Chuck Season Finale

Dark One



Wow...that Decker guy is a right dink.

Knew Morgan was going to say that final line, but it would be hilariawesome to see him getting the spotlight.



Fine season finale. Chuck was being totally badazz.



So Chuck and Sarah are now independently wealthy, owns that BuyMore store, have there own little private spy agency and Morgan is now, well, you know.

I'm willing to watch 13 episodes of that.

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I enjoyed it and I'm sure I'll love the next season. Yet I absolutely hate that they fell back on "Chuck loses the intersect" which has been done to death.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Ya, but this opens the way for Chuck to become Charlie. Granted, Morgan makes a pretty hairy Angel, but still.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I enjoyed it and I'm sure I'll love the next season. Yet I absolutely hate that they fell back on "Chuck loses the intersect" which has been done to death.
True, but it put him in the position to be the "Hero" without the aid of the computer. And we know he will get it back. Wasn't his dad's computer locked up in Castle anyway?

I really liked this episode, loved chuck saving the day, loved Casey being his usual self, nice back and forth with a new Villain with Decker. All around good stuff. And they finally got married, which is nice.

Saw it coming with him Buying the Buy More.

In 4 seasons this show has developed a lot. Chuck has gone from hapless Nerd who worked at the Nerd herd, his biggest worry was weather or not to go management, who didn't graduate college: to super wealthy, super spy, buy more owning guy married to hot blonde spy, running his own spy company....

That's good stuff right there.

My only hope is that they don't turn around and immediately put him back in the CIA next season. Last season he left the CIA and the Buy More burnt down, so it seemed like he would be on his own, or on his own with Sarah etc but then within 2-3 episodes he was back at CIA , back ad Buy More and back to a similar formula.

The their's Decker telling him he was a pawn in a much, much larger game, which obviously set's up some intrigue and all. Love the concept, can't wait to see what the big bad pulling the strings is all about. Any odd's on Chuck's dad still being alive some how?

Anyway, solid finale, can't wait til season 5!

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