Sgu 5/2
I rewatched the episode last night and when Dr Panic was freaking out over the newspaper he found I started wondering how the Destiny descendants managed to build an advanced society and colonize many planets using the Stargates when we now know the drones track Stargate use and attack/destroy anything resembling alien tech on the planets where they reside.
Also if the drones have enough ships to blockade every star Destiny can use to refuel as well as (according to previews) every planet with a stargate, and they can have forces respond to an unexpected stargate activation (last episode) in a few hours then their resources must number in the thousands and be spread over vast distances.
Oh and if the previews are correct that the drones are blockading the Stargates that are on planets that means they must have the locations of all the stargates on file somewhere. That also might mean that they can track the way Stargates update their coordinates thru subspace. Otherwise there is no way they could know where all the Stargates are located if they aren't being used.
No. The Destiny is: A. Millions of years old. Their defensive systems are pretty much on their last legs B. Not a warship C. Still heavily damaged from previous encounters with the drones and other hostile races they've encountered. D. in the episode with the duplicate Destiny they had a chance to double their firepower but because Rush-2 killed Telford-1 they didn't have time to grab the component. |
Aaww man, you're such a party-pooper

I'm curious how they would have fixed everthing with the Season 3 opener (that is if they leave us hanging with "we're going to die.....fade to black" scene.).
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
I rewatched the episode last night and when Dr Panic was freaking out over the newspaper he found I started wondering how the Destiny descendants managed to build an advanced society and colonize many planets using the Stargates when we now know the drones track Stargate use and attack/destroy anything resembling alien tech on the planets where they reside.
Possibly, the drones simply didn't exist 2000 years ago.
Also if the drones have enough ships to blockade every star Destiny can use to refuel as well as (according to previews) every planet with a stargate, and they can have forces respond to an unexpected stargate activation (last episode) in a few hours then their resources must number in the thousands and be spread over vast distances. |
Oh and if the previews are correct that the drones are blockading the Stargates that are on planets that means they must have the locations of all the stargates on file somewhere. That also might mean that they can track the way Stargates update their coordinates thru subspace. Otherwise there is no way they could know where all the Stargates are located if they aren't being used. |
Why exactly they didn't go out of their way to destroy the gates previously is a mystery.
Remember, there's been a time-slip event here too.
Possibly, the drones simply didn't exist 2000 years ago. |
The drones have a simple directive. Find and destroy all technology not their own. There is no escaping them thru a stargate since they detect and attack both the point of origin as well as the destination.
So as soon as they showed up they would have started attacking and destroying any species using stargates. So unless the drones are travelling thru the universe seeking out tech to destroy and only arrived in that part of the galaxy around the same time as Destiny arrived the human descendants should all be dead.
At least that's my POV.
Right. It's another one of those poorly concieved plots we are just supposed to ignore that has plagued this series from season 1.
It doesn't matter if the drones didn't exist 2000 years ago. They arrived at some point during the recent times that the Destiny colonists were using the gates and since the drones can track gates being used they would know exactly where the colonies and their homeworld were and destroyed them.
It's also possible that Destiny dragged the drones into an area they hadn't previously expanded into (or hadn't expanded into YET).
It's also possible that the drones are only semi-active. They remained dormant in that debris field for how long? It's only when presented with an enemy that actually avoids destruction that they maintain higher levels of activity and move around more.
Their programming could be as "simple" as "destroy any alien tech that crosses your path". Not "seek out alien tech and destroy it".
The former is a more economical use of resources as they kill anything within their sphere of influence and don't waste amounts of energy poking into every single corner of creation hoping to find something to destroy.
In a way, they're similar to the situation with the Wraith from SG: Atlantis. You had a limited population of them awake at any one time, carrying out limited operations to keep themselves going.
Then the humans blundered in and woke them ALL up.
My thought on it is that the drones had wiped out all technology in the area and then went into hibernation mode. They didn't wipe out the gates because the gates weren't being used at that point in time.
Then the Destiny Duplicates created technology and used the gates but the drones still slept on because they were hibernating and no active scanning for technology was taking place. That's why the DDs were able to build a society without interference.
Then Telford's aliens blundered into or close enough to a group of drones to wake them up. At that point the drones started out on their quest to wipe out technology again including active detection. But, they still could only detect low level technology at a limited range. Ordinary broadcast technology still only travels at the speed of light. The DDs were several gate jumps away which would mean it would be a long time before the radio waves created by their civilization could reach the area where the drones were.
Then Destiny came through using a stargate at each of their stops. It was like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the drones to follow. However the drones they are meeting up with now are most likely from another hive that was awakened by an encounter. So Pittsburgh managed to drones around that cluster of planets by fleeing from gate to gate while trying to get away.
Now in the finale either Eli will come up with a virus that will spread through the drone fleet causing them to regard even other drone technology as targets. Or it will be unresolved and we can assume that the drones are going to now keep spreading out in that area until all of the DDs are blasted back to caveman level at which point the drones will go back into hibernation.
And as a final thought. Maybe the reason the planet of the intelligent beasts didn't use technology and tried to kill the crew of the Destiny is because they knew those idiots were probably waking up the drones. And the beasts themselves were caveman level types from a previous drone purge.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Next week is the series finale. Looks like it will be a cliffhanger with no resolution.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.