comics: the addition to the lore that one writer on the title thought would be a really cool idea, but everyone else just kind of coughs and shuffles their feet and (once that writer has moved on to another book) quietly agree to Never Speak Of Again.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Personally, I'd rather see the Origins of Power arc just removed from the game. To me, it's a fine but unfortunate example of something you see in the comics: the addition to the lore that one writer on the title thought would be a really cool idea, but everyone else just kind of coughs and shuffles their feet and (once that writer has moved on to another book) quietly agree to Never Speak Of Again.
As a side note, contrary to Mar-vel I'd place most superhero children, the second generation if you prefer, in the mutant bracket as it is defined in CoH, i.e. people born with inherent meta-human powers. That means, for example, that Ms. Liberty would be a mutant if she were not boosting her powers with a magic belt, and Miss Liberty, her mother, would currently be classified as a mutant.
For example, if two mutants have a child that has completely different powers than their parents, then I'd say mutant. However, if that child has powers that are similar to the parents then it shouldn't be considered a mutation. Because at that point, it's no longer deviating from the baseline of the parents. In effect you could breed these specific abilities into every following generation. It seems, to me, that you can no longer consider it a mutation, but rather a natural trait of your genetic heritage, even if part of that heritage is mutant.
I'd disagree, depending on who and what the powers are.
For example, if two mutants have a child that has completely different powers than their parents, then I'd say mutant. However, if that child has powers that are similar to the parents then it shouldn't be considered a mutation. Because at that point, it's no longer deviating from the baseline of the parents. In effect you could breed these specific abilities into every following generation. It seems, to me, that you can no longer consider it a mutation, but rather a natural trait of your genetic heritage, even if part of that heritage is mutant. |
If we're looking at several generations (and a growing population) down the line? Then I'd start leaning toward natural, essentially a new race or species/subspecies coming into being.
If I'm remembering it right, we go from (roughly) mutation -> variation -> species. I'd probably start calling it "natural" in game at the point of being a variation, where there's a discernable population breeding that trait true.
Don't recall right offhand if reproductive compatibility is the definition for "species" or not (could Mutant and Baseline Human reproduce = variant or related versus different species,) think that's considered a bit vague - but so's the definition in game.
Basically, I'd look at it this way - taking two made up character bios:
They considered it destiny they'd found each other - though in honesty it was the unusual ability they shared calling to each other. They didn't know of anyone else who shared their ability to hear others thoughts the way they did. They'd learned to hide it - and tried to teach that to their son after the neighborhood kids started avoiding the "freak."
He hid the gift, and nurtured it, using it to soothe others (or stop those that would do harm in their tracks.) Still, he wondered if there was anyone else out there to share the gift, or if he was the only one besides his parents...
They'd rounded the freaks into the valley, the priests and the special police forcing the "unclean" out of their city. Before they could "cleanse" their race of the "disease" they'd quarrantined on the isle, though, their attention was drawn back home. The war they fought entered a new phase, more bitter and ferocious than the last few years.
The gifted were forgotten. Even the isle, erased from the maps, wasn't revisited.
It was two hundred years before the rest of civilization recovered enough to leave their blasted cities. Two hundred and fifty before a small trading boat stumbled on the forgotten island.
Two hundred and fifty years of the gift breeding true in the growing, now crowded population - which chose him as their leader as they returned with the ship, exploding onto the continent with two hundred fifty years of repressed anger....
What about the guy who was resurrected by scientists after being killed by magic lightning while lifting weights in a toxic chemical vat made of robot parts?
What about the guy who was resurrected by scientists after being killed by magic lightning while lifting weights in a toxic chemical vat made of robot parts?
Killed by magic lightning: See above.
Lifting weights: Is the strength gained his power? If so, natural.
In a toxic chemical vat: Is it the basis of his powers? If so, science, most likely
made of robot parts: Assuming you mean the vat, irrelevant.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
I believe the proper response is to lean over and give whoever came up with that a smack.
They are an optional secondary thing, that is chosen with your origin. thy edon't necessarily affect what enhancements you use, etc., but they may at some times, open certain arcs up to you.
*Alien: you hail from distant planet or strange dimension
*Chi: you have learned the ability to manipulate life energy, either your own or others'.
*Ritual: You have been trained to use the natural magic energy around you. you are not innately magical, but you know how to "work the system"
*Magitech: You have learned to combine Machines and Magic. A potent mix.
*Cyborg/Robot: You don't use machines. You *are* the machine.
*Magitech: You have learned to combine Machines and Magic. A potent mix.
*Supernatural Being: You have some level of natural magic, whether you are a fairy, Gorgon, etc., or have some other claim to power.
*Spirit: You gain your powers from otherworldly spirits.
*Divine: You are a god, or descended from one. Or are a god's champion.
*Infernal: You are some sort of demon, or gain your powers from them. You may not be evil, necessarily, but sensitive entities feel discomfort in your presence.
*Spontaneous: Your parents were truly normal, genetically, but for some reason, fate decided you weren't.
*Subspecies: You come from a long line of mutants, to the point that your whole family exhibits strange physical features, like blue skin or glowing yellow eyes.
*GATTACA: your DNA has been artificially modified, on purpose or by happenstance.
*Quantum: You have been exposed to exotic energies that gave you your powers.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
I got bored one day and got the idea for new origins that I thought would be interesting.
Divine: You are empowered by the gods, be it by distant descent, or by divine providence. (Thor; Basically, like incarnates in power source, except they only start with the tiniest dribble of power.)
Magitech: You are empowered by a mixture of magic and technology, a potent mix indeed. (Anton Arcane, Tin Mage, Marks I and II)
Psionic: Your mental prowess as a Psion is unmatched. Your powers can manifest in much more than simple mental bursts, though. (Madame Xanadu, Malaise and Sister Psyche. There's actually an in-universe explanation for this one.)
Spirit: You have some contact with the spirit world, be it through reincarnation, a spirit guide or a direct physical bond. (Aang, The Banished Pantheon)
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.