The vanguard pack?
Seriously. What did they say that was so confusing?
Why were you expecting this when the exact contents of the pack were revealed months ago?
Seven Years of Super Rewards Seven Stars, a new chest emblem that will remind everyone of your experience as a Hero or Villain. The Constant, a new badge and title that highlights your dedications and unswerving determination. Loyalty, a new emote that you can use to brag about your alignment in style. The Vanguard Pack includes all Vanguard costume pieces including: Vanguard Hat, Chest, Belt, Gloves, Shoulders, Pants, Boots. It also includes the following weapons customizations: Assault Rifle, Axe, Bow, Claws, Dual Blades, Katana, Swords. Finally, the Vanguard Costume change emote is also included. |
Because I wasn't paying attention to the contents, only the requirements. I'm cool with it, I'm now saved the agony of spending the Vanguard merits on the rest of my toons.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Because I (like many folks) have over two dozen alts, I would really like to not accidentally spend vanguard merits for something I cant reasonably keep track of for that many alts.
Especially when the game already does this for me, except for this vanguard pack for some reason. If I had only a single character, then what you say makes much more practical sense. Also, if you tend to take long breaks from the game, I wouldn't expect people to remember every little thing their character has gotten over the years. I hope this clarifies the perspective I'm coming at this problem from. Edited: for grammar and spelling boo boos. |
Not sure I understand your confusion here. ALL your characters from now to death of the game have all the Vanguard costume pieces, so you never ever have to buy one again. Different characters that you have don't have different ones unlocked. Characters you haven't even made have them all unlocked.
(Note that I'm not saying the devs should not take the costume items out of the purchasable list. It would be much less cluttered to have them removed. But there should no longer even be a reason to go into that sub-tab in the first place.)
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
Because I (like many folks) have over two dozen alts, I would really like to not accidentally spend vanguard merits for something I cant reasonably keep track of for that many alts.
Especially when the game already does this for me, except for this vanguard pack for some reason. If I had only a single character, then what you say makes much more practical sense. Also, if you tend to take long breaks from the game, I wouldn't expect people to remember every little thing their character has gotten over the years. I hope this clarifies the perspective I'm coming at this problem from. Edited: for grammar and spelling boo boos. |
You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. All you have to remember is that you have all the Vanguard costume pieces on your account. So from now on you only have to buy the temp powers for your characters. It's that simple.
As for Vanguard costume recipes appearing on the crafting table, that doesn't matter because the game won't let you craft a costume recipe that has already been unlocked. I know because I've forgotten what I had unlocked on other characters and when I've tried to craft a Vanguard costume piece I already unlocked the game wouldn't let me.
What I'm asking for seems to me to be a very reasonable fix.
Not sure I understand your confusion here. ALL your characters from now to death of the game have all the Vanguard costume pieces, so you never ever have to buy one again. Different characters that you have don't have different ones unlocked. Characters you haven't even made have them all unlocked.
(Note that I'm not saying the devs should not take the costume items out of the purchasable list. It would be much less cluttered to have them removed. But there should no longer even be a reason to go into that sub-tab in the first place.) |
Not everything is removed from the vanguard list of purchasable items, it would be nice if it continued to work as it has on live, once you have an item, it no longer shows up as purchasable, also, it's not just the costume pieces, I also noticed the issue for the costume change emote as well.
You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. All you have to remember is that you have all the Vanguard costume pieces on your account. So from now on you only have to buy the temp powers for your characters. It's that simple.
As for Vanguard costume recipes appearing on the crafting table, that doesn't matter because the game won't let you craft a costume recipe that has already been unlocked. I know because I've forgotten what I had unlocked on other characters and when I've tried to craft a Vanguard costume piece I already unlocked the game wouldn't let me. |
Also, what you claim doesn't actually work that way, I just checked at the time of this post to be certain of my memory, and items that I purchased on my main character, as far as costume pieces, and costume change emotes, and the backpack, etc, do not show up at all, I cannot even try to purchase them as the option no longer exists.
And that is all I am asking for, that it continues to work that way for items unlocked via the Vanguard pack.
I just confirmed that it does indeed eat your vanguard merits when you attempt to purchase an item that shows up in the vanguard crafting table that is part of the vanguard pack. It took 50 merits, and removed the chest detail from the list after the purchase, even though it is part of the vanguard pack. So yes, I can see folks accidentally clicking on items that they already have by accident because of this.
"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.
"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.
That's great news then!
Also, what you claim doesn't actually work that way, I just checked at the time of this post to be certain of my memory, and items that I purchased on my main character, as far as costume pieces, and costume change emotes, and the backpack, etc, do not show up at all, I cannot even try to purchase them as the option no longer exists.

If the items that you already unlocked don't appear on the list anymore because you can't get them more than once on a character then you don't have to worry about remembering that they were unlocked.
And it's obvious why the devs programmed it so the Vanguard costume recipes would disappear after being unlocked because Vanguard recipes can't be traded. So the Vanguard list only shows you what you can still buy and craft. It makes the list less confusing.
If the items are still showing after the Vanguard pack was rewarded then that's a bug that needs to be reported.
Yes, that's what I've been suggesting all along.
That's great news then!
![]() If the items that you already unlocked don't appear on the list anymore because you can't get them more than once on a character then you don't have to worry about remembering that they were unlocked. And it's obvious why the devs programmed it so the Vanguard costume recipes would disappear after being unlocked because Vanguard recipes can't be traded. So the Vanguard list only shows you what you can still buy and craft. It makes the list less confusing. If the items are still showing after the Vanguard pack was rewarded then that's a bug that needs to be reported. |

The vanguard pack isn't removing the items from the list of purchasable goods.
"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.
"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...