Judgment powers unbalanced? Cryonic gets better above tier 1?




honestly, i agree, i love it but a scrapper tanker or brute, particularly a ma one tends to find themselves ringed by enemies to properly leverage dragons tail(i suspect claws and sword users are in similar situations), to work with a cone means an often inconvenient repositioning, to agoid hitting small subset of the crowd, a 90 degree cone would be a good start.



I swotched out Void for Cryonic because of the nature of Void being a PBAoE and my toon being a controller. Just did not work as well as I would have liked, however Cryoninc shouted to me the loudest.

Mainly because the tier three has a hold proc and that helps a lot when I am focusing on building magnitude.

Each of the types is very dependent on what it is that you are looking for.

Actually all of the Incarnate powers generally are.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Mainly because the tier three has a hold proc and that helps a lot when I am focusing on building magnitude.
Ionic also has a hold proc, you know.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
I personally would go Radial for any Judgement power. Pretty much all Core Judgement powers do the same damage, including a 20% chance for about 37% more damage. With the exception of Pyronic's extra damage, the only difference between the Core ones is the location or max targets, and none of the Core ones have any cool secondary effects.
I would go core on Pyronic, and maybe Ion depending on what you're going for. Radial for everything seems like a good choice though -- other than Pyronic which has kind of lame Radial bonuses.

Ion, Void, and Cryonic only get the 20% damage proc. Which on the whole isn't that great (on average it only adds about 32.126 damage at rare, which is only about 7.5% more damage). Pyronic at its best, however, adds a lot more damage (102.816, which is about 24% more damage). If it's your goal to just do lots of damage, Pyronic is the way to go. If however you want to debuff or mez, the other powers have great options. In my opinion, Void has the best debuff.

It's worth noting though that Ion has some interesting perks that make it worth having. It hits a huge number of targets (up to 40) and the chain mechanism allows it to leap to nearby spawns or even hit the same target more than once. Its secondary effect of end drain is also not very useful unless you're already doing end drain, so in the context of a not super useful Radial effect, it may be worth taking Core anyway. Unless the hold is valuable to you (it's mag 4, but the duration is short and the proc is low chance).

In answer to the OP, I don't think Cryonic is very good. I would stick with the Pyronic. And no, you can't as of yet break down powers (my Dom has a Musculature laying around I wish I could do something with).

All the info for all the stuff can be found in my guide too, if anyone wants to see an out-of-game reference list.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.