Alignment, Merit farming, and Ouroboros..
If I understand your question, the answer is no.
Only heroes have access to Fort Trident and only villains have access to the Crucible, Vigilantes and Rogues do not. Neither do they earn A-Merits when they reinforce their alignment. When a vigilante/rogue completes a morality mission they earn reward merits.
And should you have A-merits when you switch alignment from hero to vigilante or to rogue you lose any A-Merits that you might have.
If you want to farm merits to convert to A-Merits using the 50 reward merits + $20,000,000 you need to be either a hero or a villain.
Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006
If I understand your question, the answer is no.
Only heroes have access to Fort Trident and only villains have access to the Crucible, Vigilantes and Rogues do not. Neither do they earn A-Merits when they reinforce their alignment. When a vigilante/rogue completes a morality mission they earn reward merits. And should you have A-merits when you switch alignment from hero to vigilante or to rogue you lose any A-Merits that you might have. If you want to farm merits to convert to A-Merits using the 50 reward merits + $20,000,000 you need to be either a hero or a villain. |
K got that.
So spend all merits before conversion otherwise gone, got it. Then only full hero gets fort trident, and crucible for villains.
Rogues and Vigilantes get regular merits (not A merits) for reinforcing alignment, so, those can be converted with 20mil at 50 to 1...
Now, when you fully convert say from villain to hero, do the mission arcs in ouro, convert as well. For example, will my villain (once a full hero) have full access to mission arcs thru ouro even thou he never did any contacts blueside?
i can go to ouro as a hero, and choose blueside arcs, and generate regular merits again?
Appreciate the response.
There are two Ouro's, blue side and red side. When you change sides you gain access to that sides Ouro and all badge arc's are available to everyone even if they've never been introduced.
Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006
K got that.
So spend all merits before conversion otherwise gone, got it. Then only full hero gets fort trident, and crucible for villains. |
Rogues and Vigilantes get regular merits (not A merits) for reinforcing alignment, so, those can be converted with 20mil at 50 to 1...
Now, when you fully convert say from villain to hero, do the mission arcs in ouro, convert as well. For example, will my villain (once a full hero) have full access to mission arcs thru ouro even thou he never did any contacts blueside?
i can go to ouro as a hero, and choose blueside arcs, and generate regular merits again? Appreciate the response. |
Heroes and Vigilantes have Blue-Ouro access, and Villains and Rogues have Red-Ouro access.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
If I am understanding your thought process, not quite. You can earn Reward Merits instead of Alignment Merits as a Rogue or Vigilante, but you cannot convert them into A-Merits until you are full Hero or Villain again. The conversion is done inside Fort Trident/The Crucible which as mentioned is for full heroes/villains only. If your target is A-Merits, you might as well do your tip missions as a Hero/Villain and get them directly rather than going Rogue/Vig and doing reinforcement there and then needing to do another set to go back Hero/Vill to convert then another set to go back Rogue/Vig. By the way, you get 30 Merits for the first Rogue/Vig reinforcement and 60 for each subsequent one. (Compare to 50 for the first Hero/Villain and 1 A-Merit for subsequent ones.) |
That was my confusion then.
Just stay where i am for now. Keep doing the alignment missions, buy what i need. Didn't know you got so many reward merits for subsequent alignment missions! My thought was to switch sides (for better mission reward merits) to convert to A-merits in Fort Trident. Then switch back for access to zones.
So its best to repeat alignment missions, until you are ready, just easier that way (based on my situation). When the build is finished, then i can switch.
Thanks for the help guys! You are a great!
Something that might help with your confusion if it comes up again. Try to not think of them as a-merits. Think Hero Merits, and Villain Merits. Cause there aren't any Vigilant Merits, or Rogue Merits.
Essentially Heroes and Villains get their own type of merits to use because they're staying Heroes or Villains. That's their bonus.
Vigilantes and Rogue's bonus is getting access to both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.
But to your other question... you can "buy" a hero or villain merit every 20 hours with 50 regular merits and 20 million influence, and you can do 5 tip missions (alignment missions) every 20 hours... and after you reach 10 hero or 10 villain alignment missions completed you will be able to do a morality mission immediately, and your reward for doing that will be 50 regular merits the first time you confirm your hero or villain status, and 1 hero or 1 villain merit the second time and every time after that.
So, for example: My Night Widow Miss Shinobu. Once I was above level 20 (actually 27) I spent two days to take her rogue, two more days to take her hero, Two days later I confirmed my hero alignment and got 50 regular merits, two days after that I did it again and got a hero merit. I spent these. Then, having reached level 43 or 44, my build required that I complete Ghost Widow's patron arc for access to the Soul Mastery villain epic pool (technically any of the villain patron arcs open up access to all patron pools these days). So i spent 2 days going vigilante, 2 more days going villain, did Ghost Widow's arc, then spent 2 more days going rogue and 2 more days turning hero again. Full circle and back again!
After that, I confirmed my hero alignment, got the 50 regular merit reward, and after that I would earn hero merits again.
A bit later, having earned several hundred regular merits through task forces, I decided I wanted to buy a PvP Glad Armor +3% defense IO. These can be purchased for 30 hero merits. So I used my night widow Miss Shinobu to buy a hero merit every day, and do 5 tip missions every day (with a morality mission every 2nd day). In this way I earned 3 hero merits every 2 days. When possible I also did TFs or ran Ouro arcs so that I wouldn't run out of regular merits, and I had my 30 hero merits in 20 days.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Questions about Ouro and alignment. I been looking and reading, just not stumbled over the answers i am looking for. Maybe i missed it..maybe i just haven't gone back far enough in the forums..
Mostly gone from the game, but kinda keeping up. Recently started playing again. My builds were in pretty good shape before, but from what i am seeing about the new incarnate abilities, and trials, it seems i need to push all the 50s up to a higher level. I need just a select, few recipes, like two LOTG and Miracles/Numinas procs etcs to really push the builds out there. Most of the real builds are done, i just figured i would never get those special IOs.
Generally, I need to be able to solo content, and get rewards just because i don't have to time to run alot of teams and stuff. And i don't mind the time if it gets me the selective recipes i need. That way, when i start more of the incarnate powers and trials (BAF), i have the rest of builds done...
I know i can purchase most of what i need at the A-merit store in Fort Trident, and The Crucible but that if I don't change sides. I would also like to open the toons up, to have more access and more play. Pull the brute to rogue or vigilante, and controller and tank to rogue..
My questions is this, Blueside Merit farming (using regular mission arcs thru ouro) generally yield alot more merits than red side. I can then add the mission merits 50 to 1 for A merits. So doing alignment missions (10 mission, alignment mission = 1 A merit). Thats cool, can you do 10 tips and alignment mission for rogue/vigilante that also yields one merit?
So i can keep reinforcing my status (rogue/vigilante) with 10+Align for one A merit, then add a couple long blue side merit arcs and convert to A merits (50 to one), i can then basically generate two A merits decently fast using both alignment and ouro?
For example with my brute, from rogue to hero, then back to vigilante? when he goes back to vigilante, will he have blueside ouro (mission arcs), and have acess to Fort trident and botler for recipes?
is this correct?